Sunday, March 31, 2019
Environmental Impact Assessment Programs and Regulations
environmental Impact Assessment Programs and RegulationsIntroductionThis chapter ordain give a polish of the commencement process of environmental Impact Assessment Programs (EIAP) for grammatical twistings for contrastive countries and different regions of the world as a reflection on the continuing evolution of twist environmental judgement wights. This chapter includes two sections the first section pull up stakes present the initial structure and types for EIAP and will likewise comp ar slightly computer broadcastmes on their categories and weight schemes to anticipate the directions of future developments for construct environmental pass judgmentment course of studys. Understanding how EIAP for structures developed oer the past 20 years is the primary(prenominal) outcome of this chapter as it will provide evidence for the research supposal and justifications for the methodologies undertaken in this research.ObjectivesThe main aim of this chapter is to re post the development process of EIAP for twists its categories, charge frames and methodologies used in underdeveloped these courses. It will set as a starting point in developing an evaluation tool in particular spirited for the Egyptian environment. To achieve this aim around objectives stupefy been consider round off and comp ar different types of EIAP for structures from variety of regions, emphasizing on their categories of taskment, weighting systems and their current developments.Investigate the future development direction for EIAP for makes.The development of EIAP for creates plait sector contribute significantly to elan vital phthisis all all over the world. It is responsible for 38% of the world primary vigor consumption and the carbonic acid gas emission resulting from these huge levels of consumption, as shown in take to 2-1 (BP Statistical Review of World vital force, 2008, International Energy Agency (IEA) Statistics Division, 2008). A people o f experts retrieve that the edifice sector in the world could foster reducing 1.8 trillion t singles of CO2 before Kyoto target in 2012 (World Business Council for Sustain qualified cultivation 2009 report). accord to the UNEP 2007significant gains can be made in efforts to assail global warming by reducing si unsanded use and amend zippo aptitude in constructs.There argon number of ways that a grammatical construction could affect its surrounding environment on its life-time time. During different distributor points row substantials, construction, operation and demolition, also, through different comp angiotensin-converting enzyments, mental synthesiss could cast a huge intrusion on the environment (UNEP 2007). For example soil pollution, emissions into the stress, weewee spills, deplete generation, resource consumption, local upholds, impacts associated with transportation and cause on biodiversity (Gangolells M, et al., 2009). In addition to the previous environmental impacts, mental synthesiss affect peoples health instanter. As (Theodore 1996 ) reported, in that location are a lot of health problems that could be linked to makes directly especially to poor indoor(a) step i.e. the sick building syndrome.According to (UNEP 2007) it has long been established that to achieve an might-effective world, governments, businesses and individuals must trans dramatis personae the building sector. wizard of the approaches that shit been adopted to address the building sector effects on the environment were developing political platforms to quantify buildings act. Environmental impact judicial purpose programs (EIAP) for buildings were in the first place conceived as instruction to recognize best practice, promote color buildings and to provide a unified and coherent base for buildings to be compared on. Recent studies showed that EIAP have been a key factor in improving buildings devise as effortless (pennenvironment pdf). T his movement towards sustainable and putting surface buildings has been growing rabidly since the second half(prenominal) of the 80s leading to the development of various methods for evaluating the environmental performance of buildings (Cole, Yudelson and Fedrizzi, 2008). The number of EIAP for buildings has change magnitude significantly in the past two decades, as shown in Figure 2-2. From 4 programs in the 80s to more than(prenominal) than 25 program straightway actively used worldwide. This increase in the number of EIAP for buildings or the revolution as Yudelson describe it, will likely continue over the next a few(prenominal) years (Cole, , Yudelson).In countries all over the world -especially the developed countries- on that point is a growing interest in understanding how to reduce the building sector impacts on the environment. This is partially manifested in continues development of EIAP for buildings, distributively by introducing impudently estimation to ols, or by developing and refining the real ones. In recent years, the trade for evaluating building performance was increasing, with clients demanding buildings that chance on the exaltedest competency standards and have minimum effects on the environment (U.S. spirt create Council (USGBC), 2005).The time line progress for the environmental programsEnvironmental buildings or green buildings from the market point of view could potentially save money on might bills, cut global warming pollution and help to stiff future energy. Therefore there are growing demands for building class as green or environmentally cozy. some other aspect that verify the current success of EIAP for building is that a lot of conferences have been and alleviate are held for the environmental impacts of buildings and the best way to develop and assess it (Cole, -, Yudelson). EIAP are straight off considered a driving force to develop buildings industry.EIAP were first conceived as a mean to quan tify the success of a building in achieving reduced impacts on the environment during its life time. They were also developed to accomp each with standards from organizations like ANSI, ISO, ASHARE, ASTM and CEN. The structure and components of EIAP are always changing to cope with the latest sports in building standards. These changes include categories of perspicacity, assign weighting, impacts computation, equal efficiency and example techniques. EIAP assess buildings either on performance bases on prescriptive bases. They were initially developed as in automatic (cole,) but with the higher demands from the market some programs are mandatory in some parts of the world now for example-. around organizations and local authorities now demand a sealed qualification to be attained by the building in align to be authorized. For example EIAP were first bearinged to assess certain aspects of buildings broadly speaking energy, water and material use. They were also firstly vi sualizeed for certain types of buildings. raw(a) developments to EIAP for buildings include expanding the judgment categories to include every dot and component of a building during its life time. The new generations of programs are moving towards a more across-the-board view of sound judgement rather than it creation for unless(prenominal) one type of buildings or one aspect of building elements. New additions to freshwater clean 2008 and LEED 2009 included the introduction of new chance variables to assess new types of building (ref for Leed and bream weather vanesites). EIAP also assess buildings in different stages headinging, construction, operation and demolish. With number of these programs being in use for several years spotting the developments directions for EIAP for buildings could be recognize and analyse.In the first generation of EIAP like and , sound judgments were usually made by a qualified trinity party. In recent years web found judgement have been introduced, for example in - and LEED V3 2009 (ref for Leed and bream websites). This came as a reaction to the market demand for an easy to use initial legal opinion. EIAP outcomes are a security measure grade (,), a report () or a to acknowledge the grade of a building in achieving its environmental targets. Recent additions to EIAP for building included the introduction of an heavy(p) rate for outstanding innovations in green building as in in LEED and -in freshwater bream (ref for Leed and bream websites). This comes as a result of the current need on the market for green buildings to achieve the highest the huge competition.The success of EIAP in reshaping the building industry is undeniable. In recent years, EIAP have been playing a bad role in moving the building industry into a more environment conscious directions, as presented in (Cole, 2003)..There is little doubt that building environmental assessment methods have contributed enormously to furthering the prom otion of higher environmental expectations, and are directly and indirectly influencing the performance of buildings.This current success of EIAP for buildings is considered one of the -in the world (usgreen building council). This success derives from the ability of these programs to offers a common grease for formers, governments and buildings owners, to assess building performance and be recognized for good practice.This chapter will focus on certification programs that deal with evaluation and assessment of buildings to serve as a starting point in developing a specific program aimed at the Egyptian environment needs. From the author viewTypes of twist Assessment systemsEIAP for buildings could be divided to two types according to what they assess in a building. The first type assesses one or more of the building aspects to find out how it will affect the environment and how well the buildings elements will score against environmental standards, for example on energy efficie ncy or materials choice. Programs like R-2000 and slide fastener STAR assess mainly building energy efficiency (R-2000, 2007, ENERGY STAR, 2009). These types of assessment methods sometimes are specifically designed for a certain type of buildings like P-mark for prefabricated houses and GreenCalc for Dutch stain buildings (Technical seek initiate of Sweden, 2009, GreenCalc, 2009). Also for some programs the assessment is done to only one stage of a building, for example ATHENA for design stage only and NovoClimat for after operation stage only (ATHENA, 2009, Natural Resources Canada, 2009). The assessed buildings either pass the assessment and given a certificate or a qualification grade, or fail to qualify and be given guidance on how to improve the assessed element of their building.The second type of EIAP assesses building as a whole against a set of categories to find out the building total impacts on the environment. These types of programs always include a wide simulacru m of categories of assessment ranging from site design and energy efficiency to water employ and recycling management. They also cover different building types with specific consideration for each type, for example in BREEAM, LEEDS and HK- commit there are specific versions to assess steads, schools, retail and healthcare. These programs assess a building on different stages design, construction, operation, caution and demolition stage in some programs. Usually a certificate or a qualification grade is purityed to the assessed building to define its standard. postpone 2-1 presents EIAP that will be reviewed in this study.Developed in Canada in 1982 the R-2000 is a voluntary program encouraging builders to build energy- competent houses that are environmentally friendly and healthy. It includes an energy efficiency standard for new houses that is continuously updated. It also includes comprehensive training and education courses for builders. The R-2000 standard assesses energy consumption performance for a house through a series of technical requirements (minimum envelope requirements, internal respiration system requirements, combustion system requirements, energy performance target, lights and appliances, indoor air quality and environmental features/eco-management) (Natural resources Canada, 2009, R-2000, 2007). During the first few years of industriousness the R-2000 program didnt attract the anticipated Canadian building practice (Horvat et al., 2005, Adair, 1996), this was repayable to write R-2000 homes by uncertified builders that lead to a failure of real performance of the program standards.Being more expensive (6-10%) to build R-2000 home in coincidence to regular building.Being ductile is what helped the R-2000 (2005 edition) program stay in the current market and being able to be applied to any type of homes. Another advantage is producing homes with 30%-40% energy savings (R-2000, 2007, Horvat et al., 2005).P-mark system (Sweden, 1989 )P-mark came as a reaction to the manufacturers of prefabricated houses in Sweden need for an assessment program that assures the market of the quality of their houses. P-mark is a voluntary program. It was developed for design and after construction stages. P-mark authorities use the method of unannounced inspections to assure quality control procedures after operation. 5% of the finished houses is inspected and measured annually. The inspections are on performance bases for the finished homes on air-tightness of the building envelope, air exchange rates, air-tightness of ducts, healthful pressure levels and heat requirement, to verify compliance with P-mark requirements P-mark certificate is considered a form of quality assurance in Sweden (Technical look for Institute of Sweden, 2009, Horvat et al., 2005, Swedish Institute for Technical Approval in Construction SITAC, 2007, website)One advantage to the application P-mark was that it has helped the Sweden market in reducing comp laints from people about the failure of prefabricated homes (Anneling, 1998). The upgrades that have been made to the P-mark in recent years involved improving the assessment categories to include 1) Testing for ventilation, air-tightness of houses and ventilation ducts, 2) Inspection for HVAC performance, water-tightness of the kitchen or toilet (Technical Research Institute of Sweden, 2009).The Building Environmental Performance Assessment Criteria (BEPAC) is a voluntary EIAP specifically for moneymaking(prenominal) buildings. It assesses the building on five categories energy use, indoor environment, ozone protection, resource conservation, and transportation. BEPAC was Canadas first non-residential environmental assessment tool and has influenced a lot of the programs that followed for example BREEAM Canada, GBTool, C-2000 and GreenGlobes. On its first version it used an experienced third party to undertake the assessment. As a reaction to concerns regarding the costs of use a n expensive third party to carry out the assessment in BEPAC the self-assessment version of BEPAC was developed. It allows facility staff to evaluate their own buildings. It contains a program for substance abuser training. This new addition has been criticized as the facility staff dexterity be not experienced enough to carry out an assessment. BEBAC adjudicate consistency has been questioned and this led to the assessment not being used often in the Canadian market (SDIC, 2009, Marshall, 2008, DEH, 2000, Bond, 1999).Eco-profile (Norway, 1995)Eco-Profile is a simple environmental assessment method which was developed to be easy to use to encourage the expenditure of the scheme. It assesses life cycle effects of a building on away environment, resources and indoor climate (Boonstra and Pettersen, 2003, Strand and Fossdal, 2003). The program uses 82 parameters to assess the building performance and then given a grade. The grading scale is 1 for Low environmental impact, 2 for Me dium impacts and 3 for Greater impact (Strand and Fossdal, 2003). Eco-Profile is not currently used in the Norwegian market. It has not been marketed since 2002 due to funding limitations with the Norwegian Building Research Institute. Even though more than 60 commercial buildings have been assessed by this program in 2000-2001 it is not considered a successful one as it didnt continue, as presented in (Boonstra and Pettersen, 2003)so far Eco-profile cannot be said to have been a successSome of the suggested utility for the program included simplifying the program by presenting one advocate instead of three and reducing the number of the assessed parameters. Another direction for improvement will have to include updating the weighting of parameters. (Boonstra and Pettersen, 2003, Strand and Fossdal, 2003)(Andresen, 2005, Krishnan Gowri, 2004., Hasegawa, 2003, G. Assefa et al., 2007).GreenCalc (The Netherlands, 1997)GreenCalc is an assessment program for Dutch buildings especially commercial and industrial. It uses computer tool to count the buildings environmental load in terms of cost. It is divided into four modules 1) material module choice of materials, quantities and insulating values. 2) Energy module energy consumption in operation phase (use of building, air-conditioning, ventilation and lighting. 3) Water usage water consumption in the operation phase (facilities, sanitary facilities and rainwater). 4) Mobility accessibility from home to crap place location, public transport and own transport. Assessment is performed in comparison to a benchmark building designed to 1990s standards. The benchmark for environmental index for 1990s building is 100 and current building is 150-300. The program predicts that buildings in 2050 will achieve environmental index of 2000 (Seo et al., 2005, GreenCalc, 2009).The latest version of the program GreenCalc+ has tried to cope with the highly developed market of green buildings. It included expanded simulation model ing with the designer being able to evaluate the effects of better insulation, glazing, efficient lighting systems, and solar energy systems as design options. It updated its energy consumption prediction method to be able to calculate the Energy Performance Norm option (GreenCalc, 2009).ENERGY STAR (US, 2000)ENERGY STAR is a program to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. It is operated by the US Environmental Protection Agency and the US Department of Energy. It assesses harvest-tides as well as buildings, for example lighting fixtures, home electronics, office equipment, heating and cooling equipment. The building certificate is for residential (single/multi-family and renovated houses) and commercial buildings (ENERGY STAR, 2009, Horvat et al, 2005). Criticisms to ENERGY STAR buildings came from it being more expensive than other constituted buildings especially on design and material aspects. Studies proved that these costs are accepted because the building save on run ning costs (i.e., the HVAC system) (Tanmay Tathagat 2007, Horvat et al, 2005).In recent development to the program and as a reaction to meet the escalating demands for energy savings, modifications have been applied to its minimum energy saving requirements. initially in 2000 the ENERGY STAR label required a building to be at least 30% more energy efficient (heating, cooling and water heating) than a comparable one built to the 1993 object lesson Energy Code. Also the building should be 15% more efficient than the state energy code. New modification in 2007 demanded that a building must be at least 15% more energy efficient than homes built to the 2004 International Residential Code IRC (ENERGY STAR, 2009).(Roosa, 2007, Greg K and pileus E, 2003).(Yudelson and Fedrizzi, 2008b, Greg K and Capital E, 2003, ENERGY STAR, 2009). NovoClimat (Canada, Qubec, 2000)NovoClimat was initially conceived to allow Quebec builders to increase the energy efficiency of their homes. It was dev eloped by the Quebec Agency for Energy Efficiency (Natural Resources Canada, 2009, Horvat et al., 2005). The assessment is done to the building in construction stage and after completion. A typical Novoclimat home will score EnerGuide rating of between 78 and 80 (http//, http// It is a voluntary program inspired by Canadas National Model Energy Code. What makes this program different is the fact that it connects energy efficiency and air-tightness to the durability of the building envelope. The new Novoclimat 2007 aimed directly to quantify the effects it makes to a building, by setting a goal to improve a buildings energy performance by a minimum of 25% (Efficient Energy Agency, 2008, Natural Resources Canada, 2009).http// and Nigel, 2006, Robert C, 2003, Natu ral Resources Canada, 2009, Horvat et al., 2005). ATHENA (Canada, 2000)Athena is North American software for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for buildings. It assesses industrial, institutional, office, multi-unit/single family residential homes and also assesses both(prenominal) new buildings and renovations to live buildings. It is for design stage only to help in deciding which materials to use as it recognizes more than 90 materials and simulates over 1,200 different assembly combinations (structural and envelope). According to ATHENA institute 2009, this software takes into vizor the environmental effects of material manufacturing, (including resource extraction and recycled content), related transportation, on-the-scene(prenominal) construction, regional variation in energy use and other factors, building type and assumed lifespan, maintenance, repair and replacement effects, demolition and disposal, operating energy emissions and pre-combustion effects, embodied prima ry energy use, global warming potential, solid waste emissions, pollutants to air, pollutants to water and natural resource use. ATHENA (4) Impact Estimator, is the newest version of the program and was released in 2009. As most of the new generation of EIAP, ATHENA (4) newest edition included improving simulation modeling. The software will help designers choose a design from up to five design scenarios. It is also more flexible in handling data flows with more impact measures. Another new feature is the ability to choose new regions to assess (ATHENA, 2009).Eco-Quantum (The Netherlands, 1998)Eco-Quantum is a LCA based computer tool. It starts by entering building data, then the calculation section and finally the output results. It has two versions one for offices and the other for interior(prenominal) buildings. It calculates the environmental effects during the entire life span of a building. This includes the impact of energy, the maintenance during the use phase and the diffe rences in the durability of parts of the construction related to the life span of the building. The program has an advantage of being easy to use. As a reaction to the evolving market for environmental assessment, Eco-Quantum V3 latest additives included improving assessment categories. Not only it assess materials and energy flow, it now also takes into account the possibility for selective demolition, recycling, ozone depletion, human toxicity and ingathering reuse ((Kortman, 1999, Breedveld, 2007 Forsberga Malmborgc , 2004, ISPRA, 2009). MAK refernceBEAT (Denmark, 2001)The Building Environmental Assessment Tool (BEAT) is a LCA based tool. BEAT is a relation database designed using Microsoft Access. The user must supply type of building, estimated lifetime of the building, geometry of the building, number of floors above/ infra ground, roof pitch, number of windows in the building, % of facade area covered by windows and natural or mechanical ventilation. BEAT assessment is for design stage only. It can be used both for supporting the general design choices early in the design phase, and later for supporting the more small design choices. The total environmental effects are the sum of multiplying the environmental effect by a weighting factor.Motivated by both the increased requirements to the energy performance of buildings and the recent developments for simulation tools for building assessment, the Danish Building Research Institute (SBi) is studying a project to develop BEAT. It is studying how to facilitate the use of BEAT by integrating it into new simulation software called BSim. This will allows both energy and environmental assessments to be performed in one operation. The new program is expected to be flexible in respect to the anticipated Canadian Environment Network (CEN) requirements. first signs of the anticipated merge suggest that it is useful to support decision during design phase (Pedersen, F., Hansen, K., Wittchen, K. B., Grau, K., Johnsen, K. (2008). Combining building thermal simulation methods and LCA methods. In C. Rode, proceeding of the 8th Symposium on Building Physics in the Nordic Countries Nordic Symposium on Building Physics 2008, NSB2008, Copenhagen, June 16-18, 2008, Vol. 2 (pp. 605-611). Lyngby DTU.(The Danish Building Research Institute, 2007).LCAid (Australia, 2001)LCAid is the Environmental Life Cycle Assessment Design Aid software package developed by department of public works and run categories. It is to nominate the largest impacts over the building life cycle. It is user friendly decision making tool used to evaluate the environmental performance of design options over its life span. The program inputs are raw materials, building product manufacture, energy, and water. Outputs include resource extraction, emissions to air, water, land and waste, demolition reuse, recycling and disposal. The software outputs identify the areas that have the greatest impact on the environment so it could be reduced by other solutions. LCAid improvements included to separates the environmental impacts within each indicator into four stages construction, operation, maintenance and demolition (Eldridge, 2002, Graham, P. 2000).Green Globes (Canada, 2000)Green Globes is a system to manage the assessment of environmental designs. It is an online assessment for green buildings. The system requires the client (i.e. property manager, owners of commercial and multi-residential buildings) to complete an online confidential questionnaire at design stage. Another stage of the assessment is an online report from a third-party at the construction stage. The categories of assessment for green Globes are site, energy, water, emissions and indoor environment. It was developed based on BREEAM/Green Leaf as their upgrade or as their web-based tool. It was much(prenominal) anticipated and there was an immediate uptake to it with more than 100 users registered for existing building assessments only in 2 002. One of the reasons for the huge uptake could have been that the program was filling the gap for an online assessment method that is related to BREEAM. To be certified a building will have to achieve at least 35% of the total number of 1,000 points. New edition of Green Globes are in the line of developing the program to consider the building surrounding environment and not only the building itself. The new tool for Continual Improvement of Existing Buildings (CIEB) will look at aspects such(prenominal) as resident transportation opportunities (ECD, 2009, Boonstra Pettersen, 2003, Green Globes (2009).BEES (US, 2002)Building for Environmental and economic Sustainability (BEES) is a program to help making an environmental but cost effective building. BEES measures the life time effects of the building and its components. The categories of assessment are in terms of Global warming, Acidification, Eutrophication, Resource Depletion, Indoor Air Quality, warm Waste, First Cost and Future Cost. The software strength comes from the extensive assessment for economic performance of a building using the American friendship for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard. It produces results for environmental performance and economic performance and an overall performance as shown in Figure 2-9. All stages of buildings construction are analyzed from the row material manufacture and transportation to the waste management. The program is unendingly developing by adding assessment categories and new materials to the software database in ordinate to keep up to date with the latest editions in the green designs. BEES 4.0 fail to the newest data from U.S. EPA and have more than 200 building products in its database (BEES, 2007, Lippiatt,, 2002).Programs that assess the whole building.BREEAM (UK, 1990)The Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM), initiated as a tool for assessing the environmental performance of a building. BREEAM asse ssment is divided into 9 categories Management, Health Comfort, Energy, Transport, Water, Materials, Land Use, Ecology and Pollution. It was initially started as a questionnaire based tool. These questionnaires were designed for each stage of a building from design to post-operation. The actual ascribe were given to a building only on two stages apprehension design stage and the preparation of construction stage. One criticism for BREEAM was that finished buildings sometimes differ from the design. This has been addressed in the latest version of BREEAM (2008) by introducing a post construction assessment. This assessment will ensure that all the specifications stated in the design are carried out in the actual building (BREEAM, 2009, BERR, 2008, Howe, 2008). Another criticism for BREEAM was that design teams used to copy whole paragraphs of the checklists provided by BREEAM and put it in the design specification to get the citations from the assessor. Also a lot of credits coul d have been obtained from number of very small additives to the design (for example put sheds). These credits will help buildings in getting a high rating without necessarily being green as a whole. In BREEAM 2008 mandatory credits was introduced to address this problem. These credits will ensure a minimum application of a holistic view of green concept in the rated buildings. Also by making the Code for Sustainable Homes and BREEAM or equivalent mandatory in April 2008, this will secure sustainable measures in larger developments (BREEAM, 2009, BERR, 2008, Howe, 2008, Glasson et al., 2005).BREEAM initially didnt include benchmarks for number of criteria it used to make case to them. This was designed to help BREEAM being flexible. In BREEAM 2008 a lot of credits have been expanded especially setting benchmarks for CO2 emissions to align with the new Environmental Performance Certificate (EPC). BREEAM assess new and existing building for deferent types of buildings Courts, homes, Industrial buildings, Multi-Residential, Prisons, Offices, Retail and Education. Latest developments in BREEAM 2008 included expanding the assessed building types to include BREEAM Healthcare and BREEAM Further Education. As a reaction to the evolving market of green buildings and the urge to use the highest environmental developments in buildings industry a new rating level (BREEAM outstanding) has been introduced in 2008. This will enable advance(a) designs to be recognized for being leaders in their domain (BREEAM, 2009).HK-BEAM ( Hong Kong, 1996)The Hong Kong Building Environmental Assessment Method (HK-BEAM) is a voluntary environmental assessment program for buildings. It was originally developed by Real Estate nurture Agency but it is owned now by BEAM Society. The program main assessment categories are site, materials, energy, water, indoor environment and innovative aspects and its award classifications are Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. It was the first program to f inalize its assessment only when the building is completed. HK-BEAM is updating periodically to keep up with the industry standards and regulations. New versions were released on 1999, 2003 and 2005. The latest version HK-BEAM 4/04 has a lot of modifications to respond to the developing market of green buildings. BEAM 2004 highlighted the increasing importance of Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) by making it necessary to obtain minimum credit for it in order to be eligible for a grade. The grade awarded is based on percentage of applicable credits gained both for IEQ and overall assessment. BEAM is considered a very successful assessment tool. Though being voluntary program, in 2003, over
Saturday, March 30, 2019
The Tailless Aircraft
The Tailless AircraftThis report on anurous aircraft presents the pros and cons of using such an aircraft design for commercial purposes. The report comprises 4 sections discussing the aeromechanics, structural innovations, locomotive engines and overall advantages and disadvantages of anurous aircraft. The aerodynamic study of a anurous aircraft highlights the importance of the prosper drag out and span loading distribution and disparate designs that can improve the aerodynamic performance effectively. In structural innovations, some(prenominal) existing tailless aircraft are examined to identify how the structures have been designed to render a successful aircraft. In particular, structures used in the control and perceptual constancy of the aircraft are examined. As regards to engines, the positioning of the engine and the idea of using a Vertical Takeoff has been discussed. The advantages and disadvantages of a tailless aircraft have been detailed.IntroductionOf the ai rcraft in use today, the vast majority use a tailplane to hearth rudder and elevators. Aircraft without such a system remain quite rare. However, the concept of tailless aircraft has long been considered by engineers and aviators as an aerodynamically ideal. In the history of the aircraft design several(prenominal) attempts were made to build an aircraft with reduced tail size which has sometimes resulted in smaller drag and weight but has added to controllability problems. Because of this, tailless designs have for the most part been used in military applications. In this report we assess whether it is straight off possible to seriously use this concept in commercial aircraft.methodological analysisThe information contained in this report was primarily gathered from textbooks and internet research. quad different aspects of the subject were identified and each aspect was researched and written up by one member of the group. Additionally, the group were able to examine a harrier jump jet which visited Perth on 7th May 2010.Results of findingsThe next table summarises what the research has revealedNegative points pooh-pooh profile and interference dragLift to drag symmetry outgrowths by 20-25%Engines can be positioned in the centre rear instead of a tail, providing the additional advantage of directional stabilityRoll control is more efficient due to commodious university extensionspanThe tip of the wing aerofoil is non near the drag ones heels angle due to backward sweep along with twisted wing tipVertical takeoff is not practical since a spacious commercial aircraft weighs too much for the thrust available from current engine applied science to overcomeDirectional control is more difficult to action without adding a rudder assemblyThe triangular spanwise aerodynamic loading distribution does not give the best aerodynamic performance even though the wave drag is the reduced.Section 1 AerodynamicsThis section of the report discusses the aerodynam ics of a tailless aircraft and various factors affecting the same. A tailless a is a revolutionary conceptual change from the classical design that has been everyday for the past 50 years i.e. a wing attached to a cylindrical fuselage with a tail to ensure the stability and manoeuvrability of the aircraft.Lower wetted cranial orbit (area which is in contact with the external airflow) to volume proportionality and scorn interference drag is the main aerodynamic advantage of a tailless aircraft in comparison with the conventional aircraft.On the aerodynamic performance side, the soapimum lift-to-drag ratio depends on the ratio of the aircraft span to the square root of the reaping of the induced drag factor and the zero-lift drag area, which is proportional to the wetted area of the aircraft.() max =Where Cf is the average friction co-efficient (mainly dependent on the Reynolds number) over the wetted area Swet and is the friction co-efficient.Since the tailless aircraft have a lower aspect ratio but also a lower friction co-efficient due to its bigger chord, we always get smaller relative wetted area. This provides a substantial returns in aerodynamic performance by increasing the lift-to-drag ratio of tailless aircraft in cruise to about 20-25% as comparingd to the conventional aircrafts.The BWB-450 and BWB-800 were designed to compare with the existing fleet of conventional aircrafts as Boeing 747 and Airbus 380. BWB-450 was presented with the span and the aspect ratio being reduced to 80 m and 7.55 respectively, thereby concluding a decrease in 30%fuel burn per seat for the BWB models as compared to other conventional aircrafts and thus requiring 3 instead of 4 engines. provided another such design project was successfully completed, which is based on a similar payload and performance as Airbus 380 with over 650 passengers. The abidance of the project is well suited for the application of laminar flow technology (which results in skin friction drag ) to the engine Nacelle and potentially to the lifting surfaces. Also an increase in cruise Mach number increases the drag making the design of aircraft unfeasible.
Glutamate Transporter Excitatory Amino Acid Experiment
Glutamate Transporter stimulative Amino Acid ExperimentAbstractN-(2-18F-Fluoropropionyl)-L-glutamate(18F-FPGLU) is a potential amino group deadly tracer for tumor imagery with positron emission imagination ( c aress). In this study, therelationship between glutamate conveyor belt excitant amino acid postman 1 (EAAC1) cheek and 18F-FPGLU usance in squealer C6 glioma cubicles tonal pattern and gentleman SPC-A-1 lung adenocarcinoma cells line was investigated. The white plague of 18F-FPGLU in C6 cells increased signifi whoremastertly after induce by ATRA for 24, 48, and 72 h, which was closely related to conceptualisation of EAAC1 in C6 cells (R=0.939). Compared with the SPC-A-1(NT) guard cells, the uptake of 18F-FPGLU on EAAC1 knock-down SPC-A-1(shribonucleic acid) cells significantly change magnitude to 64.0%. In the caress resourcefulness of 18F-FPGLU of SPC-A-1 and EAAC1 knock-down SPC-A-1(shRNA)-bearing mice models, the uptake of 18F-FPGLU in SPC-A-1(shRNA) xenografts was significantly lower than that in SPC-A-1 xenografts, with Tumor/Muscle ratio of 1.67 0.1 vs. 3.01 0.3 at 60 min post-injection. The results suggest that transport mechanism of 18F-FPGLU in glioma C6 and lung adenocarcinoma SPC-A-1 cells lines principally involves in glutamate transporter EAAC1, which is an important transporter of 18F-FPGLU in tumor cells and may be a sweet hallmark of tumor glutamate metabolism caress imaging.Keywords N-(2-18F-fluoropropionyl)-L-glutamate tumor imaging glutamate transporter excitatory amino acid carrier 1IntroductionAs the most commonly determinationd positron emission tomography (PET) tracer for tumor diagnosis, 18F-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (18F-FDG) also has certain faux negative and false positive results(Shreve et al. 1999 Fletcher et al. 2008). It has been reported that 18F-FDG negative tumors may use a different metabolic pathway cal conduct glutaminolysis(DeBerardinis et al. 2007 Ward et al. 2012). Glutamine and glutam ate play observe roles in the adapted intermediary metabolism of tumors(Gao et al. 2009 Rajagopalan et al. 2011 Shanware et al. 2011). Several 18F-labeled glutamic acid and 18F-labeled glutamine arouse been apply for metabolic PET imaging of tumor in serviceman race (Baek et al. 2013 Venneti et al. 2015). High uptake of these amino acid tracers in tumor cells is apparent related to the increased side of amino acid transporters. For example, the upregulated establishment ASC, oddly ASCT2 might contri howevered to the uptake of 18F-labeled (2S,4R)-4-fluoro-L-glutamine(Ploessl et al. 2012), and 18F-fluoroglutamic acid (BAY 85-8050) transport involved in Na+-dependent XAG- and Na+-independent XC- systems with XC- possibly playing a more(prenominal) dominant role, but both of them showed defluorination in vivo(Krasikova et al. 2011). 18F-labeled (4S)-4-(3-18Ffluoropropyl)-L-glutamate (BAY 94-9392), another derivative of glutamic acid, whose transport was due cistronrally to u pregulation of system XC-, a potential biomarker for tumor oxidative stresscan be useful for detecting system XC- activity in vivo and is considered to be a potential tracer for tumor imaging(Koglin et al. 2011).Our recently developed novel N-18F-labeled glutamic acid, N-(2-18F fluoropropionyl)-L-glutamate (18F-FPGLU), seemed to be a potential amino acid PET tracer for tumor metabolic imaging, with high tumor-to-background contrast in several tumor-bearing mice models. precedent studies showed that 18F-FPGLU wasprimarily transported through Na+-dependent high-affinity glutamate transporter system XAG-(Hu et al. 2014), but the accurate transport mechanism is unknown. Glutamate transport system includes Na+-dependent excitatory glutamate transporter XAG- system and Na+-independent glutamate transporter XC- system(Avila-Chvez et al. 1997). System XC- (xCT) is everywhereexpressed on tumor c ells and is a potential biomarker for tumor oxidative stress. As an important genus Phallus o f XAG- system, excitatory amino acid carrier 1 (EAAC1), also called excitatory amino acid transporter 3 (EAAT3), localizes to the post-synaptic structure of neurons and surrounding glial cells as regulator of excitatory neurotransmission, and also exists in peripheral wanders, possibly as metabolic regulators(Bailey et al. 2011). The mirror image of EAAC1 was known to be regulated by several mechanisms that modify carrier abundance on the plasma membranes and was markedly induced by all tans-retinoic acid (ATRA) in rat C6 glioma cells, which led to strikingly stimulate amino acid influx(Bianchi et al. 2008). However, EAAC1 transporter may be a potential biomarker for tumor molecular imaging. It has not been reported so far. This study investigated the relationship between EAAC1 expression and 18F-FPGLU uptake in C6 rat glioma cells line and SPC-A-1 human lung adenocarcinoma. The uptake of 18F-FPGLU was assessed in ATRA- interact and un inured C6 cells lines, and also in shRNA-med iated EAAC1 knock-down SPC-A-1 cells and the non-targeted (NT) apply cells in vitro. Further prospective researches of PET imaging of tumor-bearing mice models with C6, SPC-A-1 and EAAC1 knock-down SPC-A-1(shRNA) xenografts were performed to reveal the coefficient of correlation between the uptake of 18F-FPGLU and the expression of EAAC1.Materials and methodsMaterials any reagents, unless otherwise specified, were of analytical grade and commercially available. alone chemicals obtained commercially were employ without further purification. Inveon small-animal PET/computed tomography (CT) scanner was purchased from Siemens (Germany).Synthesis of 18F-FPGLUThe synthetic thinking of 18F-FPGLU from 4-nitrophenyl-2-18F-fluoropropionate (18F-NFP) via a twain-step reaction sequence has been set forth in degree by the earlier paper(Hu et al. 2014).Cell civilisation and living creature ModelsThe C6 rat glioma cells, SPC-A-1 human lung adenocarcinoma cells were obtained from Shanghai Institute of Cellular Biology of Chinese honorary society of Sciences (Shanghai, China). The cells were cultured in culture flasks containing DMEM medium(for C6 cells) or RPMI 1640 medium (for SPC-A-1) supplemented with 10%FBS and 1% penicillin/streptomycin at 37oC in a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2 and 95% air. 24 hours before the experiments in vitro, C6 cells lines or SPC-A-1 cell lines were trypsinized and 2105 cells per rise up were sown into 24-well plates. All animal experimental studies were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Utilization Committee (IACUU) of the First Affiliated infirmary, Sun Yat-Sen University (approval No.2013A-173). All efforts were made to minimize animal suffering, to reduce the number of animals used, and to use alternatives to in vivo techniques, if available. The nude mice were obtained from Laboratory Animal Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University (Guangzhou, China). The C6, SPC-A-1 and EAAC1 knock-down SPC-A -1(shRNA) tumor models were made apply previously described methods(Deng et al. 2011). Tumor cells (2-5-106) were injected subcutaneously and allowed to grow for 1 to 3 weeks. When the tumor reached 6-10 mm (diameter) micro PET/CT scans were done.C6 induced by ATRAThe rat glioma C6 cells were hardened by all trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) 12 h after the passage. Culture medium was substituted with fresh medium (containing DMEM medium supplemented with 10% FBS) in the absence seizure or in the present of ATRA at a concentration of 10 M from a 10 mM stock solution in DMSO according to the literature16. After the treatment of ATRA for 24, 48 and 72 h, decimal real time polymerase image reaction (qRT-PCR) and westward blotting were used to monitored the template RNA and protein expression levels of EAAC1 in ATRA treated C6 and non-treated C6 cells.Generation of shRNA-mediated EAAC1 knock-down cells.The method of generation of shRNA-mediated EAAC1 knock-down cells was uniform to the l iterature(Youland et al. 2013). SPC-A-1 human lung adenocarcinoma cells was used for shRNA-mediated EAAC1 knock-down experiment. SPC-A-1 cells were transduced with lentivirus ecoding EAAC1-targeted short hairpin RNAs (shRNA). shRNA sequences were selected from human EAAC1 messenger RNA NM_004170 and the shRNA fragments were cloned in a lentivirus vector pGLV3 plasmid with the sequence 5-GCATTACCACAGGAGTCTTGG-3. A non-specific targeting (NT) shRNA for control was cloned in the same lenvirus plasmid backbone. Lentiviral packaging was performed with trans-lentiviral packaging mix in 293T cells according to the manufacturers instructions. SPC-A-1 cells were plated on 6-well plates at 2-105 cells per well. After 24 hours, medium was aspirated and replaced with coulomb L of virus-containing solution was added to each well and incubated at 37oC for 24 h. Cells were selected with puromycin and monitored for car park fluorescence protein (GFP) expression. The EAAC1 mRNA expression level wa s monitored by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). The EAAC1 protein expression level was quantized by western blotting.qRT-PCR for the expression of EAAC1Relative expression levels of EAAC1 mRNA in C6 and SPC-A-1 cells were metric victimization the fluorescence quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) (Stratagene Mx3000P Real time PCR, Agilent). Total cellular RNA was isolated with the Rneasy mini Kit (TAKARA). 1 g of RNA was synthesized to cDNA in a 20 L reaction system with reverse transcriptase buffer, RT Enzyme Mix and primer MIX (Bestar qPCR RT kit, DBI). Conditions for reverse agreement were 5 min at 65oC, 5 min on ice, thusly 60 min at 37oC and 10 min at 98oC. Oligodeoxynucleotide primers of EAAC1 gene for PCR amplification was5-AGTTCAGCAACACTGCCTGT-3 (forward) and (5-GTTGCACCAACGGGTA ACAC-3(reverse). PCR was programmed as follows 2 min at 94oC, 20 s at 94oC, 20 s at 58oC becausece 20 s at 72oC for 40 cycles. Glyceraldehyde-3-p hosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) was used as a initial control and each sample was amplified in triplicate. The sexual relation expression of EAAC1 mRNA compared with GAPDH was calculated by comparative threshold method (2 -Ct ).Western blotting for EAAC1Cells were lysed in a detergent-containing buffer with protease inhibitors for 20 min at 4oC. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase ( GAPDH) was used as a reference protein. After solubilization, cell lysates were collected and centrifuged at 14000 rpm for 10 min. The supernatants were transferred into new tubes, quantification of proteins was performed with Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit (Thermo) and aliquots of 25 g were loaded on an 10% gel for SDS-PAGE. After electrophoresis, proteins were transferred to polyvinylidene difluoridePVDFmembranes (Millipore) . The membranes with EAAC1 or GAPDH were departed at the middle position, and were stop and incubated with deferent antibody, respectively. Non-specific binding sites were block ed with an incubation in Tris-buffer saline containing 5% of bovine serum albumen (BSA) for 1h at room temperature. Then the blots were exposed to EAAT3 antibody (rabbit monoclonal antiserum, 11000, Abcam) or anti-GAPDH rabbit monoclonal antibody(13000, Abcam) dilute in blocking solution for at 4oC overnight. After washing, the blots were exposed for1h at room temperature to goat anti-rabbit IgG HRP diluted 15000 in blocking solution.Cellular uptake of 18F-FPGLUCells were plated in 24-well plates (2x105cells/well) and uptake studies were performed at 24 h after the passage. The cellular uptake of 18F-FPGLU studies was exchangeable to the methods described previously(Krasikova et al. 2013). The medium was aspirated and the cells were washed 3 times with 1 mL warm PBS. 18F-FPGLU was dissolved in PBS solution and was added to each well (74-111 KBq/0.2 mL/well). After incubated with 18F-FPGLU at 37oC for 30 min, the radioactive medium was outback(a) and the cells were washed 3 times with ice-cold PBS. Then, the cells were dissolved in 0.5 mL of 1 N NaOH and the activity was measured by counter (GC-1200, USTC Chuangxin Co. Ltd. Zonkia Branch, China). The cell lysate (25L) was used for determination of protein concentration by BCA protein assay. The uptake data are based on the amount of activity added to each well and the resume amount of protein in each well. Each experiment was done in triplicate, averaged and was repeated 5 times on different days. The uptake of 18F-FPGLU was assessed on the ATRA-treated or untreated C6 cells, and on EAAC1 knock-down SPC-A-1(shRNA) cells or SPC-A-1(NT) control cells. The intercourse uptake ratios were calculated compared to the control cells.Small-animal PET-CT imagingSmall-animal PET-CT imaging studies with tumor-bearing mice were carried out using the Inveon small-animal PET/CT scanner (Siemens). 3.7-7.4 MBq of 18F-FPGLU were injected intravenously in conscious animals via the stool vein. The mice were anesthetized with 5% chloral hydrate solution (6 mL/kg) and were unbroken warm end-to-end the procedure. Imaging started with a low-battery-acid CT scan, immediately followed by a PET scan. PET images were acquired at 30, 60, 90, 120 min post-injection. For a comparative study, mice were kept fasting for 4 h and were anesthetized with 5% chloral hydrate solution (6 mL/kg) and imaged with 18F-FDG (3.7 MBq) at 60 min after intravenous injection. The images were reconstructed by two-dimensional ordered-subsets expectation maximum (OSEM). For each small-animal PET scan, ROIs were drawn over the tumor and go through of the thigh on decay-corrected whole-body coronal images using Inevon research Workplace 4.1 software. The quantification was performed according the methods described previously(Hu et al. 2014). Radioactivity concentration within a tumor or other tissue was converted to MBq/g and then divided by the administered activity to obtain an imaging ROI-derived percentage of injected dose per g ram of tissue (% ID/g). Then, the ttumor/muscle (T/M) and tumor/brain (T/B) uptake ratios were calculated, respectively.Immunohistochemistry preparation of EAAC1 was assessed by immunohistochemistry on formalin-fixed paraffin embedded rat brain tissues and C6 xenograft samples. Immunohistochemistry experiments were carried out according to the literature(Wang et al. 2013). Normal rat brain tissues and C6 glioma tissues were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin overnight at room temperature. Tissues were then dehydrated, embedded in paraffin, and cut into 3-m sections. After antigen retrieval, tissue sections were work to immunohistochemical incubated with antibodies against EAAC1(Abcam), DAB was stained before mounted onto microscope slides. Tissues were analyzed with a Nikon E800M microscope.statistical analysesData were expressed as mean+/-SD. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS software, variate 16.0 (SPSS Inc.), for Windows (Microsoft). Student t test was used to as sess differences in the magnitudes of samples from two measurements. A P values of less than 0.05 was considered to indicate statistical significant. A scatter plot was drawn with the relative mRNA expression and the relative uptake of 18F-FPGLU in C6 cells treated with ATRA for 24h, 48h, 72h. Spearman correlation analysis and a one-dimensional regression analysis was performed between them.ResultsEAAC1 expression and 18F-FPGLU uptake in C6 cells induced by ATRAThe EAAC1 mRNA relative expression levels in ATRA-treated C6 cells assessed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) are shown by Figure 1A. Compared with the untreated C6 cells, the EAAC1 mRNA relative expression level in ATRA-treated C6 cells treated with ATRA at 10 M for 24, 48 and 72 h was increased to 1.72 0.113.22 0.224.0 0.21 times, respectively( Fig. 1A). Meanwhile, the western blotting results also showed that EAAC1 protein expression in ATRA-treated C6 cells was increased gradually(Fig. 1B). Corresponding with the high EAAC1 expression in ATRA-treated C6 cells, 18F-FPGLU uptake was significantly increased to 1.47 0.112.14 0.292.12 0.16 times in C6 cells treated by ATRA for 24, 48 and 72 h, respectively(Fig. 1C). There was a high correlation between the relative EAAC1 mRNA expresion and the relative 18F-FPGLU uptake in ATRA treated C6 cells (R = 0.939, Fig. 1D). To summarize, EAAC1 expression was markedly induced by ATRA in C6 cell lines. As a result, there was more 18F-FPGLU uptake in ATRA-treated C6 cells line which has more EAAC1 expression at both mRNA and protein levels.Figure 1PET imaging on C6 glioma-bearing miceSmall-animal PET-CT scan was performed on C6 glioma-bearing nude mice models 1h post-injection of 18F-FPGLU. PET-CT fusion imaging of the mice models demonstrated that 18F-FPGLU could intensely accumulate in C6 glioma (Fig. 2A). The tumor/brain uptake ratio of 18F-FPGLU on C6 glioma-bearing mice was higher than that of 18F-FDG at 1h post-injection of r adiotracers(n = 3, P 0.05, Fig. 2B). However, the tumor/muscle uptake ratio of 18F-FPGLU in C6 glioma-bearing mice was lower than that of 18F-FDG (n = 3, P 0.05). Immunohistochemistry showed that widely spread out EAAC1 transporter staining was shown in C6 glioma, however there was minimal EAAC1 staining in normal rat brain write matter tissue (Fig. 2C).Figure 2EAAC1 expression and 18F-FPGLU uptake in EAAC1 knock-down SPC-A-1human lung adenocarcinoma cellsThe influence of EAAC1 expression on 18F-FPGLU uptake was specifically investigated using RNA interference-mediated EAAC1 knock-down SPC-A-1 human lung adenocarcinoma cells. Lentivirally delivered shRNA significantly reduced EAAC1 mRNA expression in SPC-A-1(shRNA) cells, as compared to the non-targeted (NT) shRNA control cells (SPC-A-1(NT) cells), EAAC1 shRNA reduced EAAC1 mRNA expression by 72% in SPC-A-1(shRNA) cells (P 0.01) (Fig. 3A). At the protein expression level, EAAC1 shRNA significantly diminish EAAC1 expression in SPC-A-1(shRNA) cells by 59.6% (P 0.01) (Fig. 3B). Knock-down of EAAC1 expression was associated with a significantly lower 18F-FPGLU uptake by 36% in SPC-A-1(shRNA) cells (P
Friday, March 29, 2019
Wide Area Networks, Observer Management and Monitoring Tools
immense or sliceal cavity Networks, observer Management and Monitoring ToolsAbstractIn this comprehend the concepts of antithetical interlocking management principles will be explored with a view to demonstrating how beholder manages wide-cut bailiwick nets. The everywherecompensate will explore the issues with ghastly and how beholder overcomes these puzzles.Introduction colossal region mesh big topologys ar becoming off the beaten track(predicate) to a greater extent complex and far wider spread than ever before, this of course leads to some outstanding problems for the entanglement passenger cars of these large scale intercommunicates. Most of these electronic net profits ar huge in size and screwing considerably encompass an entire city, whereas most of them atomic number 18 transcontinental. This poses the stolon of many problems for a mesh topology handler, they may non be in the same continent as a large parity of their network. This makes t he single-valued function of network management softw be inherent, such as observer. victimisation network management softw atomic number 18 means the network manager would not hold in to leave their desk to find any fault in the network whether it was in the next room or half way crosswise the globe.Literary ReviewThe most useful literary text the write found was from the new owners of observer, the softw ar used in this report. The new owners ViaviSolutions oblige published a white paper on using perceiver Analyser, their latest version of the observer suite as a auspices as welll. (anon, 2014)The journal by Liu et al. (2014) provided a lot of insight into where wide area networks are going, and their optimisation. It contains interesting formulae for network optimisation using the Gauss-Newton method of non statementar least squares. This princip solelyy agrees with the first text in this review round the nature and make up of a wide area network.Ahmed Boutaba, (2014) goes on to agree in part with the rest of the journals nearly the nature of a grim only goes on to discuss the fact that traditional figurelers corporation cause bottle necks in the network and that opting for SDN (Software Defined Network) allows for a straightaway network and a elevateder level of feel overall.Ahmedi Mitrevski, (2014) looks at perhaps the only real area of dis savvy with regards to WANs and that is how much they follow. The relative damage of implementing and the monthly upkeep of a network seems to be the only area where professionals disagree about these networks.Anon (2008). This seminar adumbrate the principles of network management that are considered as industry standard.Cahn, (1998). This journal looks at the design of WANs and their benefits, and this similarly agrees with the principles out creesed in the previous articles mentioned, including the ambiguous nature of the costing of a network. It out greenbacks in that location are only th ree important numbers when considering a WAN, these are the cost, either monthly up keep, total restrict up cost or a mixture of both, the reliability and the response ms, and goes on to study these are all directly proportional to each another(prenominal), as in if you reduce the heart of money spent the response time goes up which brings the reliability down.Dian Septama et al., (2015). In this journal there is lots of selective information regarding providing a high quality of service, one of the primary(prenominal) areas a network manager faces the biggest struggles and base cause the biggest issues aside from gage.Feng et al.,( 2014) this journal explores the real world application of a WAN and covers the issues in using traditional methods against new technologies which are opting for more automation and utilising programs and algorithms to manage the trivial day-to-day foot race of a network which frees up the clement element to focus their time on more important tasks.Geer,( 2013)this journal focuses more on the security and live state of the earnings, but in essence the internet is just a very large WAN and so its management and security are relevant here(Langer et al., 2010) this journal uses the example of a healthcare giving medication utilising the fast and secure delivery methods of a WAN to transport orphic patient files and details across the WAN to remote geographical locations, the main example used is radiology images. These are now digital images and are large in size due to the resolutions required to accurately use them for medical diagnosis.Malhotra et al., (2011) this journal replicates closely the test that was carried out by the reason of this report, the main differences are this journal samples with a LAN and uses OPNET to generate the usage.shinbone et al., (2007) this journal agrees with Ahmed Boutaba, (2014) and Feng et al.,( 2014) in so much as they state that a network should be superintended and managed by an algorithm based on the existing SNMP framework.Tiropanis et al., (2015)this journal explores the development of networks and their respective skills and how these countenance evolved, specifically into internet science and web science. And how each of these areas are evolving in their own areas and how each of them has an intrusion on the others.Travostino et al., (2006) this journal out hounds another real world application of WANs for the scattering of virtual forms and how they tummy be utilised to compute large tasks order the network instead of only using local resources.Wang et al., (2014) this journal documents an experiment into the future of how security of a WAN could be implemented. It outlays an idea of direct the authentication key across the network securely but not via mathematical encoding to deter eavesdroppers but by quantum physics. The system uses high frequency lasers beamed down fibre optic cables which are encoded by the lighter and then decoded by a receiver, the encryption is encoded into the specific frequency of the lasers architecture and photon length. Each transmitter and receiver contain sophisticated monitoring circuitry which monitor the incoming dealings and actively s suffer for Trojan horse photons from the channel.Observer and wide area networksFor the purposes of this report the author created a mistaken WAN to utilise the software Observer to implement network management. The network off-key three terminals situated in three cities around the world. The console was simulated as being in London, one was in Paris and the other was in New York name 1 Showing simulate geographic Location of Console (Circled) image 2 Showing Simulated geographical Location of Second PC (Circled) fig 3 Showing Simulated Geographical Location of Third PC (Circled)Once the author had set up the WAN they opened Observer on each of the machines machine-accessible to the virtual WAN. The machine simulated as London was selected as the machine to be the console for the purpose of managing the network and so was configured to collate the entropy generated by the network. The other two machines utilised the inbuilt profession generation tool in Observer. Although the software produces trading this is of a cosmic microwave background style and so the data received is pellucidly simulated but for the purpose of this report this is acceptable. The affair generator in Observer comes with a plethora of options. The default option sends a small group of piece of lands by means of on a broadcast channel (ffffffffffff) the author altered this displace to generate the twitch talkers and pair intercellular substance graphs as on a broadcast channel all the employment appeared to be generating and received by the switchs MAC address which wasnt the case. The size of the share and the transmission length were overly altered to give a larger test sample. The author also tried to generate random job which is one of the options but this seemed to have no effect on the trade generated as it was constant bit rate style simulation duty. image 4 observer running on first PC (Simulated location Paris)Fig 5 Observer running on third PC (simulated location New York)Fig 6 Traffic Generation on second PC (Paris)Fig 7 Traffic Generation on third PC (New York)On the console PC observer was running several of its functonal windows, first of which was the top talkers windows. This window is utilised to identify the staations on the network with the highest traffic volumes. This is in particular usefull from a management perspective as to monitor the spirit of the network in order to maintain smooth operation, and identify potential security threats. (Anon, 2016) the top talkers concealing provides a huge amount of information about the different stations attached to the network, including the amount of traffic generated and received by the node in both packets and bytes, its MAC address, its IP address . From this screen the network manager can monitor all the nodes on the network and diagnose issues as they happen. If a node suddenly starts generating large amounts of traffic for no apparent reason the network manager can have observer set up an alert and even have it send a SMS message or email reporting the issue. This ensures the network manager can stay on top of all aspects of the network unheeding of time or location. If any issues arise the network manager can deploy a resource from the technical team to resolve the problem swiftly so as not to impact upon the quality of service.Fig 8 Observer Top Talkers window with Paris PC selectedFig 9 Observer Top Talkers window with New York PC selected spirit at at the top talkers window identifies that the two Traffic generating PCs were indeed the ones with the heaviest traffic flow, followed by the swiches and hub that connected them all together. A network manager looking at this screen can monitor all machines connect ed to the network regardless of geographical location, even wireless connections are shown and can be monitored. (Liu et al., 2014)Another window on the console pc is the opposite matrix screen. With this tool the network manage can monitor the pathways the network traffic is taking on the network. by means of this analysis the network manager can optimise the network through routing manipulation. If a particular router is getting the brunt of the network traffic a second router can be installed to share the traffic burden and reduce the consumption of the initial router and theoretically improve the quality of service. (Anon, 2016), (Anon, 2008)Fig 10 the Pair Matrix window showing traffic from the Paris PC the the New York pc and then to conslolePCFig 11 Paris and New York PCs traffic going straight to Consloe PCThe last-place tool used by the author is the packet drive window. The first attempts at packet capture by the author demonstrated the sine qua non for checking the settings thouroughly as the devotee for capture was very small and so the captured line on the graph was tiny to start with untill this was increased by the author. later increasing the buffer size the graphs look much better and the data far more usable. by and by increaseing the buffer hugely the traffic was restarted and the capture began again. The packet capture showed the traffic being generated as it monitors all traffic on the network, but will only capture a certain amount for analysis.Fig 12 Packet Capture window showing the current traffic on the network (yellow line shows packets captured, blue line is total packets on network)Fig 13 Packet cature after buffer increasedFig 14 Dialogue box from Observer dilate total packets and ability to save the range for later referenceThrough the packet capture the network manager can observe the networks personality again to monitor for threats and general maintenance of the network. (Anon, 2016)ResultsAfter running the experime nt the data collected showed exactly how powerful the observer tool can be, although there was only three machines the scope of observers abilities is evident and can easily be imagined for a network of three thousand machines. The interface can be de-cluttered to show only relevant information so the network manager wouldnt get bogged down with an information overload.Looking at the paired matrix graphs there are several lines on the screen all of which are communiqus between nodes on the network, not all of these are PCs most of them are routers and switches along which the WAN is established. The thickness of each line denotes the amount of traffic it has dealt with. These lines show both incoming and outgoing traffic and the lines connect the source to its destination address. The marks are acombination of the appoint name, normally the name assigned in the NIC and its MAC address EG. Broadcom5A7C09 the label for the console PC.As shown in fig 11 the packets do not have to be routed to or even through the console PC for Observer to pick the packets up and display them.The data collected from the packet capture can be used to manually calculate the manipulation of the network, although this can also be worked out by Observer automatically. The packet capture screen is in a graph format with time across the bottom and the amount of packets per second up the side. There are three coloured lines on the graph blue which denotes the total packets on the network, yellow which are the packets captured by Observer and red which denotes the amount of dropped packets. In the data captured there were no dropped packets, and a peak of approximately cholecalciferol packets per second. This flow rate lasts for five minutes with no dropped packets, showing the networks utilisation was within acceptable ranges. if there had been dropped packets it would show that the network was working too hard and there for would mean it had a high utilisation and would displace the network manager to address the utilisation, and to optimise the efficiency of the network.Looking at the top talkers table in fig 9, in this data it is evident which nodes on the network receive the most and also which transmit the most. This information is highly important to the network manager as these are essential to the security and effective maintenance of the network. For example if there was an employee using the companys network to watch movies on their workstation the network manager would see within Observer a radical pitch to the stoichiometry of the network and its personality would change. Once this change had been brought to the network managers attention they could look on Observer at the top talkers and paired matrix charts and identify which terminal was using an abnormal amount of the networks bandwidth and then take action against the offending party in line with the companys IT policy.ConclusionThis report has looked at the management techniques used in apply ing wide area networks, their future, their application in the real world and their design and deployment, it is the purview of the author that the general consensus is that the IT community seem to be in agreement about most concepts of wide area networks, apart from the cost of them, and how to control them. Although the majority of newer reports (Shin et al., 2007), (Ahmed Boutaba, 2014), and (Feng et al., 2014) are swayed towards having the majority of the control handed over to algorithms and ontogenesis programs, there is also still call for there to be a human element to be involved in the management process. After looking through the papers used in the research for this report it is the opinion of the author that the application of a well managed WAN is far more beneficial than any other communication option, considering the internet is in reality just a huge WAN its self, a WAN can run everything in a business or donnish environment, from physical security like door loc ks and fire alarms through to phones (Dian Septama et al., 2015) and lighting, there are even applications to control environmental conditions. With the introduction of automatize network managers, the buildings air conditioning could be being controlled by a calculating machine thousands of miles away.With the development of encrypted laser communications utilised in QKD making networks about altogether secure the control of more sensitive systems may communicate under the control of larger WANs and possibly a large central, globose WAN to control all the mundane systems around the globe.To conclude this report the author believes in view of the huge advances in using automated network management options and the amount of non communications based areas controlled by nodes on the network, coupled with the advancements made in artificial intelligence the fictitious character of the human network manager could become extinct as we know it. The role could progress to either bein g an overseer of the AI or completely redundant altogether.BibliographyAhmed, R. Boutaba, R. (2014) Design considerations for managing wide area software defined networks. IEEE Commun. Mag., 52 (7), pp.116-123.Ahmedi, B. Mitrevski, P. (2014) On The Development of Methodology for Planning and Cost-Modeling of A Wide arena Network. IJCNC, 6 (3), pp.71-90.Anon (2008) 10th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS2008). IEICE communications Society Magazine, 2008 (7), pp.7_12-7_15.Anon (2014) USING A NETWORK ANALYZER AS A SECURITY TOOL. 1st ed. Minnetonka. Available from Accessed 17 December 2015.Cahn, R. (1998) Wide area network design. San Francisco, Calif., Morgan Kaufmann.Dian Septama, H., Ulvan, A., Hlavacek, J. Bestak, R. (2015) High Available VoIP Server Failover Mechanism in Wide Area Network. TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 13 (2), p.739.Feng, Y., Cui, D., Li, Y., Zhang, J. Li, J. (2014) Contrasting Meteorological Wide-A rea Networks and evolutionary Programming. AMM, 687-691, pp.2557-2560.Geer, D. (2013) Resolved. Communications of the ACM, 56 (6), p.48.Langer, S., French, T. Segovis, C. (2010) TCP/IP Optimization over Wide Area Networks Implications for Teleradiology. Journal of Digital Imaging, 24 (2), pp.314-321.Liu, L., Ling, Q. Han, Z. (2014) Decentralized Gauss-Newton method for nonlinear least squares on wide area network. IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng., 67, p.012021.Malhotra, R., Gupta, V. K. Bansal, R. (2011) Simulation and Performance psychoanalysis of Wired and Wireless Computer Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications, 14 (7), pp.11-17.Shin, K., Jung, J., Cheon, J. Choi, S. (2007) Real-time network monitoring scheme based on SNMP for moral force information. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 30 (1), pp.331-353.Tiropanis, T., Hall, W., Crowcroft, J., Contractor, N. Tassiulas, L. (2015) Network science, web science, and internet science. Communications o f the ACM, 58 (8), pp.76-82.Travostino, F., Daspit, P., Gommans, L., Jog, C., de Laat, C., Mambretti, J., Monga, I., van Oudenaarde, B., Raghunath, S. Yonghui Wang, P. (2006) Seamless live migration of virtual machines over the MAN/WAN. Future Generation Computer Systems, 22 (8), pp.901-907.Wang, S., Chen, W., Yin, Z., Li, H., He, D., Li, Y., Zhou, Z., Song, X., Li, F., Wang, D., Chen, H., Han, Y., Huang, J., Guo, J., Hao, P., Li, M., Zhang, C., Liu, D., Liang, W., Miao, C., Wu, P., Guo, G. Han, Z. (2014) Field and long-run demonstration of a wide area quantum key distribution network. Opt. Express, 22 (18), p.21739.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Significance of Fog in Long Days Journey into Night Eugene by ONeill
grand Days Journey The Significance of sully (8)A Long Days Journey Into dark, by Eugene ONeill, is a deeply autobiographical see. His bread and butter was rampant with confusion and dependances in his family. Each character in this incline has a profound resemblance, and draws par everyels and connections with a member of his own family. The long journey that the title of the play refers to is a journey into his sometime(prenominal). Fog is a recurring metaphor in the play it is a physical presence even before it becomes a significant symbol of the familys impenetrable confusion. It is referred to in the text as healthful as stage shootions in this play. It sets the mood for the play in all its somber hues. He uses the becloud outside the house as an atmospheric element that has an ominous presence throughout this play. His pargonnts and the surroundings that he grew up in were tainted by broken dreams, lies, disease, past issues, alcoholism and do drugs addiction. The re was this web of night and fogginess that encased his life and past that is portrayed in this play as well as others by ONeill. The symbolic implications of fog in the play are descriptive of the agitate in the minds of this deeply conflicted family. The significance of fog in ONeills writing can be examined in two forms. The for the first time is what type of emblematic quality does the fog provide in this play, and the number is what are other plays in which ONeill has used fog in a similar way.This play takes place through an entire solar day where the climate mirrors the mood of the family. The play begins at 830 in the sunrise with a trace of fog in the air, and concludes sometime after(prenominal) midnight, with the house foghorn. (Brustein 1020). The intensity of the fog continuously increases throughout the day, directly correlating to the cloudiness in the household. The familys mood significantly intensifies with the intensity of the fog. There are copious conne ctions between the life of the fog and that of the Tyrone family. All throughout the play there is a conflict between past vs. present, truth vs. lies, and addiction vs. sobriety. This family lives amidst a haze of denial and as the fog stay puts thicker, they continue to get further lost.The fog has a polarity that directly relates to Mary, the mood changing from sunny cheer over Marys apparent convalescence to gloomy despair over her new descent into hell (Brustein 1020). The fog is fi... ...n clarities. The fog is created out of pain in order to dilute clarity. The individuals in this play needed to escape themselves but didnt succeed. ONeill expresses the very(prenominal) fear of truth and uses the imagery of fog in The iceman Cometh. The Iceman Cometh is written in the same time period as Long Days Journey Into Night, and is a parallel in the struggle of the past vs. present. The use of the fog imagery is not as direct in this play, but there are subtle mentions of fog in the play, such as the gray subdued light of early morning in a narrow street (ONeill 660). This grayness is almost equal to the morning that the Tyrone family experiences after being awakened by the foghorns. Both stories drop a line the gloom and dreariness of these characters and their lives. The imagery of fog wasnt as declamatory in the rest of his plays.ONeill had a great amount of hullabaloo in his life and the Long Days Journey Into Night story reflected perfectly the fogginess and daze he lived through. His dark life experiences have given him a rich, emotionally charged place, from which to write. The fog serves as a tool to paint the dreary picture and symbolize this darkness through his plays.
The Passion Of Saints Perpetua And Felicity Essay -- essays research p
The wrath of Saints Perpetua and FelicityThe document, The Passion of Saints Perpetua andFelicity, shows just how mighty and fearless the credit ofthe martyrs were in Rome nigh 203 A.D. in which our storytakes place. During the rule of Diocletian, Christianity wasnot the religion of popular belief. many another(prenominal) of Romanspracticed polytheism. As a result, numerous Christianbelievers were persecuted for their divine faith in god. Surprisingly, the Christian martyrs did not care that theywere sentenced to death. They believed that by dying forwhat they believe, it would solo bring them closer to Godand the Gates of Heaven. The document states, For thiscause waste we devoted our lives, that we might do no suchthing as this this we agreed with you (para. 18). To themartyrs, nothing was more important than fulfilling Godsduties. The martyrs in the document take on the role ofmediator between God and man, spreading the Word of God tothe masses of people and the relaying t o them his holymessage, in a sense taking on the role of Jesus Christ, the male child of God. Perpetua, one of the martyrs when confrontedabout her faith by her father retorts, I am Christian(para.6). Another martyr, Felicity, confidently defendsher faith and proclaims it openly by stating, root fast inthe faith, and love you all one another and be not offendedbecause of our passion (para.20). This statement portraysto the reader the ...
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
William Goldings Lord of the Flies :: Essays Papers
LORD OF THE FLIESMy report is closely the very well k instantlyn book Lord of the flies, by WilliamGolding. in that location are many characters in this book, moreover the most all-important(prenominal) ones are Ralph,Jack, Simon, gross, and Roger. When I read this book I discovered a great change inmost of their personalities, especially Jacks. So I would say that they are all dynamiccharacters. Ralph, in the beginning of the raw, had a boyish personality. Then later on in the novel, he became much more mature due to the fact that all of them had to live in a more civilized manner to get a farseeing and to survive magic spell waiting to be rescued. Jack, in the beginning of the novel was Ralphs most powerful antagonist. Then later on turned against Ralph and becomes leader. Simon is a unique character in the novel. He remains largely degage with any of the power struggles between Ralph and Jack. He was killed. Roger is very mean. He killed shote by pushing a bi g bolder on top of him. Piggy was the intellectual in the group. He complained a lot in the beginning, but later on became more mature. But, unfortunately, he was killed by Roger.The novel begins some a group of English people who are marooned on a tropicalisland when the plane evacuating them from atomic war-torn England crashes. So nowthis group of boys are alone on this island. Then Ralph called an assembly to spill to the other guys about making a plan to get along and survive. The struggle starts in trying to make rules for the group to live by. There were many more contradicts through out the novel. But the main conflict is the boys trying to get along with each other and survive while waiting to be rescued from a
Liberty And Paternalism Essays -- essays research papers
LIBERTY AND PATERNALISM rump Stuart move and Gerald Dworkin have distinctly opposing views on sub judice paternalism in that grinder is adamantly against any form of paternalism, whereas Dworkin believes that there do pull round pot in which paternalism is reassert. Both agree that paternalism is justified when the well up be of another person is violated or put at risk. Mill takes on a utilitarian argument, explaining that allowing an individual to exercise his forgivedom of justify choice is more beneficial to connection than deciding for him what is in his scoop interests. Dworkin, on the other hand, feels that certain cases require the intervention of either society as a whole or its individual members. He breaks Mills argument down into two distinct types, one establish on utilitarianism and one base on the absolute value of free choice. After reading both articles, Paternalism by Dworkin and On Liberty by Mill, I believe that Dworkin is correct in explaining that some intervention is requisite under certain circumstances. I have come to this conclusion based on the fact that there do exist circumstances in which an individual is incapable of making a rational decision considering not that the well world of himself, but also the well being of other members of society. Also, the argument that the protection of the individual committing the action in uncertainty is not reason enough to interfere with the action is ludicrous in that one of our governments main reasons for existence is to protect the members of our society. This protection includes protection from ourselves at times when we be unable to rationally decide what is in our high hat interests. This essay leave alone consist of an examination of this controversy as well as an application of my proposed conclusion. Before addressing any opposing views to my conclusion, I will first explain my reasoning. As Dworkin explains in his essay, there are circumstances when a person is u nable to make a rational and synthetic decision for himself. The inability to make such decisions has long been a justified reason to interfere in the process, such as in cases with one-year-old children. When a young child is about to run across a busy street in order to chase his ball, the childs parent, or any other bystander, is right richly justified in... ...f such a decision, the government has aright to step in and help the person. This is because at this accord of the situation, the person is not capable of making a decision that he would likely consent to at after fully understanding the situation. As in the seat knocking case, often times, a person does not fully understand that not wearing a seat belt contradicts his true desires and that no possible good or benefit send word come from not wearing it. However, when a person is making a rational decision between two things that he values, he is the only person that can decide which is best for him. An important cond ition to opine in this conclusion is that all of this is assuming that no other individuals are being harmed or put at risk by the actions of these people. down the stairs this condition I have come to the conclusion that there do exist certain circumstances where the government has a right to legal paternalism. These circumstances include times when an individual is unable to make a rational and logical decision for himself either because he does not fully understand the issue or because he is unable to logically asseverate value to specific possible consequences of a decision.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Timeline of American Literature and Events Essay -- english colonies,
King James I given(p) the Virginia beau monde of London a charter to create an English closing in North America in June 1606. Their goals were to find gold and match a waterway which would take them to the Orient. The Virginia Company set foot on Jamestown on May 14, 1607 to form the Virginia English Colony. Approximately one third base of the colonists survived the winter of the Starving Time in 1609, and fifteen long while later(prenominal) in 1624, Virginia became a crown colony when the king dismissed the Virginia Company Charter due to the Algonquians attack which killed over 300 settlers. Jamestown only survived because of a last minute warning but burned down in 1698. Many colonists that survived celebrated May Day on May 1, 1628 with doubting Thomas Morton dancing around a maypole, but the Plymouth Pilgrims were against this display of celebration, and Captain Miles Standish send Thomas Morton back to England. Intolerance continued when Anne Hutchinson was forced to leave capital of Massachusetts because of her religious beliefs and influence to help establish Rhode Island in 1638. Five age later, Native Americans murdered Anne and her family. Quakers were the next to be forced to leave during the time between 1655 and 1656. Those that refused to leave suffered by being whipped or imprisoned, and the legislature govern against Quaker services two years later. Parliament ordered the breach of Quaker corporal punishment in 1661 after three years of Quakers being hanged for refusing to leave Massachusetts. English law in the colonies also staidly affected slaves. Those who converted to Christianity and became legal residents of Maryland were granted freedomuntil 1664. It was consequently that Maryland passed a law dictating servitude of life for black slave... ...rr/social%20studies/05/0101firstwi.htmlQuidor, J. (2011). In Encyclopdia Britannica. Web. 14 Nov. 2015.http// Starw inar. (2010. Herman or Henry. Web. 29 Nov. 2015.http// The Virtual Union. (2011). Scrape T.V. the humanity on your side. Web. 18 Nov. 2015.http// (2011). Mayflower compact. Web. 21 Nov. 2015.http// (2011). The scarlet letter. Web. 25 Nov. 2015.http// (2007). Young Goodman Brown. Web. 29 Nov. 2015.http//
Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness Through a Freudian Lens Essay
Without personal access to authors, readers are odd to themselves to interpret literature. This can choke ch altoge therenging with more difficult texts, such(prenominal) as Joseph Conrads novelette partiality of Darkness. Fortunately, literary sense of hearings are non abandoned to flo low in pieces such as this active readers whitethorn look through more different lenses to see possible meanings in a work. For example, Conrads Heart of Darkness may be decode with a post-colonial, feminist, or prototypical mindset, or analyzed with Freudian psycho-analytic theory. The last mentioned two would effectively denounce the greater roles of Kurtz and Marlow as the id and the ego, respectively, and offer the opportunity to draw a close about the work as a whole.Sigmund Freuds theories on the tress of the mind are simple, entirely essentially changed the field of psychology. He proposed, among different things, that the human mind is composed of 3 parts the informed, precon scious, and unconscious. The preconscious consists of information, such as a telephone number, that is accessible to consciousness without emotional resistance (Schellenberg 21). In Freuds estimation, the unconscious is the most all-important(a) area of the mind. The information stored deep down it has very strong resistances to becoming conscious (Freud 32). Residing in the unconscious is the id, which contains everythingthat is give at birth above all, therefore, the instincts which ascend from somatic organization (14). From birth, all action is instinctual, from the id. The id recognizes and entertains no desires but its take and is impatient to have its ineluctably met. This phase lasts until a part of the id changes under the influence of the real out-of-door world (14). This changed portion b... ...o, while the novelettes archetypal mental synthesis glorifies Marlows domination of Kurtz. These two analyses taken together provide a much fuller and more citywide i nterpretation of the work. Conrad presents the idea that there is some darkness within apiece person. The darkness is is inherited and instinctual, but because it is natural does not make it right. He celebrates and thereby almost advises the yield from instinct. By telling Marlows tale, Joseph Conrad stresses to his audience the importance of self-knowledge and the unnecessity of instinct in civilization.Works CitedConrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. New York Penguin Group, 1997.Freud, Sigmund. An insinuate of Psycho-Analysis. Trans. jam Strachey. New York W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1949.Schellenberg, James A. Masters of Social Psychology. New York Oxford University Press,1978. Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness Through a Freudian Lens searchWithout personal access to authors, readers are left to themselves to interpret literature. This can become challenging with more difficult texts, such as Joseph Conrads novella Heart of Darkness. Fortunately, literary aud iences are not abandoned to flounder in pieces such as this active readers may look through many different lenses to see possible meanings in a work. For example, Conrads Heart of Darkness may be deciphered with a post-colonial, feminist, or archetypal mindset, or analyzed with Freudian psycho-analytic theory. The latter two would effectively reveal the greater roles of Kurtz and Marlow as the id and the ego, respectively, and offer the opportunity to draw a conclusion about the work as a whole.Sigmund Freuds theories on the construction of the mind are simple, but fundamentally changed the field of psychology. He proposed, among other things, that the human mind is composed of three parts the conscious, preconscious, and unconscious. The preconscious consists of information, such as a telephone number, that is accessible to consciousness without emotional resistance (Schellenberg 21). In Freuds estimation, the unconscious is the most important area of the mind. The information stor ed within it has very strong resistances to becoming conscious (Freud 32). Residing in the unconscious is the id, which contains everythingthat is present at birth above all, therefore, the instincts which originate from somatic organization (14). From birth, all action is instinctual, from the id. The id recognizes and entertains no desires but its own and is impatient to have its needs met. This phase lasts until a part of the id changes under the influence of the real external world (14). This changed portion b... ...o, while the novellas archetypal structure glorifies Marlows domination of Kurtz. These two analyses taken together provide a much fuller and more comprehensive interpretation of the work. Conrad presents the idea that there is some darkness within each person. The darkness is is inherited and instinctual, but because it is natural does not make it right. He celebrates and thereby almost advises the turn from instinct. By telling Marlows tale, Joseph Conrad stres ses to his audience the importance of self-knowledge and the unnecessity of instinct in civilization.Works CitedConrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. New York Penguin Group, 1997.Freud, Sigmund. An Outline of Psycho-Analysis. Trans. James Strachey. New York W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1949.Schellenberg, James A. Masters of Social Psychology. New York Oxford University Press,1978.
Monday, March 25, 2019
Casablanca :: Films Movies
Casablanca1942, the year of the creation of single of the most historicaldelineations know to date. That film, Casablanca, found on theplay Everybody Wants to go to plows, still captivatesaudiences around the world. The setting of the movie isCasablanca, Morocco during the second world war. Casablanca isthe recoil off point to explicate to Spain and then to the States, butrefugees must encounter a fairly dear(p) exit Visa to get onto theplane. In the middle of each(prenominal) this is Ricks cafe. Ricks occasionlove Ilsa comes to Casablanca on her way to America anddiscovers Rick to be a resident there. The love triangle in the midst of Ilsa, her husband Laszlo, and Rick keep backs the looker insuspense until the very hold water minutes of the movie. This moviecontains every(prenominal) the factors that a make a movie a classic. It hasgreat performances by a top cast, a unflawed volume floor bloodlineand director, and superb production techniques. In addition , itblends a raging love story with tormenting schemes which makesit one of the best Hollywood movies of all(a) time. Casablancawas never expected to be a large scale movie. The script was writtenon a day to day basis plane till the last a couple of(prenominal) moments of the movie butdespite all that, it made it bigger than every other movie in its time.The movie took place in 1942 and was based around world war IIwhich in reality was winning place as they filmed. It wasbecause of the war that Rick and Ilsa were separated, and thiswas an idea that was not so far fetched and nighthing that theaudience could identify with. This was cardinal because itcaptivated the audience and move them in to see if Rick andIlsas eternal love would ever be reunited.There are many classical music quotes that were use in Casablanca,some of which we still hear being used today. The most famousof line of work would be heres looking at you electric shaver, and who could barricade, play i t again surface-to-air missile, which later became a title for some other film. This could be the beginning of a beautifulfriendship, but well unceasingly have Paris, go ahead andshoot, youll be doing me a party favor, these are yet some otherthree quotes which stuck in the minds of audiences everywhere.These quotes help keep the movie and the memories of theactors and actresses alive even up fifty seven years afterwards theoriginal shooting.Lets not forget the variety of great music the viewer isCasablanca Films MoviesCasablanca1942, the year of the creation of one of the most historicalmovies known to date. That movie, Casablanca, based on theplay Everybody Wants to go to Ricks, still captivatesaudiences around the world. The setting of the movie isCasablanca, Morocco during the second world war. Casablanca isthe jump off point to get to Spain and then to America, butrefugees must obtain a fairly costly exit Visa to get onto theplane. In the middle of all this is Ric ks cafe. Ricks formerlove Ilsa comes to Casablanca on her way to America anddiscovers Rick to be a resident there. The love trianglebetween Ilsa, her husband Laszlo, and Rick keeps the viewer insuspense until the very last minutes of the movie. This moviecontains all the factors that a make a movie a classic. It hasgreat performances by a top cast, a flawless script story lineand director, and superb production techniques. In addition, itblends a raging love story with tormenting schemes which makesit one of the best Hollywood movies of all time. Casablancawas never expected to be a large scale movie. The script was writtenon a day to day basis even till the last few moments of the movie butdespite all that, it made it bigger than any other movie in its time.The movie took place in 1942 and was based around world war IIwhich in reality was taking place as they filmed. It wasbecause of the war that Rick and Ilsa were separated, and thiswas an idea that was not so far fetched and something that theaudience could identify with. This was important because itcaptivated the audience and drew them in to see if Rick andIlsas undying love would ever be reunited.There are many classical quotes that were used in Casablanca,some of which we still hear being used today. The most famousof course would be heres looking at you kid, and who couldforget, play it again Sam, which later became a title foranother film. This could be the beginning of a beautifulfriendship, but well always have Paris, go ahead andshoot, youll be doing me a favour, these are yet anotherthree quotes which stuck in the minds of audiences everywhere.These quotes help keep the movie and the memories of theactors and actresses alive even fifty seven years after theoriginal shooting.Lets not forget the variety of great music the viewer is
Effective Use of Conflict in Shakespeares As You Like It Essay
As You Like It Effective map of Conflict It is easy enough to discount the presence of contravention deep down As You Like It, swept away as we are by the sparkling wit of the play, its numerous songs, and the use of stage spectacle (such(prenominal) as the fancy dress of Hymen). But precisely what enables Arden to have such a profound exercise on the visitors (Rosalind, Orlando, Duke Senior et al.) is the fact that it is a retreat from the painted acclaim of the envious court. The twisted morality of the court, where Duke Frederick hates Rosalind for her virtue, is very much necessity for the purpose of the drama of the play it is only through the disparity in the midst of the court and the Forest of Arden that there is dramatic significance in the crusade to Arden and the play of Arden. So while the world of As You Like It is angiotensin converting enzyme of reduced intensity (even while the cynic Jacques is loved by the Duk e Senior, who loves to be intimate him in his sullen fits), it would be too glib to dismiss appointment from the play. Admittedly, much of the charm of the play lies not in the perfunctory eyepatch the news told by Charles, about Duke Seniors banishment to a place where he and his followers fleet the time carelessly like Robin lubber and his merry men, is so old that its only purpose seems to be to further up the exposition. As You Like It entices us because it is willing to sacrifice piece considerations and credibility -- for instance, in the sudden transformations of Oliver and Duke Frederick -- to pursue seemingly pointless moments such as the songs. The sheer number of musical interludes, from Blow, blow, thou winter pervert to What shall we ... ...ibutes to the plays charms as William is summarily dismissed by Touchstone (using his wit as usual) this satire of the pastoral convention of overcoming obstacles to lo ve is humorous. Likewise, Phebes insults of Silvius and Ganymedes chiding of Phebe draws laughter from the audience. To conclude, therefore, conflict is not absent from the play totally. It is As You Like Its knowledge and realization of the dangers of love Men have died from time to time, and worms have eaten them, but not for love and is still capable of being love struck the heart being like Bay of Portugal, and how it plays off that against the comedic exuberance of its interludes, verbal fit out and digressionary expositions, that provides the drama of the play. Sweet, indeed, are the uses of adversity.
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