Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Art History Research Paper Topics Guide
Art History Research Paper Topics Guide Most Noticeable Art History Research Paper Topics Without a suitable content, very good research paper topics are not going to make sense. As soon as you have that narrowed down, you can concentrate your research and compose a remarkable paper. With us, you can be sure your research paper and personal information won't ever be obtained by any third party. Doing a research paper for assorted disciplines can be somewhat confusing and challenging. If you're interested in the topic then you're more inclined to compose engaging and exciting content. A comprehensive bibliography and works-cited page needs to be included. The good thing is that quality does not need to be exorbitant. The Foolproof Art History Research Paper Topics Strategy Don't be afraid to click the order if you require only the ideal research paper. As a way to compose a paper, you have to compose a research question. Too complex statements are normally confusing. When you get a generic instance of introduction in research paper, for example, you might not have to pay much. A descriptive paper is perfect for describing an artwork. How art can't always be trusted. Pay attention there are many methods for doing research on art history. For additional inspiration, have a look at the examples of art history research papers it is possible to write about. Folks mostly visualize art for a representation of a facet the actual world. Because of the various subjects the history of art is connected to and countless studies, there's a remarkable deal of information out there on several different topics. The majority of the paper writers in the companies don't have the perfect knowledge in academic writing. The qualification of a paper writer is set by several things. The paper writer ought to be able to take care of the issues and enusre customer satisfaction. Our writing assistance agency combines pocket-friendly prices and respective amenities for our customers to guarantee an amazing customer experience. Finding the Best Art History Research Paper Topics To reach such directedness, it is necessary to restrict your topic. To write an outstanding paper, you should thoroughly select your topic. In case the topic is too narrow, you might find it difficult to get the appropriate literature. Not all research paper topics are made eq ual, and you would like to guarantee you opt for a terrific topic before you commence writing. Our writers will be glad to assist you and are certain to think of a dozen of creative topic ideas. If you've got no interest in the subject you've chosen you have hardly any probability of writing a persuasive essay. There are a lot of art essay writing topics to select from. Whichever style of essay you select, it is necessary that you select a topic that interests you. Vital Pieces of Art History Research Paper Topics Thus it's possible to evaluate the caliber of their works and know what things to expect. As previously noted, the standard of your topic shapes the standard of your topic. If you still feel you need help, even if you've managed to pick a topic, you may always seek the services of a custom writing service to assist you produce a fabulous research paper of which you'll be proud and will guarantee you a nice mark. No matter the research paper style you select, get a topic that really interests you. The New Fuss About Art History Research Paper Topics For examp le, a master level research paper demands an expert with no less than a master or Ph.D. degree. Now you have a great idea of the way to hunt for college research paper topics, you are prepared for some suggestions. How to write research papers is a frequently asked question by students and many students are not able to locate decent help by using their research papers when they're writing them. No one in the history of school has ever requested to compose a term paper but with preparation and a superb subject, you can produce the research fun and receive a superior grade. In such situations, examine each one individually to observe how you're feeling about that topic. For some students, a collection of topic is the easiest part. By taking a look at a well-written case of research proposal paper, you will learn that topics which are too broad can be difficult to manage as you will probably have different, and frequently conflicting, ideas on the best way to tackle the issue. Furthermore, make sure the topic isn't too broad as it might be difficult to cover comprehensively in the time and space allowed. If you're confused with a number of interesting topics to research online, it's much better to choose what interests you the most. Not all sites offer such a function. Hence, if you believe banking essays are boring just like your company studies are, then you're probably wrong here. Banking essays can be real fun to play with if you've got an exhaustive understanding about the discipline and have keen interest in writing, so should you believe that you cannot write decent banking essays than again you're erroneous.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Essay for Movie Roger and Me - 1387 Words
Summer Bajwa 211510526 Corporate America Socio-economic Downfall Date: October 30, 2012 â€Å"Roger and me†is an eye-opening stance of dark part of Capitalism. Michael Moore’s documentary is a courageous attempt to unfold the damages, caused by Capitalistic mentality of the time – laying off 30,000 auto workers in an American city, Flint for the sheer purpose of profit. Moore’s presentation unfold the pathos of a society, suffers through the years of loss and sorrow. He showed how the â€Å"American dream†shattered. Moore, an Irish American Catholic, son of a middle class G.M. employee, observed the thousands of layoffs in Flint and†¦show more content†¦A majority Government passed the bill of free trade with US and later with Mexico, which called NAFTA. To change public opinion about the ferocious act of Free Trade, the Government justified it with statistical data of increasing trade (Policy and Partisanship). Hundreds and thousands of big companies left Canada and set up in states or Mexico. It was big economic fiasco in those years. The Government imposed GST to recover the losses because of NAFTA. Unemployment rate in Most of the provinces increased to the alarming level. In Flint, a city of auto plants faced major economic and social upheavals. Due to this shift by GM to Mexico, thirty thousand workers got unemployed. It caused Flint’s crime rate skyrockets, with use of weapons and murders. Crime becomes so common that when a TV channel tries to do a live story on the plant closings, someone steals the networks van (along with the cables), abruptly stopping the broadcast. Living in Flint becomes so desperate that it is commonly called Flint as the worst place to live in America. In terms of jobs within a country, supreme executive authority gets a mandate from the citizens of the state, not from the corporations. Corporations, especially Corporate America, have usually nothing to do with the livelihood of the work force to gain economic power. It is much more interested in the stockholders profit margin. WhyShow MoreRelatedSomething s Got Ta Give1026 Words  | 5 PagesGive Research Essay Something’s Gotta Give is an award winning movie written by Nancy Meyers. This romantic drama is greatly known for its middle-aged comedic relief because it highlights the sexual encounters between an old bachelor and a cougar of a woman. The reviews written by Roger Ebert, A.O. Scott and Christopher Orr are about the movie Something’s Gotta Give which will include an opinion on the strengths and weaknesses of how each review is written. Roger Ebert’s 2003 movie review of Something’Read MoreParadise Lost: Censorship and Hypocrisy in the Italian Film Cinema Paradiso840 Words  | 4 Pagesthat is timeless and classical. In my experience, Italian movies seldom fail to evoke such feelings in me, and Cinema Paradiso was no disappointment. This heartwarming story about a little boy’s love affair with movies, and his subsequent coming-of-age in the repressive environment of ecclesiastical censorship and hypocrisy stirred great emotion in me, as I expected it would. The young Toto made me feel his awe as he attempted to see the forbidden film images hidden from him by his friend AlfredoRead MorePleasantville1586 Words  | 7 PagesUtopia/Dystopia Dr. Viau Pleasantville Pleasantville is a great movie with many hidden messages. The not so obvious but informative messages are one of best aspects of this nineties flick. The special effects are impressive considering this movie is indeed from the nineties. Pleasantville touches base on many actual conflicts in America and throughout history in the most subtle but blunt way. My favorite thing about this movie is how it takes this blind community and shows them what they neverRead More The Homeless – Mentally Ill, or Just Lazy? Essay1140 Words  | 5 Pagesperson makes will largely determine what kind of life he or she has. Outside factors, such as unexpected job loss, may drastically alter a person’s lifestyle for a while, but most people get back on their feet before long. As the GM worker said in Roger and Me, It’s never pleasant when something like this comes to an end, but life goes on. The majority of people will make the choice to look for another job, no matter what they have to do to get one. This may include moving to another part of theRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Breakfast Club 1230 Words  | 5 PagesThe Breakfast Club is a movie about five students from Shermer High School who gather on a Saturday to sit through eight hours of detention. These five students; Andrew Clark, Claire Standish, John Bender, Allison Reynolds and Brian Johnson, have nothing in common. The Breakfast Club zooms in on the high school social groups and cliques that are often seen in the development of peer groups during adolescents. The peer groups that are portrayed in The Breakfast Club include, John â€Å"the criminal†, ClaireRead MoreThe Declaration Of Sentiments, By Elizabeth Cady Stanton1714 Words  | 7 PagesBecause grades add stress to the learning experience, therefore they should be abolished, since society defines the type of student they are by their let ter or number grade. Because you love me, therefore you should buy me a diamond, since your material gifts are a measure of your love for me, unless you don’t love me. Because novels make us more understanding of human foibles and frailties, therefore everyone should read them, since novels allow you to identify human flaws. Because gang violence increasesRead MoreA Brief Note On The Film Dashing Into Animation 1201 Words  | 5 Pagesstructure on how to get things done, it will make things harder as an animated artist to get work accomplished. There are deadlines that have to be met, and without a proper plan to get these things finished, it can be catastrophic and lead to disaster for me. An artist with no plan or strategy is kind of like a student with no study habits. I could do somewhat good or fail miserably. For example, I had an art project due last week. The objective was to draw a portrait of a person or animal. My professorRead MoreGrave of the Fireflies -------- My Personal Reactions1582 Words  | 7 PagesYet again this is another war movie. But unlike so many American blockbusters that treat brave soldiers as heroes (such as Pearl Harbor, We were soldiers, Windtalkers, etc.), this one addresses wars brutal impact on innocent civilians, especially children. With the war on Iraq now un dergoing, this point has all the more relevance. Under the same American bombing, innocent Iraqi children are now suffering just as much as Seita and Setsuko in this movie have suffered, and even more, for the IraqiRead More The Movie, Real Women Have Curves Essay1734 Words  | 7 Pagesbecause I’m a daughter, I’m overweight, and I’m seeking a post-secondary education. This is a synopsis of Real Women Have Curves; I’ll reveal why the film is so inspiring to me, I’ll give feedback from movie reviews, and I’ll use documents from my course’s textbook, to fully develop my ideas. Real Women Have Curves is a 2002 movie adapted from a 1987 screenplay by George LaVoo and Josefina Lopez. The film was directed by Patricia Cardoso and produced by LaVoo. The film debuted at the Sundance FilmRead MoreEssay on Menace II Society: Catching Up With You1424 Words  | 6 Pagesup before he could even sell em. Then hed have to beat her up. Growing up with parents like that, I heard a lot and I saw a lot. I caught on to the criminal life real quick. Instead of keeping me out of trouble, they turned me on to it (MIIS). A vast sundry of Caine’s deleterious engagements in the movie are attributed to the society in which he was cultivated, wherein â€Å"he [could not] envision a world for himself outside of the limited existence of guns, cars, drugs and swagger,†which is greatly
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Suggestions On Death And Dying Essay Topics
<h1>Suggestions On Death And Dying Essay Topics</h1><p>Death and Dying Essay Topics ought to incorporate a few unique sorts of points that you can use to communicate. It is essential to pause for a minute to consider all the things that you need to remember for your article. Make certain to keep these five hints in mind.</p><p></p><p>Look at your point as though you were composing an article. You will have the option to discover a few different ways to communicate. A smart thought is to attempt to write in a few distinct styles and afterward attempt to choose which style that best depicts your own musings about the point at hand.</p><p></p><p>Discussing Death is in every case hard for a great many people. Be that as it may, when the point is demise there isn't just one right approach to move toward it. By investigating the various approaches to move toward the subject, you will be better ready to address any inquiries that others may have.</p><p></p><p>In expansion to this, by thinking about a wide range of approaches to move toward the theme, you will be better ready to respond to any inquiries that somebody may have on the subject of how to compose a decent passing article. You can likewise locate some extraordinary thoughts about composing an article on this theme by perusing the Internet. There are numerous locales that are devoted to giving individuals thoughts on the most proficient method to compose expositions about death. You should peruse them all and consider the absolute best tips that you can find.</p><p></p><p>When composing a feeling paper, don't begin with a decision about the current subject. You should begin with a beginning stage so you will be better ready to address the issue in a way that is more intriguing. Your article won't become tantamount to it could be on the off chance that you do exclude the current point in your expos ition topic.</p><p></p><p>Death and Dying Essay Topics ought to likewise be composed by a particular subject. You would prefer not to attempt to compose an article about whatever else. On the off chance that you are uncertain about what to expound on, it is ideal to look for help from an accomplished author who will assist you with finding the correct subject for the article that you are going to write.</p><p></p><p>Since Death and Dying Essay Topics can be utilized to pass on your own sentiments, ensure that you are decidedly ready before you begin composing. With a theme, for example, this, you ought to have in any event a fundamental comprehension of the subject. On the off chance that you are inexperienced with the point, you will need to look for the guidance of a specialist or research the theme yourself before you begin composing your essay.</p><p></p><p>Although there are numerous individuals who don't h ave the foggiest idea how to compose an exposition on a subject, for example, this, it is smarter to compose an article than to attempt to compose a paper. Utilizing the subject of Death and Dying Essay Topics to communicate your sentiments is an extraordinary method to pick up the regard of others. You ought not permit a subject, for example, this to pass you by when composing an exposition that will assist you with learning a great deal about the point at hand.</p>
Saturday, May 23, 2020
College Essay Topics and Essay Forms
<h1>College Essay Topics and Essay Forms</h1><p>College English expositions are a piece of the necessities for admission to an undergrad or advanced education program. The paper question is controlled by the Department of English and the subject is dictated by the school. Each school appoints articles that they think will help decide their candidates' situation in their programs.</p><p></p><p>It is the target of the exposition to show the two qualities and shortcomings of the understudy. Understudies can make expositions on themes identifying with religion, theory, workmanship, writing, governmental issues, science, and legislative issues, even math and sciences. Most schools require a specific number of points, however the determination may fluctuate from school to school.</p><p></p><p>College English exposition themes may extend from authentic figures, mainstream society, and a review of the school itself. There are additionally progressively broad themes. These may remember places for the nation, universities, majors, grounds life, and employment prospects.</p><p></p><p>The first thing an understudy must do is settle on a profoundly fascinating inquiry. They should then work to develop a paper on that theme that is firmly built to show that point. Research is significant here as the appropriate response ought not exclusively be right, yet applicable and logical.</p><p></p><p>One significant part of composing an exposition is that there ought to be no repetitive or unimportant data. The entirety of the data must be all around set to help the primary concerns. A decent quality exposition can be looked into by perusing the paper subjects of different understudies that have been acknowledged into the program, checking school data on the web, and using the College English Writing Center for supportive aides and advice.</p><p></p>< p>The author's tirelessness is another significant factor when forming an article. A poor paper can cost an understudy admission to a school and a poor exposition can undoubtedly be rectified with the help of a scholastic consultant. A bombing evaluation will naturally mean a fizzling applicant.</p><p></p><p>Some schools permit an understudy to compose their exposition totally all alone, while others just permit an understudy to utilize the understudy's allocated articles. The counselor will most likely be unable to give altering or other help, if the paper isn't endorsed by the understudy's doled out exposition theme. School articles are utilized to meet confirmations prerequisites, which incorporate the College English Writing Center for help and advice.</p>
Friday, May 22, 2020
Essay Topics For a Miss Dalloway Character - Time and Patience Required
<h1>Essay Topics For a Miss Dalloway Character - Time and Patience Required</h1><p>When composing your Miss Dalloway paper, you should pick exposition themes that are pertinent to the characters, the story and the circumstance. It isn't sufficient that you should know a lot about recorded figures, you should have the option to make an association between that individual and the issues that the story bargains with.</p><p></p><p>As a model, here are a portion of the exposition themes that will be tended to in this course. While there is no firm guideline on the most proficient method to compose a Miss Dalloway paper, you can generally attempt to adhere to a couple of rules and thoughts when you compose your article. Since this is a story that will base on a young lady's life, her considerations and her perspectives will be the most significant piece of the content.</p><p></p><p>What do you think about your character's ve ry own sentiments and feelings? Does she like to talk or would she say she is modest? What do you think makes her not the same as others? These are generally questions that you should reply in your exposition and these are the issues that will be tended to by the subjects that will be talked about in the course.</p><p></p><p>The paper themes that you will examine will likewise be issues that will be of significance to the characters of the story. Do you feel that the occasions in the novel are identified with genuine occasions? These will likewise be tended to in the exposition and these subjects may even be significantly more applicable to the themes that you will discuss.</p><p></p><p>However, if the conditions of the book are not identified with this present reality however they appear to be identified with the issues that influence Miss Dalloway as an individual, at that point that will be an open door for you to bring this point u p. You should recall this is only a guide, and you can utilize it as a beginning stage yet you have to consider what you need to do with the article once you are finished composing it. So as to settle on the proper exposition subjects for your character, you have to think about some fundamental things. What number of lines would you like to compose on a page? It will rely upon the topic of the exposition and to what extent it is and on the off chance that you pick a short article for a more drawn out one, at that point you will have the option to make some allowances.</p><p></p><p>Essay subjects will shift from understudy to understudy contingent upon their degree of experience and learning and it is very normal for them to vary from one another. Notwithstanding, there are some regular subjects that are discussed among understudies who need to compose Miss Dalloway papers. One of the basic topics among them is the progressions that the character experiences a nd it is a subject that is normally talked about in short articles.</p><p></p><p>This is another method of letting yourself choose your own paper points. You will likewise should show restraint recorded as a hard copy your articles since it's anything but a task that you can complete in several days. It might take many months before you can complete one.</p>
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Try to Find Easy Essay Topics For Studying
<h1>Try to Find Easy Essay Topics For Studying</h1><p>Writing an exposition for a school test, an oral test or a novel can be troublesome and disappointing, so the most ideal approach to figure out how to cause it to appear as though a breeze is to examine article points that are simple. Your English educator likely gave you tips on the kinds of paper subjects you ought not consider, yet now and then you have to take a gander at different points. The teacher most likely disclosed to you the best theme to utilize is: 'the war of words,' so you should attempt that. Or then again, maybe, you need to realize how to compose an insightful exposition for a novel, so search for article themes that are factual.</p><p></p><p>As you read about academic and scholarly paper points, your brain will meander to a portion of the papers that were composed by the extraordinary artistic figures of the past. You may understand that you definitely know these indiv iduals and have heard their names. Whatever you do, set aside effort to consider which writer you most respect and what sort of expositions they wrote.</p><p></p><p>Some of the best writers that you have found out about and appreciated are Franz Kafka, Toni Morrison, Kurt Vonnegut, Henry Miller, William Faulkner, Mark Twain, Thomas Pynchon, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Hilary Mantel, Virginia Woolf, Joan Didion, Kate Chopin, Toni Morrison, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Philip Roth, and William Styron. They all expounded on life in various manners and have exceptionally one of a kind styles and perspectives. Finding out about these incredible journalists can assist you with seeing how to compose an article on a progressively close to home level, and could lead you to composing expositions with considerably more depth.</p><p></p><p>We frequently see one of the numerous artistic styles introduced in these books as 'works of art.' But, a large number of these writers expounded on similar sorts of individuals and occasions that are going on today. While you probably won't concur with the occasions depicted in their books, in any event you will take in something from the book itself and, over the long haul, welcome these extraordinary writers for their writing.</p><p></p><p>For model, when you read Toni Morrison's books, you will find out about various family circumstances, connections, and individuals with various types of issues. She additionally expounds on renowned individuals in her books, however never imagines that she realizes them better than they know themselves. Her utilization of language and utilization of imagery is fascinating and extraordinary, and you may become familiar with a ton about being human through her writing.</p><p></p><p>However, you will find out about the Holocaust in Night by Elie Wiesel, yet you won't get familiar with any new data about the individual or occasion that happened in that timeframe. You can discover that the vast majority didn't think about this horrible disaster and you will gain proficiency with a great deal about the 'Jewish soul' that endure and thrived. You will find out about the 'Night,' which was the night that the Holocaust occurred and you will find out about the 'Moon,' which is the hour when the Holocaust began and ended.</p><p></p><p>These are all paper points that are one of a kind, yet understand that these are simple subjects for you to compose on, as long as you are happy to learn and do your exploration. Each exposition that you compose will be one of a kind and you will get familiar with a ton about yourself and the world that you live in. In this way, on the off chance that you are searching for a simple article subject to compose on, you will locate a couple of fascinating points, yet you will have the option to arrive at a more profound degree of information with one of t hese papers than if you somehow managed to attempt to compose an exposition on an increasingly broad topic.</p><p></p><p>You will get familiar with a ton about the writer and their composing style just as their convictions and the 'blessing' that they convey with them when they are composing their work. On the off chance that you are keen on composing an exposition about Toni Morrison, T.S. Eliot, Jane Austen, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez, you can discover simple article points to concentrate in the numerous assortments that are accessible on the web. You will learn and turn into an increasingly instructed peruser who will see progressively about what's going on the planet around us.</p>
Monday, May 18, 2020
Essay Topics in Ms. Dalloway
Essay Topics in Ms. DallowayMs. Dalloway by Emma Havelock is a narrative novel that presents some essay topics. It concentrates on women of the high society, focusing on their attitude to their bodies, love affairs and what this may mean for their careers. While other novels in this category focus on women's issues, such as motherhood, a lot of time is also given to what the women think about their bodies and their relationships with their partners. Ms. Dalloway explores how much female vanity is learned and accepted in the high society.Ms. Dalloway is set during Victorian times, so it is naturally influenced by this style of life. This gives the essay topics a Victorian flavor, while keeping the ideas fresh. The topics cover themes such as love and jealousy and such classic ideas as the beauty/maleness dichotomy. The essay topics are not all that unique, but they do offer a number of insights that make them interesting. For example, the essay topic of 'dishonor' can be used to explo re a particular aspect of Victorian society, which can then be used to advance an argument on the basis of common sense.On the other hand, these essays can also be used to show that men can be extremely possessive and jealous. There is quite a lot of material to be read through and some very interesting points can be made, for those who use this type of essay topic. The essays also help people see how they have been using sexist or derogatory terms when describing their interactions with women.A number of the essay topics in Ms. Dalloway are taken from the first person accounts of different women. These, along with the full account of the main character, gives an insight into the social life of the women of Victorian England.These essays give an insight into the society of the day, in which women were expected to be beautiful, demure and faithful to their husbands, but they had many other opportunities to pursue their own interests, such as an active social life and friendship. This helps the reader to understand the importance of women's contributions to society, and the difficulties which faced women when they tried to choose which of their many options would be best for them.Despite the fact that women were expected to remain within the confines of their homes, a lot of the essay topics in Ms. Dalloway deal with the problems of a woman trying to have a career, while caring for her family. It also tells us a great deal about the social class of these women, including the prominence of the middle classes and the hardships that faced them as a result. It also tells us that women are not required to be beautiful, to look perfect, to have good skin or to have everything sorted out.In fact, it tells us that the social life of a woman does not even need to include relationships, as long as she is able to earn money and go out on her own. In this way, the essay topics in Ms. Dalloway show that the social classes of today are far different to those that existed in t he 19th century.So, while the essay topics in Ms. Dalloway focus on the general issues faced by women at that time, they also do a great deal to promote women's rights and to give insight into the social life of the day. They are not just stories of the author's experiences, but are a reflection of society as a whole.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
America s Equal Opportunity For The Education System Essay
America prides itself in the equal opportunity it provides for its citizens. Anyone must be able to get a quality education, get jobs they want, and be productive members of society. However, there has been debate lately on how equal the opportunities are for the majority of American citizens. Many Americans have a harder time getting the quality education they deserve because of their social or economic status. Many employers value formal educations, but the majority of lower class citizens are not given the chance to pursue them due to their social class. The amount of money a family or community has is too prominent in America s education system to truly have a fair chance for all. Brent Staples, in his essay â€Å"Why Colleges Shower Their Students with A’s†, and Lynda Berry, in her essay â€Å"The Sanctuary of School†, are part of the nationwide discussion of how important money should really be in the education system. In our country, the economic status of a household dictates the education a person receives and how it shapes their lives because of what they, along with society, value. The level of education a student acquires over the course of their life plays a massive part in the choices and the professions they are allowed throughout the rest of their life. At this point in history, higher paying positions of any profession require a college degree. If a lower class citizen couldn’t afford higher education, and didn’t get a quality education at a public school, itShow MoreRelatedPoverty And Lack Of Work Ethic976 Words  | 4 PagesPaper The United States established its claim as the land of opportunity for multiple generations; immigrants travel to the states year after year with aspirations of improving the lives of themselves and their household. 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Friday, May 15, 2020
How To Find A College Essay Topics Service
<h1>How To Find A College Essay Topics Service</h1><p>All undergrads comprehend the significance of a decent school exposition. As an understudy, you may locate that huge numbers of your expositions and ventures will expect you to give a decent contention so as to do the law oriented test. Be that as it may, your school paper composing administration can assist you with making a persuading contention so as to pass your exam.</p><p></p><p>Writing a solid exposition is the way to breeze through your Bar Exam, and as understudies get ready for the new school year, they regularly center around things like current monetary conditions, forthcoming tests, and other classwork that they will be taking this up and coming semester. Despite the fact that these are significant, articles are likewise significant for the following four years. While it's fine to concentrate on the bigger issues, on the off chance that you neglect to incorporate a convincing story behind your article subject, you'll see that your paper will crash and burn. It is, hence, essential to recruit an expert author to assist you with setting up your school article topics.</p><p></p><p>The most ideal approach to picking an incredible paper point is to get a few scholars from various organizations to peruse your expositions and investigate them. Make certain to convey to the author what you hope to be finished with your paper. Despite the fact that it is generally acknowledged that a school paper has two fundamental subjects, for example, character improvement, here and there the theme has nothing to do with your character. Make certain to tell the author that you need a balanced exposition, one that presents a specialist investigation and gives an amazing contention. Moreover, make certain to give the author your draft.</p><p></p><p>Some experts state that composing a paper isn't a simple assignment. This is partic ularly obvious in case you're composing a major task, for example, a book or a short story. Hence, a portion of the better essayists will likewise offer to investigate your work as you compose. Regardless of whether you are just start in the composing business, you ought to consider getting a few authors to peruse your exposition and afterward approach them to audit it for in any event half a month, ideally a month. After you complete the process of composing, make certain to approach the author for criticism. Request that the scholars give you their unique considerations, and incorporate their statements toward the finish of your last draft.</p><p></p><p>Before you settle on who to employ, you should discover the installment that a decent school exposition essayists will charge. A few authors will charge by the word or by the page, so it's essential to discover an author who charges by the quantity of words you need to use in your article. At the point when you are doing your examination, make certain to know the standard cost for every class of an independent essayist. At the point when you locate a decent essayist, you should ensure that you think about their costs while taking other factors into consideration. Try not to go over the edge when you contrast costs - it is significant with recollect that a decent school paper themes administration is only that - a decent help. You ought to consistently remember your financial plan and recollect that you would prefer not to overpay for your essay.</p><p></p><p>A great approach to contrast various journalists is with perceive to what extent they've been filling in as a school article authors. On this point, you might be astounded to locate that a few journalists are extremely a lot less expensive than others. Since it is a moderately new business, numerous scholars have begun at a genuinely low rate. By following through on thoughtfulness regarding these costs, you can get a couple of extraordinary authors for your school article topics.</p><p></p><p>Take a glance at the highlights that all great school exposition themes administration brings to the table. Do they offer editing? Do they have a cutoff time, permitting you to update your work all alone, and this is significant when you have cutoff times approaching? You need to discover a help that permits you to utilize their administrations for nothing or at a limited rate.</p>
BND 9 IELTS: How to Write an Essay Sample
<h1>BND 9 IELTS: How to Write an Essay Sample</h1><p>BND 9 IELTS: How to Write an Essay Sample On the ninth IM Tasks, you have just finished the entirety of the undertakings related with your test planning, including discovering IELTS practice material. The first of these errands is currently to glance through the huge exhibit of IELTS reading material for tests of exposition themes that can be utilized as test papers for your last exam.</p><p></p><p>The 'BND'Blue Book' versions are extremely useful in that they give an unadulterated record of the point subjects of every one of the IELTS classifications and test classes. You will discover instances of paper subjects on a wide scope of themes, including Music, Language, Reading, Speaking, Writing, Multilingual, Oral Communication, Technical, and General Knowledge. These examples are ideal for fledglings who need to attempt to improve their composing capacity before proceeding onward to all the more testing topics.</p><p></p><p>The BND will likewise remember segments for some paper models from past renditions of the IELTS tests. This is of specific worth on the off chance that you need to contrast earlier long periods of training tests and current example essays.</p><p></p><p>Because BND releases frequently do exclude the more seasoned IELTS tests, they might be hard to use as a reason for your up and coming practice tests. BND versions in some cases even don't contain test tests from the tests on which they were based. Nonetheless, on the off chance that you are investigating old variants of your IELTS prospectus, it is normally conceivable to utilize a re-showed test as a format for a test that you can work on utilizing to get ready for your IELTS exam.</p><p></p><p>However, there are some IELTS planning guides that do fuse the more established IELTS tests. These manuals might be more solid than BND versions since they will in general incorporate genuine practice tests from the occasions when they were the most current.</p><p></p><p>The BND will give you a short outline of the style rules of each IELTS classification, and you will likewise figure out how to structure your test questions and utilize the different subtopics. This segment of the book will assist you with concluding how to structure your test article and will help you in responding to any inquiries regarding syntax or the utilization of particular and plural forms.</p><p></p><p>One thing that numerous BND versions ignore is that you ought to consistently complete the example papers before proceeding onward to the most troublesome IELTS assignments. By doing this, you won't just guarantee that you have learned and rehearsed all the data in the example articles, however you will likewise abstain from burning through your time attempting to respond to such a large numbe r of inquiries in the test that you have just been furnished with answers to.</p><p></p><p>Another interesting point in the event that you are utilizing the BND release of the book is whether it contains test tests from the test on which it was based. This is critical to know whether you are hoping to contrast the aftereffects of past tests and the IELTS practice tests that you should take to plan for your forthcoming exam.</p>
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Health Promotion Project Plan Essay - 1182 Words
Introduction The Health Promotion Project Plan focuses on one of the topic of Healthy People 2020 (HP) that is â€Å"HP2020 - Heart Disease and Stroke†. Heart disease and stroke are both preventable diseases that share many common risk factors including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, unhealthy diet, sedentary life style, stress, and cigarette smoking. Stroke is the fourth cause of death and a leading cause of disability in the United States (American Heart Association, 2016). According to Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2015), on average, one American dies from stroke every 4 minutes. Every 43 seconds, someone in the United States has a heart attack (CDC, 2015). General public knowledge about stroke definition is sufficient, however the knowledge about stroke warning signs is usually poor. That is why many people do not seek medical attention during occurrence of the first signs and symptoms of stroke. Awareness of these facts and knowledge a bout prevention, detection, risk factors, and treatments can reduce not only the number of disabilities and death causes by these cardiovascular diseases, but also decrease the money spent on the treatment of stroke. According to Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2015), stroke costs the United States an estimated $34 billion each year including the cost of health care services, medications, and missed days of work. Objectives There are many objectives related to heart disease and stroke,Show MoreRelatedGordons Health Assessment1070 Words  | 5 Pageslifestyles and health outcomes`According to the American Journal of Health promotion Health Promotion â€Å"Health Promotion is the science and the art of helping people change their lifestyles to move toward an optimal health.†From my point of view it is also the process enabling people to take action in taking control over their health through educational and environmental support of others. 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Therefore, focusing on a smaller part of your development plan, especially the trauma informed practice, as well as the physical activity, mental health, and he althy eating initiativesRead MoreHsm 541 (Health Service Systems) Complete Course - Devry712 Words  | 3 PagesHSM 541 (Health Service Systems) Complete Course - Devry Purchase here https://sellfy.com/p/LBAy/ Product Description HSM 541 Week 1 DQ 1 Costs, Quality, and Access HSM 541 Week 1 DQ 2 Illness vs. Health Promotion HSM 541 Week 2 You Decide Activity HSM 541 Week 2 DQ 1 Healthcare Workforce HSM 541 Week 2 DQ 2 Government Programs HSM 541 Week 3 Written Assignment HSM 541 Week 3 DQ 1 Private Insurance HSM 541 Week 3 DQ 2 The Uninsured HSM 541 Week 4 Midterm Read MoreConclusion Reflection . Working In The Dementia Security1295 Words  | 6 Pagesto appreciate special considerations in mental health nursing practice. Mental health nursing are frequently associated with the ethics issues when clients are incompetent in decision-making in their care plans. The therapeutic relationship with the patients is, therefore the heart of nursing practice, which could assist nurses to address individuality and provide support (Dziopa Ahern 2009).When conducting nursing assessment and developing care plans for these individuals, I have learnt to considerRead MoreThe American Nurses Association ( Ana ) And The Health Ministries Association1272 Words  | 6 PagesThe American Nurses Association (ANA) and the Health Ministries Association (HMA) have described Faith Community Nursing (FCN) as a form of a specialized nursing practice carried out by a nurse within a faith community (American Nurses Association Health Ministries Association, 2012). The role played by the FCN is to protect, promote, and optimize health and abilities, prevent illness and injury, and respond to distress regarding the practice beliefs and the values of a faith community. The FCNRead MoreSynthesis Of The Knowledge And Skills Acquired During Semester Graduate Nursing Core And Specialty Curriculum Content842 Words  | 4 Pagesrotations and putting our knowledge into practice. The research class was a way to really understand why research is so important in the medical field. Without research, medicine would not be a the high level that it is at now. By completing a research project, my knowledge of how to conduct a research study was increased and really prepared me for being able to successfully read research articles. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Top Ets Essay Topics Random Generator Guide!
<h1> Top Ets Essay Topics Random Generator Guide! </h1> <p>In any case, we continually refresh and renew our tremendous base of awesome article themes, which implies that you could generally find some new and rousing thoughts that still can't seem to be utilized previously! The piece of an enlightening title, for the most part, is to quickly portray the themes for the story paper you're taking a shot at. Powerful exposition subjects need a great deal of perusing and research. See Examples for more data. </p> <p>In any occasion, to have an ideal score on the GRE exposition, use a fitting statement deliberately however don't compel it in the article. With simply paper questions and a couple of catchphrases it will have the option to deliver composed work that is exceptional, inventive and totally liberated from written falsification, in just a few seconds. The equivalent is relevant to scholastic composition. Whenever you have a task, you realize that you'll be in a situation to create an exceptional paper utilizing Essay Generator FX. You can likewise remark on the citation inside this initial passage on the off chance that you want. </p> <h2> The Ets Essay Topics Random Generator Cover Up </h2> <p>With its guide, you will no longer should commit hours in a library or riding the Internet in a hunt of a perfect topic rather, you simply indicate your fundamental necessities and get an unrivaled subject, for composing any kind of paper simply inside a couple of moments and totally at no charge! There are bunches of things to recall. This program is additionally significant for SEO content authors who needs to produce exceptional articles for their site. First thing you should do is to consider a couple of broad theme you need to expound on. The perfect method to find a better subject is than find motivation from models. Normally, with finding a perfect point! </p> <p>You're most likely going to find some fine blog entry title thoughts. At the point when you distribute content on a typical premise it's easy to consume your first assortment of blog titles in two or three months. It's conceivable to discover more data in our blog. Everything is very simple. </p> <p>Here, PaperLeaf will have the option to get you out! Along these lines, let us break down all of them. Consequently, it must be far reaching and locks in. In the event that you find this valuable, make certain to share it round so others may profit as well. Here is the manner in which you make certain you're doing it right. </p> <p>Provided that you're cautious, the odds are perpetual. Be that as it may, we need to practice reasonability. </p> <p>This may majorly affect the evaluator. It might take after a fabulous decision to ensure high caliber of our work, yet it isn't constantly proper. At EssayUSA we likewise offer extra types of assistance to have the option to meet all the practical needs of our demographic. Your work will be sans mistake and you'll have the option to rely on this device wipe out the strain and weight you can feel with cutoff times approaching. Hence, they end up not having sufficient opportunity to prepared the work itself and this is just one of the most incessant slip-ups, which, as a general rule, could be forestalled on the off chance that you approach this technique astutely. </p> <p>You should cite when you imagine that the manner in which the first creator communicates a thought has become the most proficient way to deal with impart the point you need to make. Underline that a title is especially significant and even a pivotal component of any scholastic work. In any case, in the occasion the title is dull, no one might need to peruse your work. An intriguing title just gives a few hints concerning what a paper is about. Last, the joining title associates the first ones and makes an all the more remarkable impact on perusers. </p> <p>Take a gander at our value adding machine to figure out what your ideal cost for the paper is! Positively, the most urgent thing with respect to the all out paper is its substance. It needs to see how every now and again you run red lights and doesn't pose a yes or no inquiry. In your rundown of blog titles, look for the 1 inquiry that most lines up with your expected client. </p>
Monday, May 11, 2020
What You Need To Know About How To Find Really Good College Essay Samples
<h1>What You Need To Know About How To Find Really Good College Essay Samples</h1><p>Looking for great school exposition tests that are going to assist you with composing a paper for your course? You should ensure that you set aside the effort to figure out how to discover these essays.</p><p></p><p>You can never turn out badly with utilizing a portion of the free papers that are out there. There are numerous ways that you can attempt to make sense of how to do this without anyone else's help. In any case, it is not entirely obvious the tips and strategies that you can use.</p><p></p><p>As you take a shot at composing the paper, you are going to see that you will experience difficulty polishing it off. This is something that happens very regularly with individuals that attempt to compose a paper. They commit a great deal of errors and they abandon the venture before it even gets started.</p><p></p>< ;p>If you need to ensure that you get the best school paper tests that are accessible, you have to focus on the entirety of the subtleties that are remembered for the task. You likewise need to ensure that you search for these papers online also. There are huge numbers of them out there and you should ensure that you scan for them properly.</p><p></p><p>You will find that in the event that you focus on consistently detail of the task that you can utilize the entirety of your assets and the entirety of your opportunity to traverse everything without accomplishing any other work whatsoever. You will find that it is a lot simpler to finish it when you discover some great school exposition tests that you can utilize. It is imperative to require some investment to ensure that you focus on the paper and the subtleties of the assignment.</p><p></p><p>Another thing that you have to recall is that you need to focus on the nature of the paper when you are searching for school article tests. The nature of the paper doesn't really need to be as high as you might want it to be. You should focus on the subtleties with the goal that you can discover one that will assist you with completing the task on time.</p><p></p><p>One last thing that you should mull over when you are searching for article tests is the subject of the paper. You have to ensure that you realize what the paper will talk about before you begin searching for a paper to finish. You should ensure that you read the task and you should ensure that you recognize what the paper is going to discuss.</p><p></p><p>Finding great school article tests can be hard. You will find that there are a variety of things that you have to remember when you are searching for them. Ensure that you utilize the tips that you have learned and that you focus on the subtleties of the task so you can effectively finish it.</p>
Saturday, May 9, 2020
How to Write a College Essay About Homelessness
<h1>How to Write a College Essay About Homelessness</h1><p>It can be hard to compose a school exposition about vagrancy. In spite of the fact that the subject may appear to be simple, understudies frequently face some troublesome issues around there of grant. Thus, in the event that you need to compose a school exposition about vagrancy, you have to have the correct information and insight.</p><p></p><p>Of course, you don't need to be destitute to compose a school paper about vagrancy. For whatever length of time that you have the correct data, you'll have the option to compose an ideal paper. In any case, it is prudent that you be acquainted with the theme. Since there are numerous understudies who are keen on turning out to be authors, you should attempt to discover what precisely your crowd would need to peruse. There are likewise other grant journalists who compose various kinds of papers that may assist you with your writing.</p>&l t;p></p><p>The first thing you have to do is look into certain points identified with the theme. Experience the free databases, and you'll discover a ton of smart thoughts. Peruse the points, and see what sort of data the journalists of these locales have expounded on the subject. For whatever length of time that you discover data that may get you out, you're progressing nicely. For instance, if the subject of the exposition is human rights, you can discuss it regarding the U.N. Human Rights Council.</p><p></p><p>The second step recorded as a hard copy a school article about vagrancy is to explore. A few people who aren't acquainted with the point don't understand that it is so difficult to experience vagrancy. They simply envision an ordinary home and utilize that as the reference. This won't be compelling on the grounds that a few people won't have an ordinary home. In some cases, they move all around. Hence, they may just have an unregistere d house.</p><p></p><p>When it comes to composing a school paper about vagrancy, you need to know the real factors about the point with the goal that you can compose an amazing and enlightening exposition. On the off chance that you don't have the foggiest idea about the best possible realities, you will wind up composing an inappropriate sort of exposition. So as to keep away from this, you need to begin to investigate by yourself.</p><p></p><p>Also, before you compose the exposition, consider how you would clarify your experience. You don't need to clarify everything in detail, however you should show your own side. Discussion about your fervor at escaping the asylum, the torment of losing your things, the unnerving circumstances that you confronted, and the dejection you felt.</p><p></p><p>If you feel that composing a school paper about vagrancy is past your capacities, you can in any case present your conside rations. You can submit it to grants for secondary school graduates. The association needs to hear the perspectives on understudies who are in secondary school or school. At that point, the site will pick a couple of expositions from the entries to survey and make the selection.</p>
Friday, May 8, 2020
What Are IELTS Essay Band 9 Sample Review?
What Are IELTS Essay Band 9 Sample Review?IELTS Essay Band 9 is the next course in the long line of quality software solutions designed to help those with little or no formal IELTS teaching experience. The quality assurance team at IELTS has focused on offering a better choice of software to their clients and to all those who wish to take a test. Through the use of IELTS Essay Band 9, individuals are now able to compete in the same league as those who have taken the basic course. This course is all about taking tests and passing them, which is where it really stands out.The introduction to the Essay Band series states, 'There are many benefits of using this IELTS software'. What they are referring to are the benefits of using the software to learn the Language Band. The core of the software is a series of advanced computer software applications specifically designed to improve language proficiency. The advancements made by the software are referred to as the Gives and Higher. The sof tware incorporates learning material from the IELTS Language Band, making it an essential tool for those who have not previously taken the program.Students will find that the benefits of using the Essay Band are immediately apparent once they begin to use the software. Using the software provides students with several different resources for an individual to utilize as they make progress. These resources include advanced language software and the interactive testing computer that can be connected to many different sources such as television, radio, and the internet.Once you begin using the Essay Band, there are a number of great benefits to your personal IELTS training experience. Some of these benefits include:Many of the lesson materials offered through the software are flexible and appropriate for use by those without prior knowledge of the English language. Students are free to use their favorite material, and move from one lesson to the next as they go. In addition, the softwar e provides students with interactive coaching options to help them get the most from their tests. This coaching option allows students to view diagrams and instructions that are relevant to the test they are about to take.A lot of effort is put into giving each student the chance to discover the most effective approach to each new lesson. Most students find that they are able to carry the information learned in one lesson and apply it to all other lessons. In addition, the software has built in tutorials that are designed to assist with being able to get the most from the test itself. All of these options make the Essay Band the ideal resource for anyone looking to improve their IELTS score.The Essay Band is a feature rich software application that provides the best in performance and ease of use. For anyone who wishes to pass their IELTS examination, IELTS Essay Band will help them do just that. This program offers students a number of tools to study with, including lessons, quizze s, and instructional videos.There are a number of other features that make the Essay Band a highly beneficial program for students who wish to improve their score on the IELTS. Many of these features include: written practice papers, vocabulary word lists, and the ability to schedule tests. For students who want to improve their scores on the IELTS, the Essay Band can be the right answer to getting the most from their experience.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Career Development And Life Planning - 1319 Words
Mohamed Ali 12/07/15 Ms. Menendez Career Development and Life Planning Final Reflection Signing up for Career Development was one of the best choices I made this semester (probably the only one). Not only was this class informational and productive, I was able to gain a different outlook on why I am in school. The book that we read in class, â€Å"You Majored in What†also helped me to confirm why I choose the major that I am taking now. I learned things from Chaos theory to how to succeed in an interview. The class taught me viable life lessons and helped prepared me to face real world situations in my career. In college, you decide what you would like to major in. After choosing a major, you take the classes needed and hopefully get a degree right? Wrong. One day you may wake up and ask yourself is this what you want to do for the rest of your life? This is the part you go to your counselor and change your major. It may even come to a point where you may not even use the degree that you spent all those years in school for in the job you have. Bottom line is life is not linear. You might major in Biology and hope to be a Doctor but end up working for the government. This is what Chaos theory is. Just like meteorologist predicts the weather, we as humans try to predict where we will be 5-10 years down the line. But as we see changes on our path, we begin to assess the situation differently and adapt to those changes. As a computer science major, I plan on working for eitherShow MoreRelatedPersonal Statement : Self Exploration1156 Words  | 5 Pageshave a clear future career plan, self-e xploration would be the first step to take since those who do not know themselves well will also have no idea about where to begin their career or may be mediocre in their life (Rogers et al., 2008). Therefore, for aspiring college student, before completely stepping into the working stage, one shall specify his or her goal and make full use of the existed sources in school to enrich themselves. It is not an easy thing for one to have a career plan since it isRead MoreHrm Interventions1415 Words  | 6 Pagesresource Management (HRM) is defined as an organizational function that deals with recruitment, management and giving guidance for the people who work in the organization. HRM focuses on issues related to people like (1) conducting job analyses, (2) planning personnel needs, and recruitment, (3) selecting the right people for the job, (4) orienting and training, (5) determining and managing wages and salaries, (6) providing benefits and incentives, (7) appraising performance, (8) resolving disputes,Read MoreHealthcare Smart Goals1309 Words  | 5 Pagesprofessional development through mentoring programs for career development, professional growth, increase of morale, and quality within my nursing career by the end of one year. The second goal is to apply the principles of effective organization involving use of information, focus on patient care giving, and design clinical care giving in an organizational chart to achieve organizational planning and evaluation as all levels. Leadership Development Goal The leadership development goal is to assistRead MoreErfa1044 Words  | 5 PagesThe Journal of Nepalese Business Studies Vol. I No. 1 Dec. 2004 Human Resource Management: Career Development Dhruba Kumar Budhathoki* ABSTRACT This paper mainly emphasizes on career development which is gaining much importance in recent times in order to retain skilled, competent and result oriented people in the organization. This paper invites special attention in this area of organizations. PEOPLE ARE THE SOURCES of all productive effort in organizations. Organizational Read MoreCareer Management : Career Goals1705 Words  | 7 Pages Introduction According to dictionary.com Career management is the life long, self monitored process of career planning that involves choosing and setting personal goals, and formulating strategies for achieving them. The first step in the process of career management is identifying the vision that you have for your career and what you will need to do to get there. Through the process of career management, one must began to do some soul searching to have a clear understanding of their interest, valuesRead More The Work-Meaning Connection Essay examples1646 Words  | 7 Pagesreexamining their careers in light of the growing realization that work should be more than a job. Instead of listening to internal signals, many individuals make choices about work and careers on the basis of external criteria such as income potential, status, and the opinions of others. Although they may achieve success in these careers, they may be unhappy and dissatisfied because their work is not aligned with who they areâ€â€their core self (Clark 1999-2000). Others may select careers based on theirRead MoreProviding Quality Career Development And Leadership Programs1524 Words  | 7 PagesProviding Quality Career Development within Youth Development and Leadership Programs Introduction â€Å"What do you want to do for a living?†This is a question dreaded by many young people. The question assumes that youth have had opportunities that are to make an informed decision about their future. As a youth service professional or someone volunteering his or her time with youth, you might be wondering how you can support youth to think about their futures, and provide them with concrete informationRead MoreAnalysis On Different Employability Skills Covered Within This My First Year At University962 Words  | 4 Pages1. Terms of Reference Within this report and portfolio there is going to be analysis on different employability skills covered within this my first year at university and, evidence of how they are incorporated in my own development as a Business Leadership and Corporate Management student to successfully hold a placement for the next two years of my degree. 2. Why Employability Matters? Employability is a key determination around the way the world works. It ‘is about being capable of gettingRead MoreEssay about Career Development Programs1565 Words  | 7 PagesAs an educator working both in the high school and middle school setting, one point should be made clear. It is never too early to start thinking about a career. Of course, this is preached by most educators on a daily basis, but for the high school student looking for a college, it is still hard to comprehend. What exactly is the criterion for a college or community college and which direction should the high school senior go? When choosing a college to attend, there are certain factors thatRead MoreGender Differences Between Work And Life1026 Words  | 5 Pages manage your life, Groysberg and Abrahams use research and survey data to show gender differences on how success is viewed. There were some similarities and obvious gender differences in answers. On another note the article by Stewart Friedman, Work + home + community + self, the main focus is on three key principles to focus on to be better at integration between work and life. Each article’s content can be a guide in career planning and to help with one’s professional development. The article
The Age Of Reason By Thomas Paine - 1618 Words
Religion is a perilous subject, regardless of who you choose to discuss it with; everyone has their stance about it. In the pamphlet ‘The Age of Reason’ by Thomas Paine, the author offers his perspective of religion in which he provides factual arguments as to why he despises it and refutes its ‘message’. Paine challenges the authenticity of the Bible while also addressing its contradictions, inconsistencies and false claims. From the moment it was published, Paine knew the pamphlet would cause controversy simply by the nature of which it is based upon. Paine openly and willfully ridicules the church, the mythology of the church, the word of God and the legitimacy of the authority of which the Bible has ascribed certain individuals to. The pamphlet itself is dichotomized as follows: section one and section two. Section one consists of Paine loosely planting the roots of his arguments and satirically dissecting the basis of religion. Section two provides a cl ose examination of the New and Old Testament where Paine directly addresses the contradictions, logical inconsistencies and empirical falsehoods of the Bible and its many books and anecdotes that will be discussed in this essay. Although some may feel offended by the nature of the pamphlet and its contents, Paine does not set out to force a conversion or instill his philosophical state of mind upon others, he simply strives to ventilate his beliefs and disbeliefs. Over the course of the pamphlet, Paine addresses manyShow MoreRelatedThe Age Of Reason By Thomas Paine1089 Words  | 5 PagesThomas Paine was an influential 18th-century writer of essays and pamphlets. Among them were The Age of Reason, regarding the place of religion in society; Rights of Man, a piece defending the French Revolution; and Common Sense, which was published during the American Revolution. Common Sense, Paine s most influential piece, brought his ideas to a vast audience, swaying (the otherwise undecided) public opinion to the view that independence from the British was a necessity. Thomas PaineRead MoreThe Age Of Reason By Thomas Paine Essay1551 Words  | 7 PagesThomas Paine, born in the year 1737, was an English American philosopher that is most famous for his works entitled The Age of Reason. These essays were calling upon people to believe more in the powers and evidences of the sciences of mathematics and nature rather than the Christian faiths in a higher power or the church. However, in Paine’s essays he makes mention of the three main things in the sciences to believe in. The Triangle, Lever, and Wheel are mentioned and referred to as the basis andRead MoreThomas Paine s The Age Of Reason1666 Words  | 7 PagesIn this contemporary era more people do not identify with God and in turn have become more skeptical of God. 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A prime figure in this discussion during the recent past, the mid 18’th to the early 19’th centuries, was Thomas Paine. Paine’s writings during both the United States and French revolutions helped to spearhead the respective countries into revolution and eventually freedom. As such, Paine is certainly seen as an influential figure during this time peri od for practical reasons. But Paine is equallyRead MoreThe Age of Reason and Revolution Essay810 Words  | 4 PagesThe Age of Reason and Revolution Many individuals that lived in the period of time known as the Age of Reason, discovered many new inventions and advancements to improve the quality of life. Some of these advantages brought fourth new ideas to extraordinary people who forever changed the way we look at life. Although many people found these discoveries to bring great revival to mankind, others rejected these new improvements and felt as if they were defying god. 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Taste the Rainbow free essay sample
The Brainâ€â€is wider than the Sky Forâ€â€put them side by side The one the other will contain With easeâ€â€and Youâ€â€beside The Brain is deeper than the sea Forâ€â€hold themâ€â€Blue to Blue The one the other will absorb As Spongesâ€â€Bucketsâ€â€do The Brain is just the weight of God Forâ€â€Heft themâ€â€Pound for Pound And they will differâ€â€if they do As Syllable from Sound Emily Dickinson As humans, we inevitably walk down a twisted path of perpetual search. Down this track, we thrive for a common answer to the intricacies of the mind, the core purpose of why we are here and ultimately, like always, to the definition of life. That is what it always boils down to; what is life? Life is like a box of crayons. Everyone has seen a new box of crayons. Arranged neatly, the colours form a spectrum as they range from yellow to orange to that final black crayon. We will write a custom essay sample on Taste the Rainbow or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They each have their own designated space. Not yet used and waiting to be, they are, in a way, pure. Similarly, we are born, waiting to be smothered by someone’s love and set out in the ways our parents choose. Our lives start out fresh and new, waiting for us to alter them. However, along the way, decisions and mistakes are made. Some are life-altering, others are not. We start at one place and end up at another. It is not always planned, but we are left in a different position with each decision we make as time progresses. Be it getting married, going to college or even buying a new pair of shoes, life gives us a little jolt and we jump a couple of spaces on the board game that is our life. In the same way, as time progresses, the box of crayons loses its neat arrangement. The brown crayon ends up next to the yellow, the purple sandwiched between the green and black. The blue crayon is virtually finished and the grey has snapped in half. Things change. These decisions and mistakes I talk about are not always easy to make. We have been sent down moral codes, given the ability to build a sense of social and ethical conduct and the freedom to choose between right and wrong. Some things are clear-cut, like a white and black crayon. Yet, sometimes there is a little portion of diplomacy. Something could be right, but it could also be wrong. How do we categorize it then if it is not a white or a black crayon? The small area of in between is our grey crayon. Not convinced yet? Life is all about meeting different of people. Some are intellectual and interesting while some are ordinary, the sort you could or could not do without. When I was younger, a friend of mine showed me her favourite colour in her crayon box. She showed me the lilac crayon. Not purple, but lilac. Do you know there is not just orange, but there’s tangerine, orange peel, apricot and tangelo crayons too? Sometimes you meet a tangerine person who leaves you with something to think about and sometimes, you meet just a plain orange one. A random quote on a picture left me thinking: ‘I don’t understand white crayons. Why are they here? What do they want from us?’ Is it not interesting how a white crayon is barely used and how it never seems to venture out from its initial designed space in the crayon box? What is its purpose? Of course, in life, you meet someone who confuses you the same way. You try to understand their actions, their words, but in the end, you fail and they continue to be a part of your life as you struggle to accept the fact that that is all they will ever be. With time, life becomes haphazard. At what point did the crayon box become so untidy and disorganized? Old age sweeps over us and leaves us just like we were as children i.e. waiting for someone to take care of us. We wait until someone comes and along and rearranges the crayon box to the way it once was. As humans, we live here and beyond, making our humble abode on earth and in the clouds. We thrive on an illusion and convince ourselves that there is a logical explanation for everything out there. We stare at nothing in the hope that it will soon become something. Enclosed in a fleshy space, we demand for a simple truth that will define life. Life is like a box of crayons. Embrace it.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Auditing and Assurance Services Business Risk
Question: Discuss about the Auditing and Assurance Services for Business Risk. Answer: Introduction Auditing Assurance Services play significant role in recognition of the inherent business risk within the organization. These particular services apply a business risk pproach and the standard audit practice has been incorporated with the both national as well as international auditing standard. Auditing and assurance services help the business organization to know their deficiencies in keeping record of their business transaction as well as presenting information from record of the economic events, which occurred throughout the year within the organization (A Forum on CSR and Assurance Services, 2015). Besides this, it helps in detecting the internal issue and operation deficiencies so that helps in improving the business activities of the organizations as well as it is beneficiary to the entire stakeholders. The key role of the Auditing Assurance Services is to check the financial statements produced by the business organization with the real data by the specific tools and techni ques, which use to verify the information within the financial statements (Arena and Sarens, 2015). After successfully verifying and analyzing the data and information auditors use to provide audit report about the financial situation of the organization which improves the trustworthy of the organization as basically the auditing services provided by the third party, thus it looks after the entire stakeholders side. The undertaken report is about the auditing report of one of the most successful Australian company, One. Tel, which is collapsed within the six years of its operation within the field of telecommunication. Here the about the factors, which play vital role in assessing the inherent risks are discussed (Botica Redmayne, 2011). Besides this, the inherent risk factors are discussed and their influences in auditing the firms financial statements are measured. Discussion on factors contributing to increased inherent risk assessment There are many significant factors that have important contribution to the increased risk assessment at the financial report level. Some of the vital factors are inadequate structure of the business organization, lack of professional ethics as well as deficiencies in the corporate governance strategy of the organization. The top level management of the company along with the key finance personals was corrupted (Dittenhofer, 2001). Besides this, the auditors appointed by the company are also lacking of ethics as they are lacking of integrity , objectivity , professional competency along with due care so that the role of the auditors, which perform audit of the One. Tel was heavily criticized and their actions are largely scrutinized as the company has been liquidated. The auditors of One. Tel BDO and Ernst Young both were lacking integrity and biased to the management and the key financial professional of the company (Hanim Fadzil, Haron and Jantan, 2005). Moreover, they hide the imp ortant financial information with the financial statement of the company so that there are many stakeholders of the company such as the investors, and shareholders of the company as well as the customers and frontline staffs of the company unaware of the financial position of the company and misguided by the financial information they got from the audited financial statement of the company and took inappropriate decision related to the company thus face huge loss (Botica Redmayne, 2012). Besides this, the auditors firms could not perform the auditing tasks independently so that reduces the efficiency and effectiveness of the auditing work. It can be assumed that during the strategic business risk assessment the factors like inappropriate structure of the business, lacking of professional ethics and deficiency in the corporate governess may be detected as all these are the main reason of the failure of One. Tell and cause of the liquidation of the company. Identification of recognized factors during strategic business risk assessment According to the financial statement of the company, it can be seen that in the balance sheet or financial position statement of the company that the liability of the company is consistently increasing, in the cash flow statement it is observed that the operating cost of the company is much greater than the operating profits in comparison to the receipts from the customers the payment to the suppliers and employees is much greater and cause of the loss in the operating of the business to the company (Dittenhofer, 2001). Besides this, it is also perceived that in the investing activities also the company has incurred losses means the company has to invest a lot for the payment of plant and equipment. Only in the cash flow from the financing activities provide positive results but it is negligible to cover the loss from the operating activities and investment activities. In the profit and loss statement or income statement of the company is also provides similar information, where the company was incurring loss during the financial year of 200 in spite of massive growth and development in the business. A company and the management staffs of that particular company must have the similar objectives for the future of the company (Imoniana and Perera, 2016). However, it cannot be perceived in all cases, it is often observed that the aims of the owners and management staffs of a company is differ from the objectives of the shareholders of the company and in these cases the problems arises. This particular situation is referred Principle Agent Problem. The company One. Tel face similar types of problem and it is the main cause of the collapse of the company, which was the 4th biggest telecommunication company in Australia and the company was initiating to penetrate into the global market and hold the UK, France, Netherland and Hong Kong market (Knechel et al., 2006). Discussion on inherent risk factors and their role in increased inherent risk assessment The bad corporate governance of the One Tell Company detected as the key reason of the bankruptcy of the company. The poor management structure of the company is also one of the vital reasons of its liquidation. It is observed that in 1998, the board of the Company was composed of only four members (Krishnan, 2007). Who were non executive director of the company. Among the four directors, three of them were subject to the every year election. Moreover, the 4th one was Jodee Rich, the CEO of One. Tel company, who was not take out by the shareholders of the company. Ending of the year 1998 the board of the company was extended to have eight members. Moreover, among the 8 board members three were the high school mate of the Jodee Rich the CEO of the company. The financial as well as the audit committee of One Tell comprised with 2 members who are very close of the CEO of the company (Knechel et al., 2006). The members of the financial committee were not the independent directors with th eir position in the company. In an investigation by ASIC along with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia recognized that the company has deferred expenses of forty eight million AUD along with the loss of bigger than forty million AUD. The audit partner of the company along with the external auditors were accused for overstretching the Australian Accounting and Auditing standards and fined forty eight millions. It is observed that in spite of the huge remuneration of 2.3 million AUD and bonus of 82.5 million AUD for the 3 executive directors, the directors get payment of another bonus of 14.2 million AUD at the time when the company incurred loss of 292 million AUD in 2000. It is detected that that for concealing the information to the public theses bonuses were manifest as delayed expenses along with the set up cost of the company in Europe as the strategic plan of global expansion of the company (Millichamp, 2002). Assess the risks as high medium or low The company has high risks as well as low surrender strategy with kind incentives for the new consumers might not be continued in the small market of Australia, where there are 6 services providers of mobile phone and this the 2nd biggest number in comparison any other country across the world. Besides this, the expenditure of the company was beyond of its financial capacity (Moeller and Brink, 2009). The other telecom services of the country had offered the subscribers much lower rate in comparison to the rate offered by the company. The business strategy of the company was heavily depended on the big companies Telstra and Optus and the two companies are the competitors of the company One Tell. One Tell was trading excessive phone capacity, which are procured from Telstra and Optus and the company offered cheap packages to the customers. However, the two major companies Telstra and Optus have minimal operating cost as compared to the One Tell, the companies took decision about the rate of the rental (Munro and Stewart, 2011). There was not any access fee nor had do any minimal calls spend as well as the contract not any fixed term. Therefore, there was not any single way to ensure that the consumer would stay with the company One Tell as well as spend money on it. Identification of the influential factors for effective decision making The other influential factors that help in efficient decision making are subsequently billing system failure. It is obvious in the auditing process that the intentions of the senior IT workers at this company are extremely questionable. The development personnel were given bonuses on the basis of timely creation and establish of new programs along with the system. There was not any testing need or requirement to give the necessary documentation regarding the quality of the programs (Pickett and Pickett, 2003). One of the senior accountant revealed there was not any structure, not any accounting system, not any procedures as well as not any control within the billing system of the company. Initially the billing system of the company was perfect to handle the issues as there was little customer base. Afterwards, on the way the company earned excellent reputation in the market so that the company successfully able to increase the consumers base and increase the volume of the customers t o whom the company provides essential services. Moreover, with increment of the numbers of the customers the billing system of the company was obvious insufficient; thus, fail to meet its demand (Ruhnke and Lubitzsch, 2010). Therefore, the processing as well as delivery of the invoices to the consumers was delayed and thus the company was unable to track the receipts from the consumers. The billing system of the company was designed inadequately as well as not monitored for the long time. Conclusion It is obvious that the collapse of the Company One Tell cannot be pointed to any one of the parties. There was lacking of the structure of the company, deficiencies in the professional ethics along with the corporate governance, which can be blamed for the collapse of the company (Saxena et al., 2010). The collapse of the company along with the succeeding collapse of the cop rates delivers a message to the business world. The message is that the directors along with the management staffs should pay attention to the companys business and financial activities as well as ply active role in carry out the business activities of the company (Subramaniam and Carey, 2011). Moreover, the people should be held responsible for their action along with the decisions proper reporting of the cash position as well as the internal control of the company must be monitored and examined regular basis to account for the changes along with the growth of the business organization. References A Forum on CSR and Assurance Services. (2015).AUDITING: A Journal of Practice Theory, 34(1), p.vii-vii. Arena, M. and Sarens, G. (2015). Editorial: Internal Auditing: Creating Stepping Stones for the Future.International Journal of Auditing, 19(3), pp.131-133. Botica Redmayne, N. (2011). Auditing and Assurance Services and Ethics in Australia: An Integrated Approach20111Alvin A. Arens, Peter Best, Greg Shailer, and Brenton Fiedlerd. Auditing and Assurance Services and Ethics in Australia: An Integrated Approach . 2009. 8th ed.J Acc Organizational Change, 7(4), pp.408-410. Botica Redmayne, N. (2012). Essentials of Auditing, Assurance Services Ethics in Australia: An Integrated Approach20121 Essentials of Auditing, Assurance Services Ethics in Australia: An Integrated Approach . Massey: Massey University 1st ed.J Acc Organizational Change, 8(1), pp.120-122. Dittenhofer, M. (2001). Internal auditing effectiveness: an expansion of present methods.Managerial Auditing Journal, 16(8), pp.443-450. Dittenhofer, M. (2001). Reengineering the internal auditing organization.Managerial Auditing Journal, 16(8), pp.458-468. Hanim Fadzil, F., Haron, H. and Jantan, M. (2005). Internal auditing practices and internal control system.Managerial Auditing Journal, 20(8), pp.844-866. 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