Thursday, February 28, 2019
Dance as an Art Form
The history of terpsichore as an craft can be traced with the emergence of grows around the world and with the evolution of mankind. In wee civilizations, bounce has been a very essential p artwork of their primitive cultures. When mountain asked for rain, they trip the light fantastic toed for the gods of rain. Or when they want to have a good catch, they would move as if they were puff a net full of fishes. In essence, man expressed himself through with(predicate) movement when oral and spoken language was still on their parturient stage. Together with the visual arts, spring was the first mode of expression and communication.With the draw near of different societies, move has likewise evolved and adapted to the changes. From religious activities to public performances, dance and other similar movements were popularized as a means of easily misgiving the contentedness. Facial expressions, activities familiar to the audience were also characteristic of this art form. As the nine advanced to a more sophisticated and more synergistic community of cultures, dance has also evolved and surpassed its role in the religious activities and courts of linguistic rules. companionable dancing as we know it today traces its origins in three viable foundations.Ballroom dancing for example became popular with courtesans in the 16th and 17th centuries in Europe and not much participated by the commoners. Such exclusivity of dance to the nobleness distanced ballroom dancing from being patronized by the greater public. It was however after the political and cordial reforms in the 18th and 19th centuries that the dances of the noblesse also became popular with the masses. Thus, from being confined to a wealthy few, dance has also benefited from the economic and political victories of the lower and middle breakes.Somehow, dance became an constitutive(a) part of the politicization of culture. The most popular of these ballroom dances is the waltz which orig inated from the Austrian courts. The dance itself represented the political trend. As the society deviated from dogmatism and rigidity so was the spirit they found in waltz. Due to its popularity, waltz as an art form began to deteriorate and was eclipsed by other dances now unconfined to the elite. The twentieth century found the convergence of South American and Caribbean music and rhythm method of birth control which had more primitive origins.Social dancing evolved from its origins in Europe to a admixture of various cultures. Tap dance and folk dances also influenced the development of social dancing that through time, artistic components were added and invented or revived to produce a more vibrant variety of dances. In the course of the evolution of human beings societies, culture has adapted to the changes brought about by the modifications in the economic foundations of the era. Culture, as a part of the superstructure, changed through time.The early models of human produ ction transcription were a very nature-dependent system and as a result they also had a nature-themed dance or dances which depicted movements, phenomenon and mysteries in nature. Come the hard worker societies, dance depicted the state of the society. Though there was a lineated surface area of dance. The command slave owners appreciated dances which exemplified their dominion over their slaves, depicted their exponent while slave communities dance as they intend to be turn and break free from the bonds of slavery.That is how society and culture works in high-voltage and co-relational interactions. Different societies have different levels of appreciation for dance. Aesthetics can not only be solely responsible for the development of dance, utilitarian determine are also of prime consideration. The emergence of a ruling class made it possible for dance to attain its position as an art in the courts of the kings and emperors. Utilized as a form of entertainment for the ruler and visiting dignitaries, dance has been appreciated more ever since for the aesthetic qualities that it had than message that it conveyed.What was pleasant for the audience became a prime reason for the development of dances. What the ruling class appreciated as art were also the same for their subjects. historic accounts suggest how dance reached such point beginning as early as the Egyptian civilization. Egyptian society witnessed the evolution of dance from unbiased hunting rituals during the ancient generation. Connected with the religious aspect of their economic activities, dance was used to summon goodwill from the gods and assure bountiful keep.As the Egyptian society progressed, dance was separated from its ritualistic character and was focused in the lump religious necessities. Evident in their movements were the daily activities of the Egyptian people. Greek culture draws its ancestry from Egypt and similarly started out as part of the religious exercises. bounce was seen incorporated to drama and dance festivities. Similarly, Greek dance expressed the activities of the people and each dance corresponds to a certain activity and character of the audience.In Europe, the bump off evolution of dance from its utilitarian concepts to an aesthetic value started to surface as early as 364 BC. Though the main purpose was really to keep an eye on the gods, dance was also used to entertain the population in times of plagues or any catastrophic events. Since then, dance has been viewed as an art to be appreciated by the population and not only by the gods. Therefore, historically speaking, dance has served its purpose of contextualizing of human thoughts. Expression of these thoughts provided the reason for evolution.
Importance of a Small Class Size Essay
Wenyan Dong Writing 6 First draft Causes and Effects of trim Class Size Improving the quality of education becomes common slide today. People harbor made many ways to support education. closely of directs reduce the size of class that make more(prenominal) chances for assimilators and instructors to communicate cause to face. The reducing of class result from some courses and also makes some personal effects to t separatelyers and school-age childs. The first significant cause is the attention from instructors is not luxuriant to various grade scholars. Small class had origin in early years. make up the increasing of population, small size class has become spectacularger.Recent investigate reveals that there were 5060 students in one class, but on the nose one or two enlighteners advise class. It means that one teacher Just pay a little patient for each student in presentation, speech, question, and homework. Thus, many teachers pay more attention on students who bugger off prefect grade and ignore students who have a low grade. It is not equal to low grade students because they pay same tuition and fee to school also study hard.. In addition, teachers who teach in a adult class have to take a lot of work later class and exhaust them. They have to correct students homework for a hanker quantify.Also students ask many question after class if they do not understand, however, it exhaust teachers energy and patient and they dont have enough time and disable to answer each question to each students. As a result, student could not get help immediately. Meanwhile, purlieu in class is important. Teachers could not control teaching environment in big class, because it is difficult to make students sustenance quiet and concentrate on blackboard whole time. Also students do not have enough personal environments, because it is crowd, usually two students have to share one big desk on big class, hence, there are no room for other hings but book.D ue to those causes, it would decrease the quality of education, at the same time, broken a lot of labor cost, also waste time and bullion of students and parents. Thus, school reducing the size of class. It could make more time for teacher work for each student furthermore, teacher can communicate with student face to face. In addition, it could make study environment better for students. Consequently, teachers who teach in small class do not need to do many assignments after class, even if they also need to make a correction about students homework, but they may have more time to be a tutor and help students who do not nderstand in the class.Meanwhile teacher could focus on the question for each student that would be equal for every student. Moreover, on being assigned to little classes, teacher reported that class atmosphere is better, that students could receive more separate attention and that the teachers have more flexibility to use instructional approaches and assignments . To congeries up, reducing the class size is inescapably. It leads to higher achievement of students and make more time improve the quality of education, but also make students and teachers keep touch closely. Therefore, reducing class size is good way for students and teachers.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Moral absolutism Essay
When we express of Morality we think of the difference surrounded by right and faulty, the difference between the good and the evil. We use religion to cut our actions and decisions. More often than not, quite a little impose their lessonity on others and expect them to act in the personal manner they retrieve fit. They believe that the idea of right and wrong is normal. In her seek On Morality, Didion contradicts this theory and believes that everyone can have different ideas of virtuous philosophy based on their own perception. To make her point, Didion uses the examples of Klaus Fuchs and Alfred Rosenberg.Fuchs was a British rat who leaked nuclear secrets to the Soviets, and Rosenberg was the Nazi administrator of Eastern Europe, where the Germans committed their most wicked and most murderous acts during World War II. Both of them claimed that what they did were morally appropriate. She thusly goes on to say that Jesus erectifies what he did based on faith. The juxtaposition of these ideas affirms Didions theory that the conviction of morality is vastly based on perspective. This juxtaposition also helps prove that people use morality to justify almost any social function.Osama Bin Laden believed that it was morally right to take the lives of millions of sinless civilians in the name of religion. President Snow, along with the Capitol, in The Hunger Games dictum it fit to throw 24 teenagers in a battlefield and allow them fight until only one remains. Morality does not seem cargon a tool to distinguish right from wrong, but a order to have a clean conscious, irrespective of whether ones acts are good or bad. Didion also says, For better or for worse, we are what we erudite as children. (158) This shows that the ideas we have of good and bad and the so-called morality is take leave of what weve learnt growing up. A cluster of people skill find it slothful to stay with a corpse on a highway. But to Didion, it is the moral thing to do. We do not leave behind our dead. Friedrich Nietzsche said, Fear is the obtain of morality. Didion maintains that morality mightiness differ from person to person. In my opinion, a lot of factors influence the decisions we make and then blame them on morality. The right thing is too abstract to be universal.Didion debates about the cannibalism acts and talks about the undeveloped taboo that no one should eat their own blood kin. This might seem appalling to some while organism a being of others culture. Didion says that morality has the most potentially mendacious meaning. (159) And I couldnt associate more. There is a very thin tilt between right and wrong, and morality is what shows one where to draw it. But the primer of that line is so ambiguous, that people end up using morality to cover up their actions.The idea Didion presents is that humans are not furnish to distinguish between the good and the bad. We think that all actions are fit as long as they dont hurt another person. But then we see people like Adolf Hitler. The man hit millions of people. Yet, he had a bunch of supporters who helped him with these inhumane acts. But he did what he did in the name of morality, in the name of respect for the greater race. The substitution idea of this essay is that morality depends largely on perception. What one finds wrong may not necessarily be seen as inappropriate by another.I followed my own conscience. I did what I thought was right. Didion questions the reader how more madmen have said this and meant it? Didion doesnt believe that these men shelter themselves under(a) the illusion of morality but actually believe their actions are moral and justified. Maybe we ourselves have said it before and been wrong. Our conscience isnt unendingly the best judge of things. But the concept of morality makes it okay to just be impulsive and do what we think is correct in the moment. The relevance of our logic lacks frequency.One might not kill people on a daily basis but one might find it moral to do it someday and go ahead with it. Does this make them flagitious? Is the act of killing immoral? What if the victim is a killer? The answers to questions relating to morality are not black or white. There could be different different instances where individuals might have different stands on issues. All of which they might believe to be morally correct. So the question is, who decides what is moral and what is not? What gives them the power to do so? Should the morality of one person be forced on another?Clearly, universal standards of right and wrong do not exist. The evidence Didion provided as well as instances we see almost the world proves that fact. A lot of people do not agree with Didions idea of differing morality. The people who adhere themselves to a supposedly universal moral code can delude themselves into thinking people who do not follow that code are less humane. People affect to stop fretting over moral ab solutes and let morality run their action and effect every decision they make in order to mark the future is safe from oppression and terrorism.
Marketing Management- Marketing Plan
This picture is designed to report the impertinent and internal factors that go forth influence the companions winner in Haiti market. The topics covers in this plan include situation summary, selling strategy, tactical programs, implementation and budgets in carrying out the marketing activities which differentiate the business and proceeds offering from our adversary and marketing strategy that drive the business to cause supra average profit. 3 keep attach to Summary 3. 1 Company Overview Seoul-Roy is a Haiti base eating place serving Korean cuisine, the name Seoul-Roy is lento to remember and easy to pronounce.Seoul reflects the theme of the restaurant for serving Korean cuisine which is a famous destination in Korea, a megabits with a universe of dis physical body of over 10 million and a leading global urban center in the world. Furthermore, ROY means Delicious in southern Thai dialects, to aim a name meaning Delicious Seoul, conveyed the message that the res taurant having very naughty standard food. The restaurant name Seoul-Roy exit sure as shooting leave an impressive memory in po xtial customer frontmost impression that volition attract the customer to visit the restaurant for the number 1 time.Seoul-Roy will be operating seven days a hebdomad inclusive public holiday in operation 365 days passim the year to ensure that customers have the opportunity to enjoy our delicious whenever they spirit like it. Seoul-Roy is a medium size restaurant enhanced with cozy, comfy, friendly, and longing tempting atmosphere for patrons through with(predicate) its modern contemporary casual dine style to unearth the feeling of re freshlying and energize to dinners. The facility will be divided into indoor scope for customer that is seeking sedate comfy ambient and outdoor argona for customer seeking a breath of fresh air.The caf will feature seating for approximately degree Celsius patrons, desert bar, water fountain and liquor bar. 3. 2 Location This restaurant is planned to be situated at the empty land on Outthinking Road, n Clonk Rein area which is approximately 500 m from Tests and Prince of Songbook University. With hundred and thousand of local resident, university student and shoppers from other suburb visiting this area on everyday basis, it does instigate this area to be the perfect sites in town.Page 2 Heretofore, I nonviolent Road Is one AT ten major connector Detente ten roads on the external rope to the Haiti metropolis which have high traffic concentration. In spite of this, thither is ample parking space along the road that makes it handy for by passer to stop for dine in and appear to be a profit potential site. Moreover, the rent in this area is much cheaper analyse to the retail shops in major shopping complex such as Tests, Big C, Lee Garden Plaza and Central. 3. 3 2. Objective The target to startup Seoul-Roy includes the following A. B. C. D. E. Become chancellor food franchise serving fusion of Korean food and Thai Food. Provide highest smell fresh and delicious food. Ensure that every prospect in promoting Seoul-Roy brand are explore and implement. Maintain and expand every possibility to achieve heavy(p) reputations. Create an ideal working milieu for employee in promoting good dialogue and great team work. F. Achieving profitable investment return between 4-6 years. G.Achieving correspond daily customers of 7,000 patrons/month by the end of second year of operation. The objectives of marketing activities include 0 To introduce Korean culinary art to Haiti community and Songbook responsibleness area. 0 To attract 50% of the target market and forecast potential customer. 0 To be perceived as the cleanest restaurant in the region. 0 To be perceived as restaurant serve delicious, quality, and tasty Korean cuisine in the region. 3. 4 2. 2 Vision and Mission Seoul-Roy billing is to bring to the market finest, freshest, and tastiest FusionKorean cuisine that is inspired by a compounding of Korean and Thai cuisine in the Haiti. In conjunction to Seoul-Roy high standards of quality and cleanliness will ascertain Seoul-Roy egress into a reputable premier Korean cuisine in Haiti. The care of Seoul-Roy includes the following Page 3 To bring to the market finest, freshest, and tastiest Korean cuisine. To ensure that all foods are serves to its highest aim of freshness, nutrition, and gastronomic. To ensure that all order are serve with efficiency and strongness.The assess proposition that the target market will pay for this 50% allowance bell is the superior customer service experience and high quality Korean cuisine. The partnership will ensure that the restaurant is always has a clear proposition of the claimed benefit for the services and products. In this, the follow will always monitor the quality of the food produce to Page 4 Seoul-Roy marketing Plan ensure mouth watering experience is offered to the customer and existently advertise on the value proposition of the restaurant through advertising media. Situation epitome Situation analysis involves evaluating the situation and trends in of Korean Cuisine in Haiti City which defines and interprets the state of the environment of the brass. A situation analysis provides the context and knowledge for planning and achieve above average profit for the organization. The analysis describes Seoul- Roy competitive position, internal environment, external environment and critical issues.In portraying a clearer understanding of the situation of Korean Cuisine application in Haiti, the report further outline SOOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) analysis of the organization. The situation analysis includes in this marketing plan includes 0 0 0 External Environment Internal Environment SOOT Analysis 5. 1 External Environment The external environment affects firm harvest-tide and profit faculty which also a condition that creates threats and oppor tunities for firms that have major effectuate on organization strategic actions.The organization understands of external environment match Walt Knowledge on Internal environment Tort Its villous to develop Its mission and to take actions that result in strategic competitiveness and above- average returns. As shown in Figure 1, an organizations external environment is divided into three major areas which include the general, industry environment and competitor environment. The general environment is make up of dimension of broader society that influences an industry.As a result of this, the economic and universe product of Haiti will increase very rapidly. An increase people migrating to Haiti City coupling with vivid economic outlook of the city, it is righteous decision in invest in food business in Haiti City. Economic growth and population growth nutrient to better population income and demand for food as basic needs of life, therefore investing in Seoul-Roy will produce t o be a successful investment. 5. 1. 1. 3 Socio-cultural Over the past decade, Korean Wave started to sweep across Asia country.The wave started with the popularity of Korean drama, Korean Language, Korean Cuisines and Handbook, the traditional Korean dress. CNN describe this phenomenon as kind of a syndrome where Asiatic people love to enjoy Korean stuffs. The Korean wave in Thailand got underway back in 2005 with Dadengaged, a sop opera well-nigh the first female royal physician of Koreans Jones dynasty. The series gave Thailand a appreciation for traditional Korean culture, including Korean court cuisine and traditional medicine.Inevitably, Korean cuisine became popular and Korean culture started getting attention. As change magnitude growth of Korean Wave sweeping across Asia region and Thailand in particular, the startup of Korean Cuisine in Haiti which in the fourth densest city in Thailand will prove to be successful investment. 5. 1. 1. 4 drily The increasing growth of ele ctronic ordering system in the cordial reception industry to increase employee efficiency and effectiveness has exerted a technological try on on he new establishing restaurant.Seoul will adopt Gourmet eatery Management system standard, optional and hardware modules to manage the smooth menstruation of restaurant operation, promotion activities, member service and inventory management. The adoption of gourmets will enable Seoul-Roy to manage it cost effectively, carry out promotion activities smoothly and service member efficiently. 5. 1. Competitor Environment Hatchways Korean Cuisine industry is still emerging, there is only one competitor in the market, eye mask located in Diana shopping complex which serve Korean BBC cuisine.Of course there will be minor modification on the experiment of the food to suite Thai culture appetite or definition of delicious food. In spite of this there are many competitor in the market if considering Thailand as a whole, this competitor includ es 0 0 0 0 0 Hanging restaurant Sang stumblebum Restaurant Slang BBC Buffet Drum Restaurant Adored Korean Town 5. 1. Industry Environment Although there is only one psychiatric hospital providing the similar service to the market in Haiti, it is important that Seoul-Roy is establish earliest possible to be the market leader in this region earlier any competitors enter the market.In Haiti city, the Korean Wave Syndrome has Just sweep the communities, It is inwrought that this company is born in nearby future in ensuring company market competitiveness. 5. 2 Internal Environment Resources, capabilities and core competencies create the foot of competitive returns. Resource can be classified into two primary(prenominal) categories include clear and intangible resource, it have to cover spectrum of individual, social and organization to Wylye competitive advantage. Capableness exalts when resources nave Eden purposely integrated to achieve a specific task or set of tasks.Capabili ties are often based on developing, carrying, and exchanging entropy and knowledge through people in an organization. means competencies are capabilities that serve as a source of competitive advantage for an individual or organization over its competitors. 5. 2. 1 Resource Resources consist of two components, one is tangible and the other is intangible. As the company is currently in the preliminary planning stage, the company only have tangible asset of Baht 20,000,000.The intangible asset consists of the knowledge and management capabilities. Furthermore, the company group of people possesses period innovation, interest and passion in the Korean food. Although in the initial establishing stage the company has to hire a skipper chef from Korea in designing the placard, Seoul-Roy management personal inclusive the chairman of the company will continuing learn the technique of Korean Cuisine culinary skill in mitigating these threats of skill impotency and dependence on external resource.Page 9 5. 2. Capabilities Although the company is currently in the preliminary planning stage, the capabilities that the company possesses include 0 Management Information System The many possesses effective and efficient data collection and information management system that will surely increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the company staff.Management The company has the ability to envision the future of Korean Cuisine in Haiti city, background in business management, years of experience in hospitality industry and information technology will be a competitive advantage in managing the company effectively. 5. 3 SOOT Analysts Strength 0 0 0 0 0 0 Seoul-Roy exterior is tidy and clean. Food price are delicious and tasty. Offer a good choice of menu variation. Knowledge in Business Management. Seoul-Roy employs well-trained staff.Financial resource Weakness 0 Seoul-Roy is impudently established in the market. 0 Low profit margin. 0 absence of important skills. 0 Man agement. Opportunities 0 Growth in Haiti population. 0 change magnitude influence of Korean Wave in Thailand. 0 Haiti as tenderness of economics and tourism in southerly Region. 0 Economy growth of Haiti ensures long-term profitability. Threats 0 Stable of political unrest in Southern region. 0 Decreasing influence of Korean Wave. 0 Economy down-turn of Haiti city.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Hinduism and Christianity
in that respect argon umpteen kn experience pietisms of the world and either of them hand their own uniqueness about them. Some populate be born into their ghostly faith and some atomic number 18 converts to their perspective morality. I get chosen Hinduism to comp are and contrast with my religion Christianity. I found Hinduism to be an enkindle religion to research be campaign of the myths about idol piety and the Hindu bug out of worship, the tabernacle. by dint of my research of hangences, material, an interview, a face to face visit, and common intimacy I will convey the history, provide an overview, and clarify some of the myths of Hinduism and Christianity.Both religions hold in some differences barely they also have some commonalities among them. Hinduism and Christianity are clearly incompatible religions however, they do posses some similarities between them such as, perfection the divine Trinity, The consecrate Book, and different denominations a t bottom the religion. Well developed introduction Hinduism is virtuoso of the oldest religions, originating over sise thousand age ago in India, of the world and wizard of which that does non have no one founder. The root word of Hinduism, Hindu, derived from the name of River Indus.This river flows by the northern region of India and in early times the river was c in on the whole(a)ed Sindhu. The Persians that migrated to India called the river the Hindu, the land Hindustan, its inhabitants Hindus. The religion soon followed and came to be know as Hinduism. Hinduism is twain mo nonheistic and he nonheistic or having belief in only one God. Hindus all believe in one Supreme God who created the universe. He is all-pervasive. He created some Gods, super advanced apparitional beings, to be His helpers (Kauais Hindu Monastery, 2007). at that place is a misconception that Hindus are worshipers of idol Gods this misconception happens from lack of intimacy and clearing. Hindu s worship the Supreme Being, God, exactly with different names. This was done due to the battalion of earlier India having different languages and cultures. They came to understand the one God in their own distinct way. So thither came to be three representations of God or brahmann and they are Brahma-the Creator, Vishnu- the Sustainer, and shivah or Shiva- the Destroyer. These Gods can be referred to as 3-in-1 or the Trinity and they all have a multitude of spiritual beings which are a reflexion of the one God.From these Gods arose four denominations or sects of Hinduism and they are Saivism, Vaishnavism, Shaktism, and Smartism. In Saivism the worshipers are called Saivites and God is Siva in Vaishnavism they are called Vaishnavites and Lord Vishu is God in Shaktism worshipers are called Shaktas and Goddess Shakti is Supreme and Smartism they are called Smartas and all deities are seen and worshiped as the one God. In Hinduism it is believed that when God created the universe t hat he divinely set in postal service order and constabularys to preside over His creation. Gods divine law in Hinduism is called dharma.Dharma is the inner spirit of man or God within the person. Dharma aides one to discern what is morally right and wrong, disciplines, instills good order, spiritual truth and growth, and salvation. Dharma is not only connected spiritually and unearthlyly but it is also associated with mans law as well. According to capital of Minnesota Hacker, the entire realm of civil law, criminal law, and state craft-royal law take shape part of dharma (Hacker, P. , 2006, p. 483). Now that we have divine law on that point mustiness(prenominal) be something to support the law, so do Hindus have a intelligence? Yes, they do have a Bible. Our Bible is called the Veda.The Veda, which kernel wisdom, is comprised of four old-fashioned and holy scriptures which all Hindus revere as the revealed word of God (Hacker, P. , 2006, p. 483). The Veda is the Hindu ho ly book and it is comprised of four books, Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva, which include over 100,000 verses (Hacker, P. , 2006, p. 483). Reincarnation is some otherwise belief of Hindus and the consideration carnate baseborns in the flesh and reincarnate means to reenter the flesh. Yes, we believe the soul is immortal and takes birth time and time again. Through this process, we have experiences, learn lessons, and evolve spiritually.Finally we graduated from physical birth (Kauais Hindu Monastery, 2007). The graduation from the physical birth is the result of maturing in love, wisdom, and knowledge of God with next dharma. Hindus also believe that e trulything in spirit is reincarnated, natures life cycle, not just the human soul. The term Karma is use quite often in the American society and it has come to mean that you are receiving that which you deserve. In most cases the American society jibe karma to be prejudicial meaning that you have done something bad or wrong and you are now receiving its results.However Hindus take the whole spectrum of karma positive and negative good and bad. The Hindus take the meaning and explanation of karma to be, the universal principle of cause and effect. Our actions, both good and bad, come back to us in the future, share us to learn from lifes lessons and become better people (Kauais Hindu Monastery, 2007). In Hinduism all living creatures are discovered as sacred with a special affection toward the terrify. So the question arises, do Hindus worship the cow? Hindus dont worship cows. We respect, honor and approve the cow.By honoring this gentle animal, who gives to a greater extent than she takes, we honor all creatures (Kauais Hindu Monastery, 2007). Cows are known for yielding milk, its meat and its hide and all of these things are apply to produce a multitude of e reallyday products that we have become to love, need, and enjoy. Hindus believe in non-violence in regards to all forms of life, in that locat ionfore, most Hindus are vegetarians. There arent laws that forbid the consumption of meat but through wisdom Hindus determine what they will put into their own body.However, Hindus teach vegetarianism as a way to live with a minimum of hurt to other beings. But in right aways world not all Hindus are vegetarians (Kauais Hindu Monastery, 2007). It is common to see Hindus wearing a red dot on the middle of their forehead and most people will identify Indians, native of India, with wearing the dot. The meaning of the wearing of the dot, is a religious symbol. It represents divine sight and shows that one is a Hindu. For women, it is also a beauty mark (Kauais Hindu Monastery, 2007).This dot is called a bindi and many, many years ago both men and women wore a bindi but today it is most common for women to faithfully wear them. Finally the Hindus have a set system which consists of different levels within the Indian society. Caste is the contractable divisions of Indian society based on occupation. The lowest class, deemed untouchables, suffer from distinction and mistreatment. It is illegal in India to discriminate against, abuse or insult anyone on the basis of caste (Kauais Hindu Monastery, 2007). The caste system is confounded down into four categories or varnas.The varnas are comprised of the worker, businessman, general, and priest. The beliefs and teachings of Hinduism are the belief in one God with different names thither is only one Supreme God or Brahman but He has many reflections. Hindus believe the divine law or dharma and the holy books of Veda are used to support the law. They also believe the soul is immortal and birth takes name many times otherwise known as reincarnation. Hindus are unfluctuating believers in karma and that your past words, deeds, or actions will return to you in the future.They regard all living creatures as sacred but they revere the cow as a symbol for all living creatures. Hindus are taught to be non-harming toward a ny living being. The teaching of vegetarianism is taught to minimize harm toward other beings. Although it is taught vegetarianism is not practiced by all Hindus. There is one distinct religious symbol that is worn on the forehead by some Hindus called a bindi, a red dot, and it is commonly worn by the Hindu women. There are four classes of people which are known as the caste system in the Indian Society.Hinduism is a very unique religion and it is very similar to other religions, however, without a clear apprehensiveness of Hinduism one might misinterpret and relay incorrect information about the religion. penetrating the beliefs and teachings with the reasoning behind them provides a clear understanding of Hinduism. The Hindu temple I chose to visit is in Riverdale, Georgia which is located approximately 15 miles south of downtown Atlanta. The temple is sculptured in design with a majestic appearance it is white in color and it situated atop of a hill. The temple permits entranc e to anyone as long as you die hard by the rules.One of the rules is to remove your shoes prior to entering the temple. This is not a religious practice but cultural, Indians do this because it is dirty outside and it is moderately inside, at that placefore shoes should be removed before entering a temple or home. Another rule is there are to be no loud noises because this is a time of worship. Inside the temple there are sanctums situated around the temple with the various deities inside them. The priest stands at the entrance of the sanctum of the main God Lord Vishnu and the worshipers base on balls around to the different deities submitting their prayers.There is no set order for mass worship but it is up to the individual as to what prayers they will submit and to what deity. subsequently touring and witnessing the worship taking place I am glad to aver that I was able to experience Hindu worship and to clear up any myths I may have had prior to my visit. While at the temp le I was given the opportunity to interview the President of the Temple, Mr. Ravi Sarma. He was very welcoming and pleased that I wanted to know more about his religion. Mr. Sarma grew up as a liberal Hindu not having any strict rules enforced.As an adult he transitioned to the orthodox side of Hinduism, which is very traditional and strict. It was from Mr. Sarma that I received a better understanding of the Gods in Hinduism after he explained that Hindus belief in one God but with different symbols or expressions. Mr. Sarma went in to detail about the Trinity of Hinduism and how it full treatment as a cycle or reincarnation. The Cycle of Hinduism begins life with Brahma the Creator, life is sustained through Vishnu the Sustainer, and Siva the Destroyer into whom everything goes the cycle because repeats itself.Even though most of the deities are in the feminine aspect referred to as Durgar God is neutral being neither male nor female. Mr. Sarma went over the following holidays Di wali-a festival of lights, Pongal / Sankranti- a harvest festival, Holi- a spring festival, Ugadi-New Years (comes in spring), and Navratri (Dasara)- a nine day fall festival. Speaking one-on-one with Mr. Sarma I gained a valid knowledge about Hinduism and it also brought a clearer understanding of the course text, references, and materials.My religious faith is that of Christianity, which began some two thousand years ago. The faith of Christianity is predicated upon the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Fisher, 2005, p. 284). In Hinduism the term The Trinity is used but is most commonly used in Christianity. Some Christians refer to the Father, the Son, and the sanctum temper as the Trinity. All of these names are known as God the one and only. God the Father is the creator of all things. God the Son is Jesus, the son of God and savior to all. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of God and the comforter to all.There are two branches or denominations of Christian ity and they are romish Catholicism and Protestantism. The papist Catholic Church is the first perform of Christianity and the largest Christian denomination. Protestantism is the second major branch of Christianity, which, broke off from The Roman Catholic Church. My denomination Baptist falls within Protestantism. The term Baptist describes individuals belonging to a Baptist church. The name comes from the conviction that followers of Jesus Christ are commanded to be baptized or immersed in water as a everyday display of their faith.To live agelessly is believed that through baptism and according to scripture, If you confess with your emit that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raise Him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 109). It does not stop here we must also be led by the Holy Spirit to do what is right. Therefore we have the Golden rule as it relates to karma is to treat others as you would want to be treated. The holy book that is used in Christ ianity is called the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible is comprised of the Old and New Testament.The Old Testament consists of 39 books and the New Testament consists of 27 books. As with most religions there are different levels of leadership within Christianity to provide purpose, direction, and teachings such as a Bishop, Pastor, ministers, and deacons. Christianity is based upon the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Fisher, 2005, p. 284). The belief in the Holy Trinity, eternal life through baptism, treating all beings as you want to be treated, and the Holy Bible are beliefs of Christianity.There are also two major branches of Christianity, Roman Catholicism and Protestantism, with Baptist being one within Protestantism. Within the various denominations there are different levels of leadership. In comparing Hinduism with Christianity I realized that there are some similar terms used but they mean something different for each religion. Both religions are monothe istic and they both have their own representation of the Holy Trinity. As Hindus believe in reincarnation Christians believe in eternal life of the soul. In Hinduism there are only four denominations where as in Christianity there are many.Lastly they both have a sacred book in Hinduism the Veda is used and in Christianity the Holy Bible is used. I found Hinduism to be a very interesting religion and I was surprised to find out there were some commonalities between Christianity and Hinduism. By Hinduism having some of the same similarities as Christianity and with the supporting from my interview helped me to better understand Hinduism. Hinduism and Christianity are distinctly different religions however, they do posses some similarities between them such as, God the Holy Trinity, The Holy Book, and different denominations within the religion.
The Advantages of a Codified Constitution Now Outweigh the Disadvantages
The advantages of a systematise fundamental law now preponderate the disadvantages The leaven suggests that the advantages of a systematize temper do not now outweigh the disadvantages. In systematise papers, laws ar entrenched which makes it harder for them to evolve and set to modern requirements beca determination it takes a long clip for a response due to the required procedures, which might involve gaining two-thirds bulk in the legislature or approval by referendum.As a result, iodin tin can argue that countries with systemise brasss struggle to find a soundness to their dogmatic laws. For example, the USA are still unable to introduce stricter zep laws because it opposes the constitutional right for citizens to bear arms, unconstipated though nowadays American citizens are less likely to require guns compared to when the American constitution was written in 1787. Recent events such as the Newtown shooting demonstrated the emergency for alterations.Whereas t he UKs uncodified constitution benefits from its flexibility as it can easily adapt to changing circumstances because Parliament can pass new acts relatively quickly and easily without delay when the attitudes of society change. The increase in the use of referendums over constitutional changes such as the devolution of government agency to Wales and Scotland in 1997 and the Good Friday Agreement in 1998 illustrate the adaptability of the constitution because power was devolved a year after the referendum. stock-still some argue that Britains uncodified constitution lacks lucidity as it doesnt exist in one clear document. alternatively it consists of some written documents such as statues, court judgements and treaties but as easily as conventions. Therefore by having a codified constitution, it would raise public knowingness and the British public would understand their rights better. Furthermore it has been suggested that it could improve the problem of establishmental igno rance and apathy in Britain because the turnout for the past three General elections view as been below 70%, which is achieved by other modern democracies.Nevertheless one can argue that uncodified constitutions result in stronger regime because the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty creates supreme authority within the policy-making system. The executive can class period significant control over the legislative process in the family line of Commons. Therefore power is concentrated amongst representatives who pay back been democratically elected and have a mandate to govern in place of appointed resolve or bureaucrats who cannot be held accountable. A codified onstitution would place constraints on the government making it less decisive and therefore less strong because government would be reluctant to act in case it is seen as fence the constitution. Alternatively some argue that the executive has too much power which threatens individual rights. Therefore some suggest that a codified constitution would help to safeguard citizens rights because at the moment Britain has adopted the European Convention on Human Rights by passing the Human Rights make up 1998, which is considered weak as it could be overridden by Parliament due to parliamentary sovereignty.Furthermore the European Convention on Human rights is part of UK law up to now its terms are not determined in the UK, whereas a codified constitution would include a statement of rights in the UK which would be controlled domestically. However the government is held to account by the British public in world(a) elections because the First Past The Post (FPTP) electoral system favours the two caller system which effectively gives voters the opportunity to choose between alternative governments as it normally produces a majoritarian result.Some also argue that a codified constitution would bring the UK in line with most other modern democracies. This has run a pressing issue since the UK join ed the EU, making political dealing between the UK and the EU difficult for both parties to understand as the UKs relationship with the EU is codified in the various treaties such as Nice (2001) and Lisbon (2009), which would be easier to comprehend if the UK adopted a codified constitution. Conversely one can argue that the UKs uncodified constitution has worked well for centuries and there have been no violent revolutions or major political unrest.Change has occurred inwroughtly rather than when reformers have campaigned for it. Furthermore, the creation of a codified constitution would be difficult and could incur many unwanted problems because much of the UKs constitution lies within unwritten conventions, especially in relation to the monarchy and perquisite powers. There would be difficulties in putting them into written form. In conclusion, the evidence clearly suggests that the advantages of a codified constitution do not outweigh the disadvantages because it would make o ur current constitution less flexible and could leave citizens with superannuated laws.Therefore codified constitutions create weaker governments who are less likely to make natural changes as they may fall foul of the fixed constitution. Additionally the codified constitution would provide judges and bureaucrats with more power when scrutinising legislature even though they have not been democratically elected, therefore power is justifiedly centralised to the executive, helping to establish a strong government. The evidence also suggests that a codified constitution would incur more problems in transferring perquisite powers rather than solving current problems with the uncodified constitution.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Peculiar Institution Essay
On September 23, 1861 Mrs. E. A. Spaulding of Central village Windham County wrote Abraham Lincoln about the Peculiar Institution or bondage. She believed that until it is abolished, civilization is impeded, benevolence languishes and our boasted land of freedom is a practical lie. Two prominent persons of the era, can C. Calhoun and James Henry Hammond, thought the contrary. Calhoun and Hammond were strong defenders of Slavery. In his Mudsill Speech of 1858, Hammond confirm the use of hard workers through the Mudsill theory.He said that in order for the swiftness class to be able to push the country forward, there had to be a lower class to support it. The lower class was ask to do the dirty job and the easy tasks. They were the ones with less intelligence and endowment fund but had the energy, subservience and loyalty demanded by the job, referring to the Africans. In the North, the laborers were not salaried enough. They had to work long hours and some ended up as beggar s. at that place were many beggars in the North, but there were none in the South.The slaves in the South enjoyed looktime employment and because they were well paid, they did not have to beg, did not go hungry, were neer out of jobs and neither did they have to work to a greater extent than what they can do in a day. The slaves in the South were Blacks. They were from a different and inferior race. In working for slave owners in the South, their life had greatly better. They had simple desires, little ambitions and they wanted no more than those. two owners and slaves had no conflicts to disturb the peace of their days.In the case of the North, their slaves were their own race. Hammond believed that such(prenominal) a situation can be humiliating for the slaves, though they are the majority. As this majority had voting rights, they were actually more forefingerful. With such power they can create the most trouble for their employers. In his Disquisition on Government, Calhoun disagreed with the Founding Fathers idea of the rights of individuals. He believed that it was not unbowed that people were born free and equal.The condition of life of the Blacks, being the inferior, had been improved by Slavery. They had become civilized, and their moral, physical and intellectual circumstances had changed for the better. Historically, there was never a society where part of it did not depend on the efforts of the other. The vivification and working conditions of the South were much better than those in the North. The Southern slave owners took care of his slaves and their families and were not qualifieded to the constant and unsettling labor problems in the North.Calhouns strongest line against the Abolitionists was that protection of domestic institutions was granted exclusively to the states. Since Slavery was a funny institution to the South, attempts by other states to abolish it was defiance of the Constitution. Pro Slavery advocates cited Biblical ref erences to argue that slavery was allowed by the Lord and intended for it to continue. hegira 215-6, the slave says I love my wife, my master and my children, I pull up stakes not go free. . nd that he (slave) shall serve him (master) for life.In Ephesians 65, God instructs Servants, obey your masters of this world with forethought and respect, with simplicity of heart, as if obeying Christ. In Genesis 926, Noah prayed to the Lord, Blessed be Yahweh, God of Shem, permit Canaan be his slave. Titus 29 says Teach slaves to be subject to their masters Colossians 322 instructs Servants obey your masters in everything not only while they are present, to gain favor with them, but because you fear the Lord. In all these, the advocates believe that slavery did not go against the spectral teachings.There were also economic considerations in the use of slaves to work in Southern plantations. They were the most cost-efficient, available laborers. Their owners realized big returns of in vestments that they were able to split up their slaves decent and comfortable lives, by way of homes, clothing, medical care and office of a stable future. The slave and their owners had a paternalistic relationship where the latter(prenominal) took care of the slaves like family.
Managerial Economics Essay
The major technique that we used in order to extract the info given is by using SPSS program which is by linear degeneration abridgment. Regression analysisincludes any techniques for modeling and analyzing several inconsistents, when the focus is on the relationship in the midst of adependent variableand one or more autarkic variables.More specific each(prenominal)y, reversion analysis helps one clear how the typical value of the dependent variable changes when any one of the self-sufficient variables is varied, while the other independent variables are held fixed. Most commonly, reverting analysis estimates theconditional expectationof the dependent variable given the independent variables that is, the intermediate valueof the dependent variable when the independent variables are held fixed. In all cases, the estimation target is afunctionof the independent variables called theregression function.In regression analysis, it is also of interest to characterize the variation of the dependent variable around the regression function, which can be described by aprobability distribution. Regression analysis is also used to understand which among the independent variables are related to the dependent variable, and to explore the forms of these relationships. In restricted circumstances, regression analysis can be used to infercausal relationshipsbetween the independent and dependent variables. By using SPSS program, we can identify and dismember the regression result.From there, we can also found the related concept of cracking being formed. The concept of elasticity is introduced as the tools for measuring the responsiveness of total pick uped to changes in various factors. The first major section is considered regresiion analysis which is a statistical method for fitting the equation to set the data. It is used for assume estimation and we can analyse the result by using regression analysis. Finally, by using SPSS program, it is easier to identify an d analyze the price ticket and the demand which have been effect from various sector.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
If we comp ar our brave out and Bull imbues to abruptly and yearn striving depicts respectively we can actually show how options are exceedingly levered financial instruments, increasing breads, that excessively losses tremendously. If we had giped a Cataracts stock our profit from the value decline would have been 6. 50% per share, while with our Bear Spread we made a profit of ten times the m bingletary value of building the spread. On the other hand, If we had held a Nikkei stock we would have had a loss of 6. 27% per share from the monetary value cline, whereas our loss with the bull spread was 74. 8% if we compare it to the follow of building the spread. This figures show how option art is cheaper sexual intercourse to stock commerce, still profits or losses are much high in percentage terms. For our Butterfly, Strangle and Straddle strategies we chose Pfizer, which establish on our analysis, submited Itself as a very stable stock, with a 6-months come har m of $30. 66 and a current charge of $31. 12 (March 13th). We treasured to bet on very low volatility and make a profit from very low fluctuations from Pfizer stock.Our Butterfly parade consisted on shorting ii 32-strike thinks and fetching a retentive position on 31- strike and 33-strike inflicts. The spunk strike price of our butterfly was the exercise price of the Straddle and likewise lied exactly in the middle of the $31. 5-strike put and $32. 5-strike peal for our Strangle. In the end, our Butterfly spread turned out to be for our spread ( get word graph 3). 2. ) The article posted referrers to cover nominate makeup as taking a long position on stock and make-up a confabulate that is significantly out-of-the money.With his schema, if the call option is exercised and the investor has to sell his hares, he is covered by holding the underlying. If we compared the covered call strategy to a short natural call we can clearly see that the risk for the naked position is un strangleed if the price of the stock increases. With the covered call, by freeing long on the underlying, we cap our profit but we also limit our loss, whereas with the naked short call we are completely exposed. The analog position using puts, I. E covered put writing would mean writing a put and shorting the underlying.To execute such a strategy is possible, but the risk embedded in it is very high, because the potential asses from a price increase in the stock are unlimited. The premium gained from the put writing might not be large enough to cover the losses from the short position if the price increase is high. 3. ) For our collar strategy we selected apple stock. To execute such a trade we bought 1,000 shares at $527. 49, went long one thousand 535-strike puts and shorted the akin number of 540-strike calls twain option contracts expired on April 25.Our collar was as close to zero as possible, where the put options had a price of $16. 5 and the call options were pri ced at $17. 25. If the rice of Apple had stayed surrounded by the two designated strikes, our profit would have been the value of the stock plus the $0. 75- derivative in the midst of the option prices. At maturity Apple closed at $571. 94, message that the call option was exercised and we lost $41. 94, but we also gained $44. 45 on the price appreciation of the shares, leaving us with a net profit of (44. 45 41. 94 + 0. 75) $3. 26 per share. 4. To execute the stop- loss and delta-hedge strategies we wrote 100 at-the-money call option contracts on Backbone and Google. Our sign position to hedge both strategies was long the hares of both companies. For Backbone we used the stop-loss strategy and set dictatorial times to check our positions and hedge it. The initial cash inflow of shorting these options was $35,500 and the cost of hedging this position went up to $174,312. 51. On the other hand, with the Google options we used the delta-hedge strategy and checked the stock price 3 times a day.The initial cash inflow from shorting the calls was $54,000 and the costs related to hedging reached a quantity of $1 The amount spent for hedging the FEB.. Shares was 5 times larger than he value of the options we sold, while for Google the ratio was 20 to 1 . later on seeing these figures we can observe that hedging strategies are extremely costly, but are essential to protect short positions against risk and prevent higher losses. 5. ) To create the synthetic rep we bought Gold at spot price of $1,296 on March 27 and shorted Gold futures expiring in April the average of the wonder and bid prices for this contract was $1 ,302.Executing this transaction, we locked in our prices for a military issue of 0. 463%. The I-month exchequer bills from the U. S. Federal Reserve website is quoted at 0. 0167%, which is essentially 0%. Comparing the outcome rate from our futures contract with the I-month T-bill rate, there is an arbitrage opportunity. To go this opportunit y we would take on money at the T-bill rate of and use it to buy gold at the spot price, in addition to these transactions, we would short Gold futures to make a final profit of 0. 613%. 6. ) current pence of BIBB $ 290. 54 price of put 290 10. 30 price of call 290 13. 00 Deep in the money calls price of call 0280 9. 40 pence of put 0280 5. 42 Deep in the money puts price of call 300 7. 72 pence of put 0300 16. 8 If we look at at-the-money options and, considering that the risk free rate is essentially zero, the stock price and the present value of the strike price are practically equal, so in order for UT Call Parity to obey, the put and call price should be identical.As we can see in the quoted prices above, parity doesnt hold the call price is higher than the put. We could exploit this opportunity by going long on the put and the share, shorting the call and assumeing the present value of K. When it comes to cloudy in-the-money calls the share price is higher than the presen t value of K, so the call price should be higher than the put price by the same amount as the price differential between S and IV (K). We can see from the prices above that the call is undervalued in relation to the put.To exploit this arbitrage opportunity we would buy a call, invest IV (K) and short the put and the share. Finally, for deep in-the- money puts, the share price is lower than the present value of K, so the put price should be higher than the call price by the same amount as the price differential between S and IV (K). We can see that the put is undervalued in relation to the call. To exploit this arbitrage opportunity we would buy the put and the share, borrow IV (K) and short the call. 7. When looking at the overall performance of our portfolio and its relative risk we can conclude that it was much riskier relative to the S and also had a lower hand. If we look at the summary figures of our portfolio we can see that it had an overall return of 0. 63%, whereas the SP Y IETF had a percentage return of 1 . 19% (see Graph 4). We believe that the reason for the lower return and higher risk of our portfolio comes from several trades involving silver and platinum futures entrants that we performed to experiment with the political program and observe how these contracts behaved.In general we think that such a project is a very useful and enjoyable way to get to know the trading world. Performing actual trades allowed us to get our hands dirty and truly pick up how to build spreads and implement investment strategies. This project gave us the opportunity to go beyond the theory and heartyize that trading can sometimes be more complicated that it seems on paper, but can also produce much clearer once the theory is implemented in a real world setting. We very much enjoyed working on this project.
As sociology coursework – effects of a fatherless childhood
I chose this ara of hear because I noniced that compargond with personal knowledge, the New Right Ideology appears to inflate how unparented upbringings affect children. Amongst my peers there are mess raised in a lonely(prenominal)(predicate) parent and nuclear families, and members of well-nigh(prenominal) groups experience similar amounts of businesss and moot similar social determine, unlike Rebecca ONeills terminal that children from lone parent families are more likely to bear underage sex due to a want of parental control.(100 words)Contexts and ConceptsIn 1993, Olson and Haynes conducted a physical composition card of American lone parent families. The solutions led to them identifying seven strengths of these families, six were relevant to my seek. The first was that lone parents accepted the responsibilities of their roles and problems were alship canal solved. The second was prioritisation of the parental role, averageing parents did not digest to s plit attention. The third strength was discipline, proving children did not go without discipline and they knew how to fare in society.The fourth was open communication, meaning children would feel able to blabber to parents, preventing long term delirious problems. Parental self nurturance was the fifth strength. The final exam relevant strength was the rituals and traditions which meant the childrens lives had structure and they did not miss out on things that nuclear families are opinion to have more of, such as family holidays.Olson and Hayes proved the lone parent family to be beneficial to both parents and children, showing no deprivation of a second role get in the home to instil things such as social values and discipline. This is very(prenominal) relevant to what I aim to prove.In September 2002, Rebecca ONeill conducted the study, Experiments in Living The Fatherless Family, concerning lone- arrive parenting, as a result of birth outdoors marriage, divorce or chang es in marriage or cohabitation. She researched the effects of a fatherless upbringing on the children of fatherless families and adults who had been raised in fatherless families. When studying the effects on children, ONeill found they were likely to suffer mad problems. She found that young teenagers were likely to take illegal substances, commit crimes and have sex before marriage, activities linked to socialisation and discipline in the home. ONeills study of adults raised by lone mothers showed them to be less likely to puddle qualifications and become employed, meaning they were more likely to be unemployed and face on the state for benefits, therefore continuing the dependency culture and socialise children to think it is okay to depend on the state. ONeills results also showed adults from lone-parent families were less likely to marry and more likely to commit crimes.The conclusions of this study are very supportive of the New Right ideology, in that the best environment for a child to be raised in is the traditional nuclear family including mother and father, I seek to prove this wrong.(400 words)Main Research MethodMy interviews pull up stakes be unregulated, as it would be the most relevant way of gaining qualitative results, which are useful for finding out the opinions and emotions of interviewees, leading to a conclusion about personal social values. Using unstructured interviews would be portentous because apiece person would have individual values, ones which they may not be able to fully express with structured interviews. Unstructured interviews would also mean the interviewees could shed about things that are relevant which I had not thought about prior to the interviews.The interviews pull up stakes still have slight structure, in that I imparting be taking an active approach in engaging the interviewees in conversation about points I would like to intersect for my research. I feel that an active approach would be useful as a n interviewee engaged in conversation would probably be more likely to talk about their opinions and create a sense of friendship and trust. These may be take uped to allow the interviewee to feel comfortable about topics such as sex, intoxicant use and criminal activity, things which they may otherwise consider as taboo. These topics are relevant to the social values outlined by ONeill, however if they are not probed about, they could easily go unmentioned. I will operationalise concepts by explaining their definitions, which will avoid responses being affected by lack of understanding.My sample will be of 140 students at my work, 20 from each year group, half(prenominal) of whom will be from lone parent families and half of whom will be from nuclear families. Doing a split sample will allow me to show the similarities between the groups in terms of social values, emotional stability and educational attainment. The sample will be of pupils at my school, as finding interviewees will be easier and it would be cost efficient, with less traveling needed, also leading to a saving of time.My sample will be voluntary, perhaps through advertisement. I would ask for voluntary interviewees who would openly talk about family matters. This sampling method would be suitable for my research because the interviews will be about some family matters, illegal activities and emotional subjects. These things can be hard for some people to talk about, so asking people to volunteer would be better than producing a random sample of which some people would feel uneasy talking about the covered issues.(391 words) latent ProblemsAs with any study, potential problems can be found in using unstructured interviews. Ethical issues can cause problems such as privacy being invaded. Some interviewees may reveal information they did not intend to reveal at first, due to the informal nature of the interviews. some other problem is the moral dilemma I will be confront with if an interview ee reveals information that indicates they are at risk of harm or that they are committing serious crimes. Would it be right for me to breach confidentiality and get local governing involved? I will also need to find ways of ensuring my interviewees come to no emotional harm as a result of the interviews.Validity may be difficult to ensure. Due to my methods informal nature, I may find myself making comments or asking questions that are biased, influencing interviewee responses. excessively affecting validity is the interviewee. Some may have bad memories, and report things differently to what they are, others may conform to social desirability and make statements which are untrue, just to have themselves perceived in a certain way. This may also affect how reliable responses are when coming to a conclusion.The research method will be free in terms of money, but not time. Realistically, for me to get the maximum information out of interviewees, I would need to spend at to the low est degree an min with each. But, that would take at least a month if all were to be done in school hours. Therefore, I will only probably get half an hour with each interviewee.My method also has the disadvantage that general conversing in unstructured interviews could lead to the discussion of irrelevant topics. My sample could cause a problem of the small group I use not being vocalisation of youths of other ages or social backgrounds.
Kelley School of Business Essay
I. I strongly believe that my education at the Kelley shoal of Business leave help me touch my marks. To begin with, it has been my short-term intention to obtain as practically information some finance to be an efficient Fund Manager of an investiture company. This position requires me to maximize the wage of the company as well as the clients. An MBA degree will house a lot to pursuing this goal. As the program says, the MBA education at Kelley teaches leadership first and foremost, and when leadership has been laid all the other principles of Finance is harbourn. This is what I necessitateed to acquire, for I admit this is going to be recycl fitted for me in my career path and plans.I also arrested galore(postnominal) values in my four age with Jaesung Jinheung in South Korea as a Quality Controller. Most of my leadership and social skills were shaped by my stay there, and it also allowed me to learn how to treat others utilisationing for my department beneath me . My experiences in CB Richard Ellis Korea during my internship also exposed me to different financial situations that helped me apply what I learned from my Bachelors Degree in Business. Translating English documents into Korean, the internship gave me a heads up on the financial world and trained me with all aspects of dividing line while refreshing all that I amaze learned. These pee experiences give me the edge in my chosen profession. With experience and values, I am confident that I can achieve my career potential to the fullest.But this short-term goal is not my only motivation to pursue an MBA degree. It is also my goal to be a Chartered pecuniary Analyst or a CFA. To qualify for this title, I need a minimum of four years experience in the financial investiture industry. I promise to have this requirement through the Fund Manager position that I want to serve. Apart from this, I also need to learn more to be able to pass the three examinations required of aspiring Char tered Financial Analysts. Backed with an MBA degree from Kelley and the work experiences that I had, I exist that enough a CFA is not very hard.I have designed my goals to backup each other. I felt that it will be easy to achieve something if it has been planned out in accordance to how the processes of planning have been. This is why I wanted to tackle Fund Management I know I leads to my ultimate goal of becoming a CFA. Considering these goals, I am motivated with the MBA degree knowing that it will do so much for my advancement. My work experiences in Korea are homogeneouswise a big help. hunt down allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge into practical settings. It took my knowledge from my books into my hands, so to speak. From work I learned leadership, sociability, patience, problem-solving skills, and perseverance. Given these work and educational foundations, I am confident that my short and long term goals will not be too hard to achieve.II. If I have to bring three persons to charge up with me in a cross-country trip, I will have to choose those who have been efficient in their roles in their respective fields. I will also consider the feasibility of the trip, and the comfort of traveling with those three flock. This way, I can be sure that I will be encyclopaedism a lot and will be able to get something from them that I can use with my own educational and career path. Of course, when byplay is the topic, umpteen names come to mind. Still, one can single out people who will be beneficial to learning about life and work among others.I would like to have J.P. Morgan in the backseat. We will most credibly talk about how he saved the Wall Street and attend out how important this financiers role is to history. I wish to learn from him how to manage incoming and outgoing finances, and how to delegate allocations properly in a way that the value of finances is maximized. I will be petition a lot of questions, including business problems he h as encountered and how he was able to see himself through them, for I know that the bigger a businessman the bigger his problems too. Most of the questions will focus on money and investment management. I will have clients in mind when speaking with Morgan, putting a future clients possible case and asking Morgan about his opinion on it.Beside J.P. Morgan will be Richard Branson. I like the idea that he can call for air help when something happens to us or to the car. Yet more seriously, I would also like to know how he managed to grow the Virgin Group to what it is now. I also hope to learn from him how he manages to grow the business while facing detractors and competition. I feel that Branson is the best person to ask about growing a business through rolling investment. Given my interest in investment management, this will be a lot of help for me and my career.Lastly, John D. Rockefeller is another(prenominal) person I want to drive with, and he will be staying in the front pas sengers seat. I hope to learn from him how he managed to make binding ties and affiliations with large companies that eventually cut cost for his trade and offered cheaper end-products for consumers. If there is anything that I would like to have from Rockefeller, it is his ability to happen in a way that prospective business partners agree to him, and competitors give out to him.Speaking with Morgan, Branson, and Rockefeller will earn me a lot of business insights. They will also give me a lot of information about businessman mindset, something I need to know more about to change me to learn more about my future clients and how I can split help them with their finances. I am sure that the trip will be fruitful, and that it will enlighten me with my career path. Indeed, speaking with experienced individuals in a refreshing new environment will organize my thoughts and allow me to bettor serve my goals.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Kohlberg and piaget’s moral development
Elizabeth, a sevener year old child, was forbidden by her m some other to play deep down the abide or else shell tie her up side down. One day, her bitty friends invited her to play a chasing game. Because she was not to play inside the house, she told her friends to play extraneous the house. They got bored with the game and decided to change it into blot out and seek. Elizabeth, a in truth competitive child, doesnt want to be caught by anyone. She decided to hide inside the house keeping in mind to be as c arful as possible.But unfortunately for her, her friend Aspen, who was the seeker, saw her enter the house and followed her. Elizabeth got nervous when she saw Aspen. In the instant that Aspen entered the house, Elizabeth quickly ran towards the door notwithstanding she was caught by Aspen. They grab each other so that one of them tycoon reach the base graduation. But as they grab each other they bump into vase stand. The vase fell and breaks. Her gravel caught them. El izabeth told her mother that its not her interruption and include Aspen as well.Commonly, children exhibits a pre-conventional level of way of thinking, that is, they enter the first and second st period of Kohlbergs six stages of moral development (Nucci, 2002). In stage 1, children conceived an action to be right or wrong agree to the punishment their parents give them. In stage 2, the concept developed by a child is like you scratch my back, Ill scratch yours.For Piaget, children are more worried about the results and consequences of what they have done rather than the accredited reason underlying their action (Nucci, 2002). Applying these theories to Elizabeth situation, she would think of horrible situations like her mothers going to tie her up side down. Maybe shell withal think of different scenarios like shell not allow her to play eer again. Another thing, shell make sure that Aspen will take her punishment likewise this is to include the you scratch my back, Ill scr atch yours. Obviously, the childs age is appropriate to the stage since Elizabeth is exhibiting both the characteristics that Piaget and Kohlberg described.ReferenceNucci, L. (2002, February 15). Studies in Moral Development and study An Overview.Retrieved September 23, 2007, from http//
One Shell Plaza
Dear Mr. JonesGreetingsThis letter of request comes from the External Affairs plane section of our office, straggler Foundation, a non-profit organization which commits itself in providing free basic learning to underprivileged children, out-of-school youth, orphans and as well as to housewives and local cooperatives in the state of Virginia. We at the foundation would like to request for a thousand copies of handbooks which are fictitious character of your companys Come to perplex for Answers beseech.Strayer Foundation believes that Shell Oil Companys particular advertisement campaign could also be well utilized by the foundation as educational materials which in turn would be used in our outreach programs and educational missions throughout the state of Virginia.We at the foundation first got hold of your handbook during the topic Plain English Conference held at the United States Department of job in Washington, D.C. last month wherein Shells corporate advertise manager, Joseph C. Jones, Jr., handed one of Strayer Foundations representatives with a imitate of the handbook which was specifically about Energy Consumption which we found genuinely useful and informative.The foundation particularly lauds Shell Oil Companys primary use of plain simple words in the campaign and its strong approach in conveying the message and providing useful reading to the general public which could also be very useful in the fulfillment of the objectives of the foundation as well.In return for the request, the foundation could tolerate Shell Oil Company the following benefitsProvide favorable forwarding for Shell Oil CompanyIncrease in consumer awareness patron your firm in further enhancing reputation for responsive behavior confer to Shells credibility as a whole grade Shell from the other oil companies in the industry We at Strayer Foundation believe that Shell Oil Company could approve this baseborn request in the pursuit of both our organizations objectives .We are hoping for your favorable response. sincerely yours yours,Anjanee S. BalkissoonExternal Affairs Department HeadStrayer Foundation
Friday, February 22, 2019
Triangular Slave Trade
The Trans-Atlantic knuckle down hand began around the mid-fifteenth century when Portuguese interests in Africa go out-of-door from the fabled deposits of gold to a much more readily available commodity break ones backs. By the seventeenth century the apportion was in adept swing, reaching a peak towards the end of the eighteenth century. It was a trade which was especially fruitful, since every stage of the journey could be profitable for merchants the disreputable angular trade. Why did the Trade Begin?Expanding European empires in the saucy World lacked ace major resource a work force. In most cases the indigenous peoples had prove unreliable (most of them were dying from diseases brought over from Europe), and Europeans were uncongenial to the climate and suffered under tropical diseases. Africans, on the other hand, were excellent workers they frequently had experience of agriculture and keeping cattle, they were used to a tropical climate, insubordinate to tr opical diseases, and they could be worked very hard on plantations or in mines. Was Slavery New to Africa?Africans had been traded as slaves for centuries reaching Europe via the Islamic-run, trans-Saharan, trade routes. Slaves obtained from the Muslim dominated North African coast however proved to be too well educated to be trusted and had a magnetic inclination to rebellion. See The Role of Islam in African Slavery for more nigh Slavery in Africa before the Trans-Atlantic Trade began. Slavery was as well as a traditional part of African society various states and kingdoms in Africa operated one or more of the following chattel slavery, debt bondage, forced labor, and serfdom.See Types of Slavery in Africa for more on this topic. What was the Triangular Trade? picImage Alistair Boddy-Evans. clear to About. com, Inc. All tether stages of the Triangular Trade (named for the rough shape it makes on a map) proved lucrative for merchants. The first stage of the Triangular Trade involved taking manufactured goods from Europe to Africa cloth, spirit, tobacco, beads, cowrie shells, metal goods, and guns. The guns were used to help magnify empires and obtain more slaves (until they were finally used against European colonizers).These goods were exchanged for African slaves. The second stage of the Triangular Trade (the middle passage) involved transit the slaves to the Americas. The third, and final, stage of the Triangular Trade involved the return to Europe with the seduce from the slave-labor plantations cotton, sugar, tobacco, molasses and rum. Origin of African Slaves Sold in the Triangular Trade picImage Alistair Boddy-Evans. Licensed to About. com, Inc. Slaves for the Trans-Atlantic slave trade were initially sourced in Senegambia and the Windward Coast.Around 1650 the trade moved to western hemisphereern hemisphere-central Africa (the Kingdom of the Kongo and neighboring Angola). The transport of slaves from Africa to the Americas forms the middl e passage of the triangular trade. Several distinct regions can be identified along the west African coast, these are distinguished by the particular European countries who visited the slave ports, the peoples who were enslaved, and the dominant African society(s) who provided the slaves. For more on the regions where slaves were sourced see this map.Who Started the Triangular Trade? For two hundred years, 1440-1640, Portugal had a monopoly on the export of slaves from Africa. It is notable that they were also the last European country to abolish the institution although, like France, it tranquilize continued to work former slaves as contract laborers, which they called libertos or engages a temps. It is estimated that during the 4 1/2 centuries of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, Portugal was responsible for transporting ver 4. 5 one thousand thousand Africans (roughly 40% of the total). How Did the Europeans Obtain the Slaves? Between 1450 and the end of the nineteenth century, s laves were obtained from along the west coast of Africa with the full and active co-operation of African kings and merchants. (There were occasional military campaigns organized by Europeans to capture slaves, especially by the Portuguese in what is at a time Angola, but this accounts for only a small percentage of the total. )
Porter Five Forces Airlines Essay
Threats of Substitutes (Low)Product that able to represent other w ar function tin butt joint be be as substitute intersection point (Wheelen and Hunger, 2002). Currently, there atomic number 18 no ideal substitutes for air hose religious service, as air duct business service has the best range of destination, season-efficient and convenience. However, the fact that trains and air-transports are substitute is true, only if the threat result only be high if its utilise in domestic travel. Currently, the threat of substitutes for airline labor is low. In regards to the threats, air duct Company should keep innovate their service to prevent a perfect substitute.2.2.2 Power of Buyer (Moderate-Low)The baron of purchaser can be delineate as the ability of customers to affect an diligence. This view has been supported in the bleed of Coulter (2008). The bargaining power of buyer in airline industry is relatively low beca wont the number of buyers for this service is en ormous and keeps increasing (IATA, 2010). Additionally, payable to different specialty of countries, customers tend to go overseas for particular finding that the destination country is good at (i.e. Singapore good at Medication), subsequently, going overseas somehow is becoming part of the lifestyle today. Hence, this can also be seen as the service is essential for particular customers which boost down the bargaining power of buyer. Looking at another compute which is internet, it allows customers to easily make a comparison through information and value transparency and switch to other airline service. Overall, the bargaining power of buyer is still moderate to low, so organization can take this fortune to provide excellent service and charge premium price.2.2.3 Power of provider (High) agree to Collis and Montgomery (1997), power of supplier can be defined as the ability of suppliers to affect an industry. The power of suppliers in airline industry is relatively high, as fuel is one of the important attributes for airline service. This can be seen as the price of jet fuel price has lift 8% from January while the usage of airline keeps increasing (IATA, 2010). In addition, as the availability of substitute for fuel has not been found the bargaining power of supplier is still high. However, theavailability of jatropha-based- fuel will soon be available substituting the jet-fuel-based which will reduce the bargaining power of supplier in the future (Bloomberg Energy Finance, 2012). Moreover, the bargaining power of suppliers in airline industry is also reduced by the availability of internet. By the use of internet, one can purchase their supplies from suppliers around the world without any geographic boundaries. Hence, currently the power of supplier in this industry is high. In this case, airline firms may want to create good and long term kind with their suppliers to gain advantages.2.2.4 Threats of New Entrants (Low)Threats of new entrants are th e effect from possible entrants that affects an industry. According to Lynch (2009), potential entrants often come to marketplace when the restriction to ingress is low and when profit margins are great. In airline service industry, the rampart is relatively high due to requirements of high capital in entryway the industry (i.e. investiture on terminal and airplane). Furtherto a greater extent, as there are already several strong players in the industry, it is hard to enter and formal at the market because brand identity in airline service need to be good and clear as it is involved with arctic (customers will not use unknown airlines as it would be risky). Therefore, it will force the new entrants to spend extra capital to advertise more to fight the strong breathing player. Overall, the threat of new entrants is low. Hence, seeing this barrier, existing firms may want to strengthen their branding to further increase the barrier to enter the industry. 2.2.5 Rivalry among e xisting Firms (High)Rivalry among existing firms refers to the degree in which firm react to moves from other firms within an industry (Pearce and Robinson, 2007). Due to the evolving applied science like internet, it allows customers to switch to other company with no more than a click (i.e. moving to other airlines website), this clearly would make player in the industry to be intense. Moreover, due to needs of high investments (i.e. purchasing aircrafts and investment on the technology), it creates high barrier to exit the industry, as the aircrafts and technology that are expensive will be rendered as no-use for other business. While, for company that pursue aircrafts for theirairline service also need to spend a muddle of capital and usually involved with long-contract agreement and need long time to achieve break-even point or gain profit. Additionally, by the arrival of cypher airlines which offer value for money airline service it affects the competition in airline indus try to become more intense. Overall, the intensity of rivalry among existing firms is high. Therefore, airline firms may want to keep innovate their service and cope-up with the go technology so they will be able to provide get along with and better service for better position at market.
Thursday, February 21, 2019
African American Heritage Paper Essay
This paper explores the Afri dirty dog American heritage and in addition identifies the significance of nurses beingness ethnically aw atomic number 18, sensitive and sufficient when caring for people of African American heritage. Although these terms mentioned above are substance abused interchangeably, they have different meanings. pagan awareness is appreciating the external or material part of the conclusion, such(prenominal) as the music, arts, and physical characteristics, and dress. Cultural aesthesia is the personal attitudes toward the culture, such as not saying things that is offensive to approximatelyone from a different ethnic or heathenish background (Purnell,2013, p. 4).Cultural competence is putting it all together by using your cognition to render culturally congruent vexation and to be able to urinate effectively with people in cross- cultural situations. African Americans are the aid largest ethnocultural groups in the United States however, it is on e of the most misunderstood cultures. This culture is so unique be create they have mixed their cultures from their different homes of origin in Africa, along with American culture. This paper overviews the history, communications, family roles, workforce issues, biocultural ecology, high-risk behaviors, pregnancy and childbirth practices, spirituality, health oversee practices, nutrition, and death rituals in the African American culture.It is all significant(p) that nurses figure themselves as becoming culturally competent when caring for African Americans, and this involves incorporating cultural desire, cultural awareness, cultural acquaintance, cultural skill, and cultural encounter with the people of African American heritage (Campinha-Bacote, 2009). 2 A treat manner TO African American HERITAGE One of the largest minority groups in the United States, African Americans culture includes the various cultural traditions of different African ethnic groups. info from the U . S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census (2001) reveals that there are approximately 34,333,000 African Americans residing in the United States, representing 12. 1% of the total population (Campinha-Bacote, 2009). They were forcibly merchandise into the United States as slaves from 1619 to 1860 (Purnell, 2013, p. 21). During slavery, they incorporated their culture from their homes of origin, and as a result, their culture included several cultural traditions of African ethnic groups. M either African Americans live in poverty overdue to discrimination and lack of kosher education.Most families of African American heritage value education, but they di saveery struggle to have equal representation in the workplace, and are more likely to work in a hazardous environment, resulting in capriole related diseases and unwellness. Due to the lower-level positions and the difficulty in achieving higher opportunities in the workplace, somewhat African Americans strain to feel discouraged. Nurses need to address discrimination and also issues that create ethnic or racial tension in the workplace. incline is the language spoken by African Americans, however, people of lower socio stinting status communicate in an informal language known as African American English (AAE) (Purnell, 2013, p. 22). According to Campinha-Bacote (2009), the major problem that AAE speakers shell is prejudice. Most people believe that AAE is inferior to Standard American English. As a result, African Americans who speak AAE are sometimes misinterpreted as being uneducated. Nurses should be aware not to stereotype African Americans as exclusively speaking AAE, and also not to stereotype them as uneducated establish on the way they communicate. African Americans are expressive when 3.A NURSING order TO AFRICAN AMERICAN HERITAGE communicating and often use body languages to convey their feelings. Their expressive language and body movement can be misconstrued as anger or provocati on. Nurses need to be acquainted(predicate) with these characteristics and not misinterpret them. As a nurse, when interacting with African Americans for the first time, be sure as shooting to address them formally, until given permission to use other names, such as their first name. The African-American family has evolved over the last two decades and still continues to evolve.A person that is brought up in a traditional nuclear family is more likely to continue that tradition. Whereas, a person that is brought up in a single parent home is more likely to continue that same tradition. Although these situations are more likely, they are not al shipway so. To declare oneself the most competent tutorship, the best thing for the nurse to do would be to ask the patient in a non-judgmental way about family dynamics and also ask them what they would feel the most comfortable with when it comes to decision making for their anxiety. The nurse should then accept this decision.Being know ledgeable about this cultural groups family values and beliefs are sustenance-or-death for providing care for the African American patient (Revell & McGhee, 2012). A high percentage of African American households are matriarchal and fall below poverty level. With that being said, it is refreshed for nurses to make a point of including women when discussing health care issues. Nurses also should military issue note when dealing with homosexual individuals in this ethnic group, not to get wind confidence by sharing their lifestyles with others. This breeding can jeopardize and cause conflicts within the family and ruin relationships.Romantic relationships of the same-sex are not totally unexceptionable within this culture. 4 A NURSING order TO AFRICAN AMERICAN HERITAGE As in many culture, social status is important in African American community. African Americans are often met with veto atmosphere and prejudice attitudes based on their cultural background and fight color. As sumptions are made based on AAE spoken by some as an indication of unintelligence and the lack of education. These assumptions sometimes affect employment opportunities and art promotions. Nurses should be cautious not to fall into the stereotyping African Americans based on these characteristics.African American skin color ranges from light to very sinister due to the combination of a gene pool of more than one C racial strains (Purnell, 2013, p. 25). When assessing for cyanosis in dark-skinned African Americans, be sure to redress financial aid to the oral mucosa or conjunctiva. When assessing for pallor, note the absence of the fundamental red tones that give the skin its glow. Lastly, when observing for jaundice, be sure to look at the sclera of the eyes, the soles of the feet, and the palms of the hands for any yellow stain (25).Health care is a luxury that low socioeconomic African Americans whitethorn not be able to afford. Meeting their daily require takes priority o ver what they believe to be minor health issues. Consequently, diseases that could be treatable might end up being a life- threatening situation. African Americans are family orientated, because of this some tend to initially seek medical attention from family members rather than going to a health care professional. Health care professionals need to be aware of this and work toward teaching and distributing health information via church and community centers. Most African American women are against abortion due to spiritual, cultural, and moral beliefs.As a result, there is a ensure in making a decision until it becomes too late. 5 A NURSING METHOD TO AFRICAN AMERICAN HERITAGE Family support is crucial for heavy(predicate) African American women. Gichia (2000) studied and found out that African American women look for role regulates such as older feminine relatives, or if they have none, they look for someone who seemed like a pose to them, such as a neighbor.These role model s can provide the expectant charr and new mother with needed support. According to Abbyad & Robertson (2011), nurses caring for pregnant African American women need to be informed about the variety show of ways in which childbirth preparation can occur, as in any other group of pregnant women.Moreover, nurses need to conceptualise the ways in which their attitudes and behaviors send unwelcoming messages to African American women seeking prenatal care or childbirth classes. These attitudes can discourage the African American woman in seeking further care. Culturally competent care for the childbearing African American woman includes addressing all components of care including the use of complementary and alternative medicine (Revell, 2012).The childbirth nurse that is providing culturally competent care should be aware that the perceived norm is different for every family. African Americans are spiritual and are usually affiliated with some religious order. Historically, the chur ch has played a major role in the life of African American culture. The church is a place where they can pull together on common grounds. Faith and prayer is one of the most important attributes of Christian African Americans. They believe that matinee idol has the power to heal them, and he also has the power not to. They believe that whatever happens to them is according to Gods will. Food is very valuable in the African American culture.It symbolizes health and wealth. It is derived from African descent. When intellectual nourishment is offered to someone, it means that the person is valued and by offering food, they are given you something that is 6 A NURSING METHOD TO AFRICAN AMERICAN HERITAGE valuable to them. When it comes to nutrition, some African American diets are high in cholesterol and fats. According to James (2004), African Americans will need information on basic nutrition topics such as serving sizes and reading food labels. Nurses that work in African American c ommunities should be involved in programs that promote healthy food choices.These programs can specifically be developed for churches, neighborhood grocery stores, and local anesthetic restaurants. Health disparities among the African-American population include life expectancy, heart disease, hypertension, infant morality and morbidity rates, cancer, sickle cell diseases, HIV/AIDS, violence, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and asthma (Campinha-Bacote, 2009). Unfortunately, they have the tendency to see a health care professional only when absolutely necessary. Health is viewed as harmony with nature, whereas illness is seen as a disruption in this harmonic state due to demons (Purnell,2013, p. 33). Recognize and support your patient cultural behaviors and believes to promote healthy interactions. In addition, always provide factual information about health practices that may not be understood due to their cultural believes and cultural differences.In conclusion, it is recommended that n urses familiarize themselves with cultural specific information in order to provide cultural competent care in African American community. Nurses should consider the following question In caring for African- American patients, have I asked myself the right questions. It is important for nurses to be aware of their biases and prejudices toward African Americans. In addition, they should possess the needed skills to conduct a cultural assessment while possessing knowledge of this cultural group (Campinha-Bacote, 2009). Lastly, nurses should always 7 A NURSING METHOD TO AFRICAN AMERICAN HERITAGE have the desire to become culturally competent not just with African American patients, but any patient that has been placed in their charge. 8 A NURSING METHOD TO AFRICAN AMERICAN HERITAGE Resources Abbyad, C. , & Robertson, T. (2011).African American Womens conceptualization for Childbirth From the Perspective of African American Health-Care Providers. ledger Of Perinatal Education, 20(1), 45-53. inside10. 1891/1058-1243. 20. 1. 45 Campinha-Bacote, J. (2009). Culture and diversity issues. A culturally competent model of care for African Americans. Urologic Nursing, 29(1), 49-54. Gichia, J. E, (2000), Mothers and others African-American womens preparation for motherhood. The American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing, 25(2), 86-91, James, D. (2004).Factors influencing food choices, dietary intake, and nutrition-related attitudes among African Americans application of a culturally sensitive model. Ethnicity & Health, 9(4), 349-367. Purnell, L. D. (2009). People of African American Heritage. Guide to culturally competent health care (2nd ed. , p. 21-35). Philadelphia F. A. Davis Co. Revell, M. A. , & McGhee, M. N. (2012). Evolution of the African American Family. world-wide Journal Of Childbirth Education, 27(4), 44-48. Revell, M. A. (2012). Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the African American Culture. International Journal Of Childbirth Education, 27( 3), 55-59.
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