Friday, May 31, 2019
Against Animal Testing :: essays research papers
For decades humans have taken defenseless and innocent wild animals tofoully abuse and trial run their experiments upon. They demonstrate healthy drugsand lotions upon the animals and record and write down the at timesfatal side effects only to repeat the experiment again and again-regardless of the creatures pain or suffering. In one experiment bythe Proctor and Gamble company, scientists got hold of a batch ofnewly born baby mice and cut their toes off to test their theoriesupon. They were later help up in court for this matter- thoughdisgustingly were let off. You may think that the pure terror on the faces of these animals alone would be liberal to change peoples mind of whether it is right or wrong to test uponanimals less fortunate they we. Is non the innocent look of fear uponthe victims face full to sicken and revolt you? but no, always it is for the good of us and the development of themodern world have you ever heard- for the good of the animalkingdom? I thought not. But that is all we are and ever will be.Animals.Whatever you may think our ancestors were primates, which climbed thetrees and still do today. Agreed our IQ and brain is much more certain as is our features but without, we are same as those we lockup in wire cages to be stared and prodded at in Zoos- the same asthose creatures which we test our medicines and cosmetics upon- thesame as the wretched creature above- bewildered and hurt wondering whyits life is being tortured so and for what. Helpless creatures in our custody and instead or calming and loving them- we crush and break them.It is not as if we have need of the results gained by animal testing.Are there not enough types of shampoo already and body lotions tosatisfy the worlds needful demands? Or are the shampoos not goodenough for our precious whims- are they not teach enough for ourdelicate hair? Is the washing up liquid not making the crystal glassesshiny enough?Now we have move on to this subject, did I tell you how t hey check iftheir washing up liquid is poisonous or not? No- well you can bet yournew sheer clean Head and Shoulders on the fact that it wasnt humans they tested it on. Oh no.To check to see whether their new washing up liquid is safe enough andgood enough for human use, the caring doting and loving scientistsplace fish into quantities of the mixture and record what happens to
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Seven, The movie Essay -- Film Review Moie Essays
cardinal, The movie Ernest Hemmingway once wrote, the world is a fine place and worth fighting for, I agree with the second part. The movie Seven ends with that quote stated by somersault, attempting to justify the many moral dilemmas touched upon by the movie but in the first place to bring the character of Somerset and the audience back to the beginning. The commensurateness of the characters that the quote creates between the beginning of the movie and the end would arouse been lost if the director David Fincher would have gone with the original storyboard ending. The beginning sequence does a great deal in showing the audience the personality of the two main characters. It fades in to Somersets apartment where we see a medium-long shot of Somerset over the sink. He is not yet ready for work. It cuts to a medium shot of him spirit in a mirror, adjusting his tie and collar very meticulously and yet as if he has done this many a time before. The camera shoots the amour propre top where Somersets personal items (keys, badge, pen, eyeglass case) are set, side-by-side, in order of their importance, in which he picks them up one by one. The camera cuts to the bed, neatly made, where his suit coat lies, precisely placed. He picks a piece of lint we cannot really see off of the coat before putting it on. Somerset has said nada in this scene and yet we have already deciphered the type of person he is a very neat, well-organized, meticulous person whose life seems to prepare around routine. With Somerset turning off his lamp, it fades into the darkness of the next scene, focusing on the large man lying face down on the underprice dead. It cuts to a long shot of Somerset slowly walking away from the light, looking around the room and stopping to notice what was on the refrigerator. When Somerset asks the opposite cop if the child saw the crime, the cop rudely replies, What kind of fucking question is that? You know, were all gonna be real glad when we get u nloosen of you, Somerset. You know that? Its always these questions with you. Did the kid see it? Who gives a fuck? Hes dead. His wife killed him. Anything else has nothing to do with us. This quote does two consequential things for the character of Somerset. First, it verifies our ideals of Somerset from the previous scene. His eye for detail entails us to conclude that he is a very skilled detective. It also shows t... ...t coincide with the final ending, creating symmetry that the audience can readily grasp, unlike the storyboard ending. The idea of original sin lies within the characters themselves, forming a bond with the audience that it depicts. Works ConsultedBrown, Royal S. Seven. Cineaste. 22.3 (1996) 44-47.King, Neal. Heroes in sullen Times Cop Action Movies in the U.S. Philadelphia Temple University Press, 1999.Macek, Steve. Places of Horror Finchers Seven and Fear of the City in Recent Hollywood Film. College Literature. 26.1 (1999) 80-97.Natoli, Joseph. Speeding to the millenary Film and Culture 1993-1995. Albany State University of New York Press, 1998. Rubin, Martin. Thrillers Genres in American Cinema. New York Cambridge University Press, 1999.Se7en. By Andrew Kevin Walker. Dir. David Fincher. With Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt. New Line, 1995. Supplemental Material (Disc 2). DVD-ROM online content.Walker, Andrew Kevin. Seven Production Draft Screenplay. Script-O-Rama. Online. America Online. 11 Nov. 2001.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Napoleon :: French History, French Revolution
Napoleon Bonaparte once said, Nothing has been simpler than my elevationIt is owing to the peculiarities of the time. Coming to power at a time of instability and distemper in France immediately following the French Revolution, Napoleon quickly established himself as the political leader and military power behind France. Easily and efficiently overthrowing the poorly managed Directory, Napoleon established a three man governing body referred to as the Consulate. Naming himself Consul for Life in 1802, and crowning himself emperor in 1804, Napoleon made it clear that is was a time of dramatic change in France. Although establishing himself as an absolute ruler, Napoleon did it all with the support of the people, through the engagement of a plebiscite. Obviously a man that held immense power, Napoleon has been credited with many great successes. To the people of France, Napoleon was a savior, a man who could, despite being an autocrat, implement the ideals of the French Revolution . Establishing order, giving the French people a sense of security, and running his government smoothly became Napoleons priorities. Through a variety of reforms including, centralizing the government, establishing public education, instituting religious tolerance specifically signing the Concordat of 1801, and stimulating the economy, Napoleon won the support of French people crosswise the classes, including the peasantry who in years previous had suffered greatly under absolute rulers. One of Napoleons most lasting reforms was his installment of the Napoleonic Code, a fall of laws that reflected the idea of equality so evidently bannered throughout the French Revolution. Napoleon was able to capture the attention of the French people through every facial expression except absolutism.
Anselm’s Philosophy Essay -- Religion Philosophy Philosophical Essays
Anselms PhilosophyAnselms description of A immortal starts by saying that God is the greatest macrocosm we can possibly believe of. When Anselm states this, it essentially means that it is not accomplishable to think of a beingness greater than God. Anselm also states that if God is the greatest thinkable being, he is referring to the fact that it would be impossible to imagine or to manufacture in ones mind someone or something being better than God. Therefore, it would be impossible to say that God exactly exists in ones mind because it is much greater to exist in reality than it is to exist only in ones mind. Anselm whence(prenominal) suggests that God has umpteen attributes which describe him. Among these being self-existent, a necessary being, omnipotent, omniscient, completely only if and timelessly eternal. After reading the Proslogion by Anselm, it gave me a greater understanding of these attributes listed above. Although, they are all of equal importance, I note the most prominent of Gods attributes is the fact that he is self existent. In essence, that means that God depends on nothing else for his existence, he is uncaused. Therefore, his existence is timelessly-eternal. This means that God cannot violate existing. On the other hand, contingent beings (such as ourselves) depend on something else for their existence. One example of this is, that as a child we utterly depended on our parents for food, clothing, and shelter. Contingent beings thus can begin to be or cease to be at anytime. They can, unlike God, be here today and gone tomorrow. Anselm uses the definition of God (the ontological argument), in which I have draw above, to prove Gods existence. As I mentioned, Anselm believes that God is the greatest being we can possibly think of. He does this by first trying to prove the enemy of what he really wants to prove. For example, lets suppose God does not exist in reality. We then could think of something greater, a being that ha s all the same virtuous characteristics as we think God as having, but also being able to exist in reality. He then tries to prove that this supposition leads to a conclusion which cannot possibly be true. Then the original God would not in truth be the greatest thinkable being, this raw something else, that actually exists would be. This new God which actually exists would then be able to be seen, heard and touched by the individuals... ...that I have with Anselms philosophy is that he believes that if you can imagine something existing then it defiantly does exist. In the book Anselms critics state Athat someone who does not know the meaning of the word, who thinks only of the impression make on his mind by audience the word and tries to imagine its meaning.(Anselm P. 395) There is no way to use a word such as God as a being or an existence because I believe that everyone has a different definition. I can understand the words Agreatest possible being but understanding this doe s not necessarily mean that such a being exists. For example, I understand the words Aflying car, but we all know that thither are no flying cars. only when Anselm argues that AI have the concept of this being in my mind, therefore this being exists. (Anselm p.395) I believe that this is where Anselm takes a monstrosity leap of faith. In conclusion to whether Anselms definition of God gives actual proof of Gods existence, I believe that the only way to believe that God actually exists is by having true faith in him. Although, Anselm gives many possible reasons for Gods existence. Most of these reasons are rather vague and unbelievable. Anselms Philosophy Essay -- Religion Philosophy philosophical EssaysAnselms PhilosophyAnselms definition of AGod starts by saying that God is the greatest being we can possibly think of. When Anselm states this, it essentially means that it is not possible to think of a being greater than God. Anselm also states that if God is the greatest thinkable being, he is referring to the fact that it would be impossible to imagine or to create in ones mind someone or something being better than God. Therefore, it would be impossible to say that God only exists in ones mind because it is much greater to exist in reality than it is to exist only in ones mind. Anselm then suggests that God has many attributes which describe him. Among these being self-existent, a necessary being, omnipotent, omniscient, completely just and timelessly eternal. After reading the Proslogion by Anselm, it gave me a greater understanding of these attributes listed above. Although, they are all of equal importance, I feel the most prominent of Gods attributes is the fact that he is self existent. In essence, that means that God depends on nothing else for his existence, he is uncaused. Therefore, his existence is timelessly-eternal. This means that God cannot stop existing. On the other hand, contingent beings (such as ourselves) depend on som ething else for their existence. One example of this is, that as a child we utterly depended on our parents for food, clothing, and shelter. Contingent beings therefore can begin to be or cease to be at anytime. They can, unlike God, be here today and gone tomorrow. Anselm uses the definition of God (the ontological argument), in which I have described above, to prove Gods existence. As I mentioned, Anselm believes that God is the greatest being we can possibly think of. He does this by first trying to prove the opposite of what he really wants to prove. For example, lets suppose God does not exist in reality. We then could think of something greater, a being that has all the same virtuous characteristics as we think God as having, but also being able to exist in reality. He then tries to prove that this supposition leads to a conclusion which cannot possibly be true. Then the original God would not actually be the greatest thinkable being, this new something else, that actually exi sts would be. This new God which actually exists would then be able to be seen, heard and touched by the individuals... ...that I have with Anselms philosophy is that he believes that if you can imagine something existing then it defiantly does exist. In the book Anselms critics state Athat someone who does not know the meaning of the word, who thinks only of the impression made on his mind by hearing the word and tries to imagine its meaning.(Anselm P. 395) There is no way to use a word such as God as a being or an existence because I believe that everyone has a different definition. I can understand the words Agreatest possible being but understanding this does not necessarily mean that such a being exists. For example, I understand the words Aflying car, but we all know that there are no flying cars. But Anselm argues that AI have the concept of this being in my mind, therefore this being exists. (Anselm p.395) I believe that this is where Anselm takes a giant leap of faith. In conclusion to whether Anselms definition of God gives actual proof of Gods existence, I believe that the only way to believe that God actually exists is by having true faith in him. Although, Anselm gives many possible reasons for Gods existence. Most of these reasons are rather vague and unbelievable.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The First Battle Of Bull Run Essay -- essays research papers
THE FIRST BATTLE OF BULL RUNOn July 21, 1861, two armies, one confederate and the other Union, prepared for the first study land battle of the Civil War. In 1861 Abraham Lincoln was sworn in as President.The Southern states had seceded and the South had fired on and captured Fort Sumter on April 12 1861.After the Fort Sumter battle, both the North and the South began preparing for war by raising armies. This was done quickly and neither side spent much beat training the troops. Both sides also did not know what a long and terrible war was ahead.The first Battle of Bull Run took place dear Manassas Junction, Virginia, an important railroad junction twenty five miles west of Washington, D.C. Bull Run Creek twisted and turned through Manassas Junction. The Shenandoah Valley, a Southern fortification was thirty miles to the northwest of Manassas Junction. Both the Bull Run Creek and the comeby Shenandoah Valley gave the South two advantages in this battle.In July 1861, tow armies fa ced all(prenominal) other in Northern Virginia. General Irvin McDowell, commander of the Union Army of the Potomac had 31,000 men in Washington. General Beauergard of the Confederate Army had 20,000 troops camped around Manassas Junction.To the north, near Harriers Ferry, Confederate General Joseph Johnston with 9,000 soldiers faced off with Union General Patterson who was dug...
The First Battle Of Bull Run Essay -- essays research papers
THE FIRST BATTLE OF BULL RUNOn July 21, 1861, two armies, one confederate and the separate Union, prepared for the first major bestow battle of the Civil War. In 1861 Abraham Lincoln was sworn in as President.The Southern states had seceded and the South had fired on and captured Fort Sumter on April 12 1861. later the Fort Sumter battle, both the North and the South began preparing for war by raising armies. This was done quickly and neither side spent much time learn the troops. Both sides also did not know what a long and terrible war was ahead.The first Battle of Bull Run took place near Manassas Junction, Virginia, an burning(prenominal) railroad junction twenty five miles west of Washington, D.C. Bull Run Creek twisted and turned through Manassas Junction. The Shenandoah Valley, a Southern stronghold was thirty miles to the northwest of Manassas Junction. Both the Bull Run Creek and the nearby Shenandoah Valley gave the South two advantages in this battle.In July 1861, tow armies faced each other in Northern Virginia. General Irvin McDowell, commander of the Union Army of the Potomac had 31,000 men in Washington. General Beauergard of the quisling Army had 20,000 troops camped around Manassas Junction.To the north, near Harriers Ferry, Confederate General Joseph Johnston with 9,000 soldiers faced off with Union General Patterson who was dug...
Monday, May 27, 2019
Vital Nature Of Human Being Engineering Essay
Bing in comfort z matchless is a critical nature of human being. Something less attempt subject ever attracts human head. This invention belongs in a zone far more advanced than a caramel brown operated by a manual regulator. This cheat assures the speeding of the intromission repel utilise in a fan automatically by feeling the watercourse. Like normal family fan regulators it does non necessitate whatsoever att dismissing for pedagogying the amphetamine of the fan and therefore it reduces human attempt which is really much clear to us. It uses a TRIAC ( Triode for AC ) based locomotery which minimizes energy aspiration and therefore saves king Vongmanee ( 2004 ) . It gives a broad experience of working temperature background k like a shotledge to the user while be ramps supplying manual control in casing of pauperization. These characteristics atomic number 18 every bit interesting every bit effective as really utile for the mediocre category because of a first base acquire and c argon speak to. This whole invention will be discussed in wining points.Power electronic converters can be found wherever there is a demand to modify the electrical energy signifier ( i.e. modify its electromotive commit, current or frequence ) . Therefore, their antecedent scope from some milli watts ( as in a wandering(a) phone ) to 100s of megawatts ( e.g in a HVDC transmittal system ) . With classical electronics, electrical currents and electromotive nip ar employ to transport information, whereas with power electronics, they carry power. Therefore the chief metric of power electronics becomes the efficiency Rabisankar ( 2012 ) .Most power electronics systems consist of devil major faculties which are power electronics processor that handles power transportation from stimulant drug to barricade increase and accountant that tells the power processor of what to make by taking the measuring that happens at end overlap and compared to input.Prob lem StatementNowadays, many a(prenominal) industries utilizing electrical machine in their mill. Electrical machine are utilise to do the work can be done in clip and to cut down work nip in the industry. There is several(prenominal) type of electrical machine we are utilizing today. We have DC push back such as DC serial publication travel and DC shunt beat back. We besides have synchronal motor that runs at changeless hurrying and we are besides stick toing opening motor.A rectifier is an electronic lap covering that converts promiseirectional electromotive guide ( AC electromotive fierceness ) to unidirectional electromotive force ( DC electromotive force ) by utilizing power rectifying tubes or by commanding the exit careen of thyristor/controllable switches. Rectifier normally can be divided into deuce types that are uncontrolled and phase-controlled. Each type can hold either somebodyistic ramification or three-phase. A rectifying tube is the simplest electron ics switch which it is uncontrolled that the on and off provinces can be determined by the power supply in the tour itself. AC to DC convertor is largely used in industries and besides in domestic equipment.But many rectifiers in the market plainly produce fixed end product so the applications of the rectifiers are limited for certain equipment merely. So, the DC degree of the end product and the power transferred to the onus are fixed when the beginning and burden parametric quantities are established. Holmes ( 1993 ) , Zein ( 1999 ) and Kischan ( 2010 ) .Therefore, to get the better of this job there is a appearance to command the end product electromotive force of the rectifier. Basically, the individual introduce rectifier is designed utilizing the thyristors or more specifically are called Silicon fudge Rectifier ( SCR ) which connected in full-wave rectifier. A thyristor is four beds ( pnpn ) semiconducting hooey devices that act as switches, rectifiers or electromotive force regulators. Thyristors are electronic switches used in power electronics circuits where control of switch turn-on is required power Vongmanee ( 2004 ) . Therefore, the end product electromotive force can be inconsistent from the scope of nothing electromotive force to full electromotive force by commanding the hold angle of the SCR.Aim and Aims1.3.1 AimThe finding of the undertaking is to command the swiftness of individual demonstrate initiation motor utilizing microcontroller.1.3.2 AimsTo plan the AC electromotive force convertor to changing motor electromotive forceTo lend oneself the velocity detector for feeling the velocityTo compose the plan for commanding the operating theater of electromotive force convertorScope of the surveyThis undertaking concentrates on a development of a circuit and ironware to acquire dc end product utilizing SCR and PIC16F84A as chief constituent of the undertaking. Besides the Scopess is to plan a microcontroller to command hold angle I and it produced variable end products ( velocity ) . To develop the whole undertaking, it consists of three orders which are the construct of vend, the electrical construction, and the package scheduling.After planing and edifice wholly the rectifier circuit, the driver circuit should be able to command the hold angle I , that can be adjusted by utilizing microcontroller. It will affect the scheduling development to command the ON province of the power switch and adjust the portray angle. Here, the trigger angle of SCRs will be programmed in certain clip sequence to warrant the input electromotive force goes from secondary to full electromotive force.Report StructureThere are all six chapters being constructions in this thesis and every chapter will lucubrate in concomitant more or less this undertaking. For the first chapter, an overview about this undertaking, accelerate Control of Single contour abstraction Motor is discussed including the aims and Scopess of the unde rtaking as a usher to develop the individual stage controlled rectifier.Chapter 2 will explicate and discourse on the literature reappraisal of the Speed Control of Single Phase evidence Motor. It besides focuses on general debut of the AC to DC convertor with the roll in the hay information about this convertor. It gives a brief reappraisal about the types of the rectifiers uncontrolled and controlled individual stage and three stage convertors used as rectifiers. In this chapter besides discuss about the type of thyristor andthe feature of each type.Chapter 3 discusses the methodo system of logical analysiss of the Speed Control of Single Phase Induction Motor that has been apply in finishing this undertaking. In this chapter, it consists of block diagram and run chart which are explained about the result of execution and how the AC electromotive force converts to DC electromotive force so connected to the burden such as DC motor. It is besides discusses briefly how the end product electromotive force can be varied.Chapter 4 we discuss the package and hardware execution of the Speed Control of Single Phase Induction Motor utilizing course charts and dissimulation importations for package execution and PCB layout and hardware working for hardware executionChapter 5 is discoursing and exposing all the moments obtained and the restriction of the undertaking. All treatments are concentrated on the consequence and the general reality initiation of the Speed Control of Single Phase Induction Motor.Chapter 6 in overall will discourse on the end and sum-up of the development of the Speed Control of Single Phase Induction Motor completed undertaking. In this chapter besides discusses on the jobs and recommendation for this undertaking development or alteration.Chapter 2LITERATURE REVIEW & A THEORETICAL BACKGROUND2.1 IntroductionThe literature reappraisal and the theoretical background about this undertaking have been made from affiliate beginnings like diaries, books, articles and others. From the literature reappraisal, the input that have been collected is utile for better apprehension of this undertaking. It is because for about a century, rectifier circuits have been the most common power electronics circuits used to change over AC to DC. The AC-DC convertor produces a DC end product from an AC input while the mean power transferred from an AC beginning to a DC burden. This convertor normally besides called as a rectifier. The word rectification is used non because these circuits produce DC but instead because the current f ruggeds in one way. By and large, there are two types of AC-DC convertors which are uncontrolled and controlled.2.2 Literature ReviewHere in the literature reappraisal we understand about this undertaking have been made from assorted beginnings like diaries, books, articles and others. From the literature reappraisal, the input that have been collected is utile for better apprehension of this undertaking2. 2.1 Background of Induction motorInitiation motors are little motors holding an end product power less than one Equus caballus power and are by and large operated on individual stage AC supply. These motors perform assortments of service in the place, office, concern concerns, mills and farms and in a figure of other applications where individual stage supply is available.The velocity of initiation motor can be trim back by diminishing stator electromotive force by an sum which is sufficient for the velocity control of some thrusts. While tortuousness is relative to voltage self-colouredd, current is relative to voltage hence, as electromotive force is reduced to cut down velocity, for same current motor develops lower tortuousness. Consequently, method is suited for application where torque demand reduces with velocity, which points towards its suitableness for fan and pump thrusts. Variable electromotive force for velocity control is obtained utilizing ac electromotive force accountants.Industrial fans and pumps are normally set by initiation motors. Thyristors are normally used for commanding the electromotive force to command the velocity of initiation motor. Speed control is obtained by changing conductivity flow of thyristors. For low power evaluation machines, anti-paralleled thyristor brace is used.ASpeed of the motor can be varied more or less uniformly in the scope of 80 % to 30 % of synchronal velocity of the motor by changing the electromotive force between 100 % to 30 % . The stator electromotive force is controlled in these velocity control systems by agencies of a power electronic accountant. Here two thyristors in anti-parallel are connected between the line and motor in a stage. Normally thyristors in stage control manner are used. It is besides possible to fire the thyristors for merely a part of the rhythm, therefore using conductivity angle use. This is utile in motor control.A A The conductivity of thyristor brace is controlled by a ltering firing angle of thyristors through microcontroller.2.2.2 Review on Speed Control of Single Phase Induction MotorIn this undertaking the writer speaks about An adjustable velocity thrust moving on the subsidiary twist of single-phase initiation motors is described. Speed fluctuations are obtained by seting the electromagnetic torsion by commanding the subsidiary twist electromotive force magnitude and stage angle while the motor s chief twist is straight connected to the local public-service corporation mercantile establishment. A variable subsidiary twist electromotive force stage angle is shown to give important torsion control, supplying get downing and driving torsion, every bit good as reversability and some braking torsion. The analysis includes the finding of the blood between the subsidiary twist electromotive force stage angle and the stage angle difference between the chief and subsidiary twist currents. A control methodological analysis for choosing an subsidiary twist electromotive force magnitude and stage angle is examined. Simulation consequences of the motor s tortuousness-speed features utilizing the controlled subsidiary twist supply are shown and discussed.In decision the thrust was tested utilizing a ergometer to by experimentation verify the consequences of the theory and simulations, and to research the practicality of a simple, low-cost single-phase initiation motor thrust utilizing subsidiary tortuous electromotive force control Collins ( )Then the writer in this paper reports about a High-performance Speed-Sensorless Control of an Induction Motor Drive Using a Minimalist Single-Phase PWM Converter where he states that Home contraptions and comfort conditioners are yet to profit from the recent developments in power electronics because of cost restraints. In this paper, a speed-sensorless initiation motor thrust system utilizing convertors with decreased device counts ( minimalist, thin convertors ) and actuated from a single-p hase system is proposed for such low-priced applications. The analysis, control, dynamic, and fast-state features of the proposed thrust are by experimentation illustrated.In decision the undertaking was able to show the methodological analysis for the analysis and control of a high-performance initiation motor thrust actuated by two controlled rectifier-inverter systems with decreased count of exchanging devices. The general attack for finding the transition signals required for the carrier-based PWM pulsation propagation for this category of minimalist convertors has been set Forth. The input supply electromotive force is a individual stage and the input current is controlled utilizing a natural mention upchuck accountant to run near to integrity supplanting power factor. Olorunfemi ( 2005 )This paper the writers Rodrigo and Hilton ( 2006 ) investigates the job of single-phase initiation motor ( SPIM ) sensorless velocity control. A distinct clip PI accountant and a sensorless technique are implemented on a PC-based platform utilizing a standard three-phase inverter thrust and vector control. An indirect rotor flux orientated control technique is developed based on a sensorless technique. A MRAS with a Kalman Filter algorithmic program is developed for a rotor velocity appraisal.In decision the Simulation and experimental consequences are presented to formalize the effectivity of the method. a MRAS sensorless control method was applied to a single-phase initiation motor. A MRAS algorithm was used to gauge the rotor velocity, from the computation of the motor instantaneous reactive power. In add-on, a Kalman Filter was used to filtrate the works variable provinces for a minimisation of the velocity estimation oscillations. An Indirect Field Orientation Control technique was used in the individual stage initiation motor thrust. This method is an alternate for single-phase initiation motor thrusts and can better efficiency with variable velocity operation . Experimental and simulation consequences show the effectivity of the technique.Here the writer sates that A centroid-based binary weight multiplier ( CBWM ) exchanging technique was proposed, which was suited for full-bridge inverter applications of individual stage initiation motor ( SPIM ) velocity. control by utilizing 8 spot CBWM to modulate square single-phase wave form and merchandise a control signal form. This technique was evaluated, and its public display was compared with bing BRM exchanging technique.In decision the public presentation rating and study was involved to the entire harmonic deformation ( THD ) , figure of pulsations per rhythm of the inverter end product wave form, both evident and reactive power. The aim of the new shift technique is to minimise the THD. The simulation consequences presented in this paper, the CBRM shift technique yields a important betterment in footings of minimum THD ( 5 % -100/ , ) when comparison with BRM. The CBWM has been consid ered to use for variable-speed of the individual stage three stage initiation motor thrust applications in footings of changing electromotive force and changing frequence Tipsuwanpom ( 2001 ) .This paper describes a low cost strategy for commanding the velocity of a three stage initiation motor. The motor was connected to a individual stage supply via a two component stage balancer. Speed control is masterd by changing the supply electromotive force utilizing the stage angle control. Theoretical analysis is supported by experimental measurings.Finally as consequences a new and cost effectual strategy for commanding the velocity of a three stage initiation motor cater from a individual stage supply has been presented. The proper strategy requires a individual stage supply and two thyristors as opposed to the three stage supply and six thyristors in the conventional strategy. A two-element stage balancer has been used in the new strategy to accommodate the motor to the supply. The t wo elements are made pure reactive elements in order to cut down the Cu loss. The nourish of the two reactive elements can be selected to be variable to guarantee zero negative sequence electromotive force for whole the scope of operation. Alternatively, the strategy may be simplified by choosing an mean fixed value for the two elements to give about minimal imbalance between the stator electromotive forces in achieve better public presentation both in the steady province and transeunt conditions. Experimental consequences confirm the high quality of the proposed strategy. Alolah ( 1993 )In this paper the writer Jannati ( 2011 ) states that This paper discusses a new vector control intent for single-phase initiation motor runing with two twists. The vector control is based on the Rotor Field Oriented ( R.F.O ) method that was adapted for this type of machine. This new vector control is suited for all of the imbalanced initiation motors. Furthermore the rotor velocity of t he imbalanced motor was estimated by utilizing Extended Kalman Filter ( EKF ) .The consequences shows the good public presentation of the proposed method. Single-phase initiation motors are widely used in the place and industrial applications. Although the power of these motors is low the figure of them is high and they use a greathearted portion of produced electrical power. On the other manus the efficiency of these motors is low so we can state that a big sum of electrical power is wasted by these types of motors. In this paper, we proposed to utilize a power electronic thrust to increase the efficiency of the individual stage initiation motors. In add-on, we proposed a new method for the vector control of the motor.In this paper is focused on the velocity control of a individual or two stage initiation motor utilizing a diametral inversion ( DI ) of the stator electromotive forces. The alterations in the velocity mistake mark are responsible for each DI which inverts the stator electromotive force phasor and its angular speed. The chief and the subsidiary twists are ever connected and therefore the velocity mistake mark allows to determinate the revolving field way. The motor is fed by a rectifier associated with a three-phase inverter. The nucleus of the thrust bid it s a 16-bit dsPIC device, which receives the velocity mistake mark and bring forth the appropriate PWM mention electromotive forces label to the three-phase inverter.In decision In this new attack the diametral inversion was used, avoiding the rotor flux place finding in every blink of an eye. With this bid action the applied electromotive force phasor can be inverted and revolve in the opposite way depending on the velocity mistake mark. As effect, the torque way can alter really rapidly and the thrust will hold a good public presentation. Hence, the motor velocity can be easy adjusted. The consequences revealed that the rotor velocity reaches the mention velocity without relay Manual ( 20 08 ) .The writer Deniz and Murat ( 2008 ) presents a variable velocity control method for fan applications. A pulse-width-modulated ( PWM ) AC chopper changes the effectual value of the supply electromotive force applied to a single-phase initiation motor. This variable supply electromotive force gives the ability to command the velocity of the motor. Harmonicss generated by the velocity control unit are by an input harmonizing to EN 61000-3-2 bounds for harmonic current emanations criterions.In decision A 25kHz PWM AC Chopper used in a single-phase initiation motor thrust was designed and realized in this survey for both domestic and industrial fan applications. This circuit can be used to command the motor velocity harmonizing to the temperature mention. Due to high frequence shift, the PWM AC chopper does non bring forth low frequence harmonics which are multiples of the 50Hz constituent. The harmonic deformations appear at higher(prenominal) frequences that are really multiples of the shift frequence and really easy to filtrate.This paper on Single-phase Induction Motor Speed Control Through a PIC Controlled Sinusoidal PWM Inverter to analyze the public presentation of a single-phase PIC ( programmable integrated circuit ) controlled curved PWM inverter driving a single-phase initiation motor ( with get downing electrical capacity ) at assorted burden conditions ( 3/4 of burden and full burden ) . The control was implemented in such a manner that it is allowed the alteration in the motor velocity via a PIC. The attraction of this constellation is the riddance of a personal computer to bring forth sinusoidal PWM pulsations.As consequences it was able to accomplish the chief undertaking in this work, is to do a compact openloop sinusoidal PWM inverter to command the velocity of an little single-phase initiation motor. This compact inverter had its hardware reduced to a lower limit through the usage of a programmable carry circuit ( PIC ) micro-controller ( PIC16C73A ) . In this sense a personal computer interface was avoided. One of the troubles was the deficiency of information on the most efficient control logic in this instance and its aims. One of the pace was that the usage of a PIC in such applications is really recent, the other ground is the deficiency of importance in the industry s sentiment of the single-phase accountants when compared with three-phase control systems Cunha ( 2001 ) .In this paper a Single stage initiation motors ( SPIM ) are widely used at low power degrees because of their simple building, robust nature and nominal monetary value. Conventionally, they have one operational stator twist and the velocity of the motor is non controlled. But SPIM drives for higher power degrees have both chief and subsidiary twist staying operational throughout and can be treated as asymmetrical, two-phase machines. High public presentation operation of these asymmetrical machines was associated with the jobs of patterning the dissymmetry and commanding the electromagnetic torsion oscillations. Different research groups have proposed unlike strategies to undertake the above said troubles.In decision the theory, analysis and simulation consequences for the vector control technique for SPIM based on stator flux orientation are presented as above. From the consequences, it can be concluded that both for flux weakening part ( above base velocity ) and changeless flux zone ( below base velocity ) , the algorithm performs satisfactorily. The little torsion oscillations are low-cost sing the simpleness of the algorithm Nanda ( 2011 ) .This paper presents the photovoltaic ( PV ) piss pumping system with a maximal power point trailing ( MFPT ) . The H2O pumping system uses a variable velocity individual stage initiation motor ( SPIM ) driven a centifugal pump by a field oriented control ( FOC ) inverter. The system under survey consists of two subdivisions. First, the MPPT utilizing a DC-DC convertor controll ed the responsibility rhythm to track maximal power 60m PV under different insolation conditions. The responsibility rhythm straight relate with a flux bring forthing current constituent ( Ids ) . Second, the FOC inverter uses a current control electromotive force beginning inverter ( CC-VSI ) for SPIM driven the centifugal pump.As consequences the field oriented control individual stage initiation motor thrust system supplied by photovoltaic arrays is presented in this paper. The SIMULINK plan is used tool in simulation for determine the respond of thrust system by closely generated status with the degree of light strength alteration. The simulation consequence is demonstrated the respond of thrust in electromotive force ( Vdq ) , current ( Idq ) , motor s velocity and electromagnetic torsion which are changed as measure input bid and measure burden. The decision are shown when the light strength degree alteration, the electromotive force and the velocity of motor are changed as g ood, ensuing from the system legitimate the power increased. As reference, burden of motor pump is changed. The capacity of pump will precisely depend on the velocity of motor alteration Varni ( 2004 ) .In this paper the writer discusses about The diametral inversion ( DI ) of the stator voltages has been used to command the rotor place of the three phase- initiation motor. In this paper the DI is applied on a individual stage initiation motor thrust to command its velocity. The alteration of the velocity mistake mark causes a DI. Each DI inverts the stator electromotive force phasor and its angular speed. The chief and the subsidiary twists are ever connected and so the mark of the velocity mistake determines the revolving field way. The motor is fed by a rectifier associated with a three-phase inverter faculty. Two mention electromotive forces are PWM modulated utilizing a sigma-delta closed cringle scheme.As decision the consequence of an probe about a new attack to controsl the velocity of a individual stage or two initiation motor thrust was presented and its effectivity was analyzed by several simulation trials. In this new attack the diametral inversion was used. With this bid action the applied electromotive force phasor can be inverted and revolve in the opposite way depending on the signal mistake velocity. As effect, the torque way can alter really rapidly and the thrust will hold a good public presentation. The simulation consequences revealed that the rotor velocity reaches the mention velocity without muffling and with irrelevant wave-off in laden or unloaded conditions. The simulation consequences besides revealed that the velocity control presents high hardiness against external torsion perturbations Manuel and Armando ( 2008 ) .Here in Operating individual stage initiation motors across a broad scope of velocity and burden with high efficiency the writer Klaus ( 2009 ) has stated in the paper at manus the suitableness of several different cap acitance run individual stage initiation machines for Phase Control, Integral ( Half ) cycle per second Control or Integral Switched Cycle Control is investigated. The initiation machine s theoretical account s electrical and robotlike parametric quantities are estimated and simulations are carried out in order to look into the bring of the parametric quantities on entire input power, torsion and losingss. Measurements are carried out entering rotor velocity and entire input power comparing Phase Control and Integral Switched Cycle Control at about the same operating points. From these informations a simple method is derived that can be used for choosing machines for low cost velocity controlled thrusts.In decision the parametric quantities rotor weaving opposition and escape reactance provide a good standard for choosing individual stage initiation motors for low cost velocity control drives. These parametric quantities can be derived from the individual stage locked rotor trial , which is simple to execute, or can be obtained from the maker of the machine. Another possibility is to utilize the absolute value of the individual stage short circuit electric resistance as a whole tone of the suitableness of a certain machine. The higher the per unit values of these parametric quantities are, the lower the input power and therewith the temperature rise at low velocity.In this paper a Single Phase AC Induction Motors are one of the most widely used motors In the universe, yet comparatively weensy work has been done In the application of power electronic convertors to these motors to accomplish variable velocity operation. Where variable velocity is required, it Is normally achieved either by mechanical choking, or by exchanging between two or more flexed twist constellations. This paper proposes a method for utilizing a standard three stage electromotive force beginning inverter to accomplish broad scope variable velocity control of a individual stage Inductio n motor, by linking the chief and subsidiary twists of the motor across the gallus as an imbalanced three stage burden. The motor Is analyzed as an imbalanced two stage system to find the torsion that can be expected under variable frequence control, and a new transition scheme Is described which achieves the maximal possible convertor for a two stage end product electromotive force ( balanced or unbalanced ) .In decision method for modulating a three stage VSI span to accomplish broad scope variable velocity operation of a balanced or imbalanced two weaving initiation motor. It investigates motor operation under these conditions, and considers restrictions inherent in the technique. From these probes, a precise transition scheme is proposed for supply frequences runing from nothing to motor rated frequence, so that rated torsion can be achieve from the motor at any velocity with the motor operating at a little faux pas. The scheme has been to the full verified both in simulation a nd by experimentation Holmes & A . Kotsopoulos ( 1993 ) .In this paper, a fresh velocity control of a individual stage initiation motor is proposed utilizing a modified inverter. Three MOSFETs are used for commanding the flux linkage of a individual stage transformer, its secondary twist is connected in series with the motor. On-line Bang-Bang velocity control of motor strategy is implemented utilizing a microprocessor to deduce the inverter. A mathematical theoretical account for the single-phase initiation motor is presented, which is used to construct up a simulation plan for a certain coveted velocity. Experimental consequences have been carried out to look into the motor public presentation with the accountant. Good understanding has been obtained between simulation and experimental consequences.In decision fresh method of velocity control of an ac motor ( single-phase running capacitance initiation motor ) by seting the flux linkage between two magnetic spirals utilizing a mo dified inverter and Bang-Bang control. This scheme influences the effectual tantamount induction of two spirals connected in series with the motor, accordingly control the motor applied electromotive force. Simulation and experimental survey have shown that, by this method of control the velocity of the motor can be changed swimmingly from zero value to the rated velocity with high response Zein ( 1999 ) .In this paper the writer Krischan ( 2010 ) states about a hapless cost velocity control of capacitance run individual stage initiation motors across a broad scope of velocity and burden continues to be of involvement. In the paper at manus the line reaction every bit good as the electromagnetic compatibility of three different methods for velocity control Phase Control, Integral ( Half ) Cycle Control or Integral Switched Cycle Control is investigated. Measurements are carried out at different rotor velocity and burden torsion, comparing the methods at about the same operating p oints. FFT is computed for the line currents and measurings on electromagnetic compatibility.As decision they met the bounds given by the European Standard with Phase Control every bit good as with Integral Cycle Control, a brinies filter has to be used. Uniting Built-in Cycle Control with Phase Control leads to higher costs in order to follow with EMC ordinances but provides much higher efficiency.2.3 Theoretical BackgroundIn this subdivision we discuss about the theoretical background of our undertaking where we shall discourse about the chief hypothesis and the inside informations of the peripherals and constituents of the undertaking to construct in the proto type.2.3.1 Personal computer softwarecomputer hardware can be interfaced with the personal computer to command the velocity of motor. It has no as such practical usage it is merely for larning point of position. Hardware can be connected with personal computer through a consecutive port. Consecutive communicating is used t o pass on between hardware and package. Ocular basic 6 is used for doing this GUI ( Graphic user Interface ) .Baud rate is 2400 bits per second.Degree centigrades UsersSONYDesktopic-max-232.jpgFigure 2.1 MAX 232 deviceTheA MAX232A is anA incorporate circuit, foremost created byA Maxim Integrated Products, that converts signals from anA RS-232A series port to signals suited for usage inA TTLA compatible digital logic circuits. The MAX232 is a double driver/receiver and typically converts the RX, TX, CTS and RTS signals.2.3.2 The ThyristorThyristors or Si controlled rectifiers ( SCR ) as they are sometimes known may look to be unusual electronics constituents in many ways, but they are oddly utile for commanding power circuits. As such these electronics constituents are frequently used for applications such as light dimmers, and there may be thyristor circuits used in many power supply applications. Thyristors are simple to utilize and cheap to purchase and frequently thyristor circu its are easy to construct and utilize. All these grounds make thyristors ideal constituents to see for many applications.The thyristor may be considered a instead an unusual signifier of electronics constituent because it consists of four beds of otherwise doped Si instead than the three beds of the conventional bipolar transistors. Whereas conventional transistors may hold a p-n-p or n-p-n construction with the electrodes named aggregator, base and emitter, the thyristor has a p-n-p-n construction with the outer beds with their electrodes referred to as the anode ( n-type ) and the cathode ( p-type ) . The control terminus of the SCR is named the gate and it is connected to the p-type bed that adjoins the cathode bed.Structure of a thyristor or Si controlled rectifier ( SCR )Figure 2.2 Structure of a thyristor or Si controlled rectifier ( SCR )Thyristors are normally manufactured from Si, although, in theory other types of semiconducting significant could be used. The first ground for utilizing Si for thyistors is that Si is the ideal pick because of its overall belongingss. It is able to manage the electromotive force and currents required for high power applications. Additionally it has good thermal belongingss. The 2nd major ground is that Si engineering is good established and it is widely used for a assortment of semiconducting material electronics constituents. As a consequence it is really inexpensive and easy for semiconducting material makers to utilize.The manner in which a thyristor operates is different to other devices. Normally no current flows across the device. However if a supply is connected across the device, and a little sum of current is injected into the gate, so the device will fire and behavior. It will stay in the conducting province until the supply is removed.To see how the thyristor operates, it is deserving flavor at a thyristor tantamount circuit. For the interest of an account, the thyristor circuit can be considered as two dorsum to endorse transistors. The first transistor with its emitter connected to the cathode of the thyristor is an n-p-n device, whereas a 2nd transistor with its emitter connected to the anode of the thyristor, SCR is a p-n-p assortment. The gate is connected to the base of the n-p-n transistor as shown below.Thyristor tantamount circuitFigure 2.3 Thyristor tantamount circuitWhen a electromotive force is applied across a thyristor no current flows because neither transistor is carry oning. As a consequence there is no complete way across the device. If a little current is passed through the gate electrode, this will turn on the transistor TR2. When this occurs it will do the aggregator of TR2 to go along towards the electromotive force on the emitter, i.e. the cathode of the whole device. When this occurs it will do current to flux through the base of TR1 and turn this transistor on . Again this will now seek to draw the electromotive force on the aggregator of TR1 towards i ts emitter electromotive force. This will do current to flux in the emitter of TR2, doing its on province to be maintained. In this manner it merely requires a little trigger pulsation on the gate to turn the thyristor on. Once switched on, the thyristor can merely be turned off by taking the supply electromotive force.It can be seen that current will merely flux in one way through the thyristor. If a contrary electromotive force is applied, so no current will flux, even if some gate current is applied. In this manner for thyristor circuits used for AC, operation merely occurs over one half of the AC wave form. For the other half of the rhythm the device remains inoperative and no current can flux.There are many thyristor circuits that are in common usage. They can be sued in many applications from AC control as am utilizing it here to command the velocity of AC motor.The thyristor driver Opto-isolator besides called anA optocoupler, A photocoupler, orA optical isolator, is an e lectronic device designed to reassign electrical signals by using light moving ridges to supply unified with electrical isolation between its input and end product .The chief intent of an opto-isolator is to preventA high voltagesA or quickly altering electromotive forces on one side of the circuit from damaging constituents or falsifying transmittals on the other sideDegree centigrades UsersSONYDesktopoptocoupler.jpgFigure 2.4 the Thyristor driver2.3.4 AT89C51 microcontrollerThe AT89C51 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit personal computer with 4K bytes of Flash programmable and eradicable read merely stock ( PEROM ) . The device is manufactured utilizing Atmel s high-density nonvolatilizable memory engineering and is compatible with the industry-standard MCS-51 direction set and pinout. The on-chip Flash allows the plan memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonvolatilizable memory coder. By uniting a various 8-bit CPU with Flash on a massive bit, th e Atmel AT89C51 is a powerful personal computer which provides a highly-flexible and cost-efficient solution to many embedded control applications.Degree centigrades UsersSONYDesktopSdochan89C51.jpgFigure 2.5 8051 Microcontroller
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Genetically Modified Foods Essay
As the old saying goes, An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but does it really mean what it apply to? People are taking great risks by consuming genetically modified foods. Genetically modified crops, foods etc. are made when scientist combine genes from dissimilar organisms to get desired traits in a certain(p) organism. Scientist uses this in fruits and vegetables to supporter make them more nutritious or help with insect resistance. Some of the depression GM foods were maize, cotton, soybean, canola and alfalfa. In the last two decades there has been a spike in the cultivation of transgenic crops.Since the very first GM food marketed (a tomato that wouldnt go so soft as fondly) it has continuously gone up. There are two main types of GMOs ones that are herbicide tolerant and others that are revolting to devastating insect. Herbicide tolerant GMOs can be sprayed with herbicides that kill weeds but not the genetically modified crops. This was developed by the company Monsan to. The warrant type of GM crop is resistant to devastating insects which is made by a bacterial gene which makes able to resist against certain insects.An example is corn BT which is able to resist the corn borer. Most Farmers who use these GM crops do it because they can make more money or it would ease their work load. are GM crops and food going to help the world or hinder it? One of the leading arguments is that this will produce more food and thus exhaust the planet. Another advantage is that you can use less herbicides and pesticides which are then less harmful to the environment. It seems like that is the case but farmers are still dot large amount of herbicides and pesticides and it somewhat contradicts the reasons for GM crops.What do these GM Crops do to our Environment and our health? Many questions arise rough this and not even about the risks on the table but if its right morally. There great risks that where putting on the table like the safety of our children. W e are being handle like experimental animals and these large companies are waiting to see what happens. In the US, about two dozen farmers reported thousands of pigs became sterile after consuming certain GM corn varieties. Some had false pregnancies others gave get to bags of water.Cows and bulls also became infertile when fed the same corn. In the US population, the incidence of low birth weight babies, infertility, and infant mortality are all escalating. Transgenic crops do help us in some ways, but is it doing more harm than good? They could help us stop world hunger but at what cost? Are you willing to put your children and their children at risk just for a quick buck? These are question you to need to answer choose a sid hopefully the right one.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Time Series
IntroductionA succession serial publication is a set of observations, xi separately one being enter at a specific judgment of conviction t. After being recorded, these data be rigorously studied to develop a model. This model go out consequently be used to construct future set, in other words, to name a forecast. When looking at a clip serial, some questions must(prenominal) be askedDoes the meter serial have a trend or seasonality?Are their outliers?Is there constant variance everyplace meter?Essential of Good clip serial publicationThe data must be long enough.There must be equal duration gap.There must be a normal peak.Example1The sideline eyepatch is a duration serial plot of the yearbook number of earthquakes in the world with seismic magnitude over 7.0, for 99 consecutive years.By a condemnation serial plot, we simply mean that the variable is plotted against snip.Some features of the plotThere is no trend.The mean of the series is 20.2.There is no seasonality as the data be annual data.There argon no outliers.Example 2 This shows a beat series of quarterly production of beer in Australia for 18 years.Some features atomic number 18There is an increasing trend.There is seasonality.There are no outliers.The Components of Time SeriesThe components of time series are factors that female genital organ bring changes to the time seriesTrend component, TtWhen there is an increase or a diminish over a long period of time in the data, then we say that there is a trend. Sometimes, a trend is said to be ever-changing direction when it goes from an increasing trend to a decreasing one. It is the result of events such(prenominal) as price inflation, population growth or economic changes.Seasonal component, StA seasonal pattern exists when the time series exhibits regular variations at specific time. It arises from influences such as natural conditions or social and cultural expressions. For example, the sales of ice-cream are compara tively noble in summer. So, the salesman expects greater profit in summer than in winter.Cyclic component, CtIf the time series shows an up and down movement around a given period of time, it is said to have a cyclical pattern.Irregular component, ItIrregular components consist of changes that are unlikely to be repeated in a time series. Examples are floods, fires, earthquakes or cyclones.Combining the time series componentsTime series is a combination of the components which were plowed above.These components post be either combine additively or multiplicatively.Additive modelIt is one-dimensional, and the changes are made by the analogous amount over time.Yt = Tt + Ct + St + ItMultiplicative modelIt is non-linear such as quadratic or exponential, and the changes increase or decrease over time.Yt = Tt Ct St ItUsesTime series can be useful in the following fieldsStatisticsSignal processingEconometricsMathematical financeAstronomyEarthquake predictionsWeather forecastingImpo rtance of Time series for businessesThere are many benefits of time series for business purposesHelpful for find out of past behaviorBusinessmen use time series to correction the past behaviors and to find oneself the trend of the sales or profit of their businesses.Helpful in forecastingTime series is a great tool for forecasting. Businesses can make a time series of the past strategies of their competitors and make an estimate of their future strategies. In this way, they make can make a better strategy and make much profits.Helpful in comparisonTime series can be used to calculate the trend of both or more branches of the same smart set and compare their performance. On their performances, rewards can be given.However, time series can have some limitations for a business. Sales forecasting relies on the past results to predict future expectations. But, if a company is new, there is a limited amount of data to make predictions. Even so, past results do non always indicate what the future sales bequeath be.To fully understand this topic, we will work out this example.Example 2We will consider the actual comer of passengers from an airport over the year 1949 to 1960. From these data, we will make a forecast.The first step is to plot the data and feel descriptive measures such as trends or seasonal fluctuations.The second step is to check for the stationarity of the time series.StationarityA time series is said to be stationary if its mean and variance does not change over time. Obviously, not all the time series that we encounter are stationary.It is important because, most of the models we work on, assumes that the time series is stationary. If the time series has the same behavior over time, there will be a high probability that it will follow the same trend in the future.How to check for stationarity?For the graph that was plotted, we can see that it has an increasing trend with some seasonal pattern.But, it is not always evident to see whether a plot is increasing or has a seasonal trend. We can check for stationarity using the followingPlotting rolling statisticsWe plot the moving average or variance and see whether it changes with time. But, as it is a visual technique, we will take more consideration for the next audition.Dickey-Fuller trial runIt is one of the statistical methods to check for stationarity. The null hypothesis is that the time series is non-stationary, and the alternative hypothesis is the converse.As shown below, the test consists of the test statistics and critical take to bes at different significant levels. If the test statistics is less than the critical value, we reject the null hypothesis.Results of Dickey-Fuller Test Test Statistic 0.815369p-value 0.991880Lags Used 13.000000Number of Observations Used 130.000000Critical economic value (1%) -3.481682Critical Value (5%) -2.884042Critical Value (10%) -2.578770According to the Dickey-Fuller test, the test statistics is less than the critical valu e.Therefore, the time series is not stationary. However, there are various methods to make a time series stationary.How to make a time series stationary?The boldness of stationarity is very important when modelling a time series, but most of the practical time series are not stationary. Eventually, we cannot make a time series one hundred percent stationary, most of the time, it will be with a potency of 99%.Before going into detail, we will discuss on the reasons wherefore the time series is not stationary.There are two major reasons to that, trend and seasonality.Having discuss the reasons, we will now talk about the techniques to make the time series stationaryTransformationLog transformation is probably the most commonly used form of transformation.DifferencingDifferencing is a widely used method to make the time series stationary. It is performed by subtracting the previous observation from the current one. When making the forecast, the process of differencing must be anatro pous to convert the data back to its original scale. This can be done by adding the difference value to the previous value.Using the Dickey-Fuller test we can see that the test statistic is -2.717131 and that the critical values at 1%, 5% and 10% are -3.482501, -2.884398 and -2.578960 respectivelyThe time series is stationary with 90% confidence. The second or ternary order differencing can be done to get better results.DecompositionIn decomposition, the time series is divided into several components mainly trend, cyclical, seasonal and irregular components.The time series can sometimes be broken down into an additive or multiplicative model.We will assume a multiplicative model for our example.Since the trend and seasonality were divide from the residuals, we can check the stationarity of the residuals.Results of Dickey-Fuller Test is test statistic is -6.332387e+00 and the critical values at 1%, 5% and 10% are -3.485122e+00, -2.885538e+00 and -2.579569e+00 respectively.We can co nclude that the time series is stationary at 99% confidence.Now, we can go forward with the forecasting. guessing the time seriesWe will fit this time series using the ARIMA model, ARIMA is an acronym that stands for Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average. It is a linear equation similar to a linear regression.The first address is to find the values of the predictors (p, d, q), but before finding these values, two situations in stationarity must be discussed.A strictly stationary series without any habituation among the values. In this case, we can model the residual as white noise.The second case is a series with significant dependency among the values.The predictors mainly depend on the parameters (p, d, q) of the ARIMA modelNumber of AR(Auto-Regressive) limits (p)It is the number of lag observation that were included in the model. This term helps to incorporate the effect of the past values into the model.Number of MA (Moving Average) terms (q)It is the size of the moving av erage window, that is, this term sets the error of the model as a linear combination of the error values observed at previous time points in the past.Number of differences(d)The number of times that the raw observations are differenced.In order to obtain the values of p and q, we will use the following two plotsAutocorrelation coefficient Function, ACFThis function will measure the correlation of the time series with its lagged version.Partial Autocorrelation Function, PACFThis function measures the correlation between the time series with a lagged version of itself, commanding the values of the time series at all shorter lagsIn the ACF and PACF plots, the dotted lines are the confidence interval, these values are p and q. The value of p is obtained from the PACF plot and the value of q is obtained from the ACF plot. We can see that both p and q are 2.Now, that we have obtained p and q, we will make three different ARIMA model AR, MA and the combined model. The RSS of distributive ly of the model will be given.AR modelMA modelCombined modelFrom the plots, it is clearly shown that the RSS of AR and MA are the same and that of the combined is much better. As the combined model give a better result, the following steps will take the values back to its original scale.The predicted results are stored.The differencing is converted the log scale. This can be done by adding the differences consecutively to the base numbers.The exponent is taken and is compared to the original scale.Therefore, we have the final result.ReferencesAarshay Jain(2016) A all-embracing beginners guide to create a Time Series Forecast (with Codes in Python) WWW Available from https// Accessed 14/04/18Maxime Phillot (2017)How do I interpret the results in an increase Dickey-Fuller test? WWW Available from https// Accessed 23/04/18Jason Brown lee (2016)What Is Time Series presage? WWW Available from https// Accessed 23/04/18Chris St.Jeor and Sean Ankenbruck (2018)Time Series for dummies- The 3 step process WWW Available from https// Accessed 22/04/18Pennsylvania recite university (n. d) Overview of Time Series Characteristics WWW Available from https// Accessed 22/04/18Time SeriesA time series is a set of observations, xi each one being recorded at a specific time t. After being recorded, these data are rigorously studied to develop a model. This model will then be used to produce future values, in other words, to make a forecast.Important Characteristics to Consider FirstWhen first looking at a time series, some questions must be askedDoes the time series has a trend or seasonality over time?Are their outliers? With time series data, the outliers are far away from the other data.Is there a long-run cycle or period?Is there constant variance over time?Essential of Good time series Data must be for a sufficient period Equal time ga Constant or normal period.Example1The following plot is a time series plot of the annual number of earthquakes in the world with seismic magnitude over 7.0, for 99 consecutive years. By a time series plot, we simply mean that the variable is plotted against time.Some features of the plotThere is no trend.The mean of the series is 20.2There is no seasonality as the data are annual data.There are no outliers.Example 2 The plot at the top of the next page shows a time series of quarterly production of beer in Australia for 18 years.Some important features areThere is an increasing trend.There is seasonality.There are no obvious outliers.The Components of Time SeriesThe components of time series are factors that can bring changes to the time seriesTrend component, TtWhen there is an increase or a decrease over a lon g period of time in the data, then we say that there is a trend.Sometimes, a trend is said to be changing direction when it goes from an increasing trend to a decreasing one. It is the result of events such as price inflation, population growth or economic changes.Seasonal component, StA seasonal pattern exists when the time series exhibits regular fluctuations at specific time. It arises from influences such as natural conditions or social and cultural behaviors. For example, the sales of ice-cream are relatively high in summer.So, the salesman expects greater profit in summer than in winter. Cyclic component, CtIf the time series shows an up and down movement around a given period of time, it is said to have a cyclical pattern.Irregular component, ItIrregular components consist of changes that are unlikely to be repeated in a time series. Examples are floods, fires, earthquakes or cyclones.Combining the time series componentsTime series is a combination of the components which wer e discussed above.These components can be either combined additively or multiplicatively.Additive modelIt is linear, and the changes are made by the same amount over time.Yt = Tt + Ct + St + ItMultiplicative modelIt is non-linear such as quadratic or exponential, and the changes increase or decrease over time.Yt = Tt Ct St ItUsesTime series can be useful in the following fieldsStatisticsSignal processingEconometricsMathematical financeAstronomyEarthquake predictionsWeather forecastingImportance of Time series for businessesThere are many benefits of time series for business purposesHelpful for study of past behaviorBusinessmen use time series to study the past behaviors and to see the trend of the sales or profit of their businesses.Helpful in forecastingTime series is a great tool for forecasting. Businesses can make a time series of the past strategies of their competitors and make an estimate of their future strategies. In this way, they make can built a better strategy and mak e more profits.Helpful in comparisonTime series can be used to calculate the trend of two or more branches of the same company and compare their performance. On their performances, rewards can be given.However, time series can have some limitations for a business. Sales forecasting relies on the past results to predict future expectations. But, if a company is new, there is a limited amount of data to make predictions. Even so, past results do not always indicate what the future sales will be.To fully understand this topic, we will work out this example.Example 2We will consider the actual arrival of passengers from an airport over the year 1949 to 1960. From these data, we will make a forecast.The first step is to plot the data and obtain descriptive measures such as trends or seasonal fluctuations.The second step is to check for the stationarity of the time series.StationarityA time series is said to be stationary if its mean and variance does not change over time. Obviously, not all the time series that we encounter are stationary. It is important because, most of the models we work on, assumes that the time series is stationary.If the time series has the same behavior over time, there will be a high probability that it will follow the same trend in the future.How to check for stationarity?For the graph that was plotted, we can see that it has an increasing trend with some seasonal pattern. But, it is not always evident to see whether a plot is increasing or has a seasonal trend. We can check for stationarity using the followingPlotting rolling statisticsWe plot the moving average or variance and see whether it changes with time.But, as it is a visual technique, we will take more consideration for the next test.Dickey-Fuller testIt is one of the statistical methods to check for stationarity. The null hypothesis is that the time series is non-stationary, and the alternative hypothesis is the converse.As shown below, the test consists of the test statistics a nd critical values at different significant levels. If the test statistics is less than the critical value, we reject the null hypothesis.Results of Dickey-Fuller Test Test Statistic 0.815369p-value 0.991880Lags Used 13.000000Number of Observations Used 130.000000Critical Value (1%) -3.481682Critical Value (5%) -2.884042Critical Value (10%) -2.578770According to the Dickey-Fuller test, the test statistics is less than the critical value. Therefore, the time series is not stationary.However, there are various methods to make a time series stationary.How to make a time series stationary?The assumption of stationarity is very important when modelling a time series, but most of the practical time series are not stationary. Eventually, we cannot make a time series one hundred percent stationary, most of the time, it will be with a confidence of 99%.Before going into detail, we will discuss on the reasons why the time series is not stationary.There are two major reasons to that, trend and seasonality.Having discuss the reasons, we will now talk about the techniques to make the time series stationaryTransformationLog transformation is probably the most commonly used form of transformation.DifferencingDifferencing is a widely used method to make the time series stationary. It is performed by subtracting the previous observation from the current one.When making the forecast, the process of differencing must be inverted to convert the data back to its original scale. This can be done by adding the difference value to the previous value.Using the Dickey-Fuller test we can see that the test statistic is -2.717131 and that the critical values at 1%, 5% and 10% are -3.482501, -2.884398 and -2.578960 respectivelyThe time series is stationary with 90% confidence. The second or third order differencing can be done to get better results.DecompositionIn decomposition, the time series is divided into several components mainly trend, cyclical, seasonal and irregular components.The time series can sometimes be broken down into an additive or multiplicative model.We will assume a multiplicative model for our example.Since the trend and seasonality were separated from the residuals, we can check the stationarity of the residuals.Results of Dickey-Fuller Test is test statistic is -6.332387e+00 and the critical values at 1%, 5% and 10% are -3.485122e+00, -2.885538e+00 and -2.579569e+00 respectively.We can conclude that the time series is stationary at 99% confidence.Now, we can go forward with the forecasting.Forecasting the time seriesWe will fit this time series using the ARIMA model, ARIMA is an acronym that stands for Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average. It is a linear equation similar to a linear regression. The first goal is to find the values of the predictors (p, d, q), but before finding these values, two situations in stationarity must be discussed.A strictly stationary series without any dependence among the values. In this case, we can model the residual as white noise.The second case is a series with significant dependency among the values.The predictors mainly depend on the parameters (p, d, q) of the ARIMA modelNumber of AR(Auto-Regressive) terms (p)It is the number of lag observation that were included in the model. This term helps to incorporate the effect of the past values into the model.Number of MA (Moving Average) terms (q)It is the size of the moving average window, that is, this term sets the error of the model as a linear combination of the error values observed at previous time points in the past.Number of differences(d)The number of times that the raw observations are differenced.In order to obtain the values of p and q, we will use the following two plotsAutocorrelation Function, ACFThis function will measure the correlation of the time series with its lagged version.Partial Autocorrelation Function, PACFThis function measures the correlation between the time series with a lagged version of itself, controlli ng the values of the time series at all shorter lagsIn the ACF and PACF plots, the dotted lines are the confidence interval, these values are p and q. The value of p is obtained from the PACF plot and the value of q is obtained from the ACF plot. We can see that both p and q are 2.Now, that we have obtained p and q, we will make three different ARIMA model AR, MA and the combined model.The RSS of each of the model will be given.AR modelMA modelCombined modelFrom the plots, it is clearly shown that the RSS of AR and MA are the same and that of the combined is much better. As the combined model give a better result, the following steps will take the values back to its original scale.The predicted results are stored.The differencing is converted the log scale. This can be done by adding the differences consecutively to the base numbers.The exponent is taken and is compared to the original scale.Therefore, we have the final result.ReferencesAarshay Jain(2016) A comprehensive beginners g uide to create a Time Series Forecast (with Codes in Python) WWW Available from https// Accessed 14/04/18Maxime Phillot (2017) How do I interpret the results in an augmented Dickey-Fuller test? WWW Available from https// Accessed 23/04/18Jason Brownlee (2016) What Is Time Series Forecasting? WWW Available from https// Accessed 23/04/18Chris St.Jeor and Sean Ankenbruck (2018) Time Series for dummies- The 3 step process WWW Available from https// Accessed 22/04/18Pennsylvania state university (n. d) Overview of Time Series Characteristics WWW Available from https// Accessed 22/04/18
Friday, May 24, 2019
Draft MOU with Diponegoro university Essay
ThisMemorandumof Understanding(MoU) recordstheintentionofDiponegoro University, in particular its Business School, (hereinafter referred to as DU) and the Institute of Management Technology (hereinafter referred to as IMT) to sprain together to establish one or more agreements for transnational. academic collaboration.It is made as a non binding gesture of goodwill in the midst of the deuce institutions. blockage of Agreement ThisMoUshallbecomeeffectiveonthedateoffinalsigningandwillberenewableevery 5 years upon the mutual accept of both parties.This MoU may be revised or cancelledby mutual written consent by the signatories or their designated representatives. Other matters not covered by this Memorandum shall be decided by mutual agreement and may be put in to the conclusion of formal written contracts between us. The parties shall review the operation of this Memorandum on an annual basis. Purpose and Areas of Potential Collaboration DU and IMT share an aspiration to 1. abet the permutation of qualified graduate students, enrolled on their respective(prenominal) postgraduate degree programs, who will be admitted according to the entry regulations of the host institution2. Promote the commute of faculty for control stick t to each oneing and research 3. Promote collaborative research in areas of mutual interest with a view to publishing by joint authorship 4. Organize joint International conferences/seminars, symposia and workshops 5. Develop any other programs mutually agreed upon during the period of this MOU. The development of a collaborative relationship between the parties is subject to A. The approval of the relevant authorities of both DU and IMT and will be subject to norms & procedures of academic standards of both the partner Institutions.B.Obtaining all necessary or prudent governmental, regulatory or other relevant approvals, consents or licenses. The parties agree to the following for the period of this agreement, subject to specific a greement at any particular time Student Ex diverseness 1. The parties shall reciprocation a maximum of 5 graduate students per year, with parity to be achieved over the period of this MoU. If parity is not achieved, the parties agree not to request monetary or other compensation 1. Exchanges shall be arranged for a maximum of two semesters/terms.The period ofstudy maybe followedby aninternship,thearrangementsforwhich shallbeagreedbythepartiesinadvanceofthecommencementoftheexchangeto comply with any endorse regulations 2. Students participating in the program will be accepted as non-award candidatesbythehostinstitution,providedthattheyfulfilltheadmission requirements of the host institution.Since instruction in both the institutions will be conducted in English, students selected for exchange must satisfy- the minimum language requirements normally required by the host institution for exchange students 3. The students shall be selected on the basis of an magnificent academic bac kground, excellent command of the subject-specific language required fortheir integration to the chosen curriculum strongmotivationtostudyforthe academic program offered by the host institution and the maturity to live and study in a foreign environment.4. Students will be nominated and recommended in writing by an official representativeoftheir base of operationsschool/institution. Followingthereceiptofthe application poppycock,thehostschool/institutionwillprovidethenecessary assistance and documentation to satisfy visa requirements and other formalities, much(prenominal) as health insurance 5. The parties will assist exchange students to find suitable accommodation and insurance.Accommodation and mess facilities will be provided at IMT 6. The selected exchange students of DU and IMT shall pay their current tuition feestotheirrespective platefulschool I institution i. e. DU or IMT, prior . to participation in the program, at the dates normally specified by their respective home sc hool I institution for the payment of such fees 7. The parties will agree in advance the credits that exchange students will be required to take.Non-award race work may not be used at a later time to fulfill requirements for a degree program, and students may not change academicobjectives 8. All expenses including air fare, local travel, health insurance, accommodation, food etc. will be borne by the student. Faculty Exchange, Research and Conferences1. The parties shall exchange an agreed account of faculty members and specialists basedontheavailabilityofopeningsandthenumberofqualifiedfaculty members interested in participating in the program 2. Exchange faculty will remain employees of their home institution for the purposes of terms and conditions of employment3. The home institution shall cover international travel expenses while the hostinstitution shall, on the basis of reciprocity, cover local transportation, accommodation and hospitality for exchange of faculty. Otherdetai ls,including the financial arrangements, will be agreed on a case to case basis4. No later than ninety (90) days before the start of each academic year both partieswillpresentalistofnominatedfacultymembersalongwiththeir credentials to each other for participation in the program for the upcoming academic year- 2011-12 5. The parties agree to organize joint international conference/seminars, symposia andworkshops commission joint research projects and exchangeof publications.Governance and leadership The Director of IMT-Nagpur, Dr. Rajendra Nargundkar and the Professor-Faculty of Economics- Dr. Waridin of Diponegoro University, Indonesia or their designees will provide the senior leadership within their respective organizations to playact the venture forward.Exchange of information Each party will exchange information with the other with a view to understanding whether it would be effective and interoperable for the institutions to work together. Confidentiality ThisMemorandumandany informationprovidedinconnectionwithitmaynotbe disclosedtoanythirdpartyotherthan(a)thepartiesprofessionaladvisers(b)asrequired by law or a relevant regulatory authority (c) with the prior written consent of the other party or (d) where the information has come into the public domain through no fault of the party wishing to disclose it.Intellectual Property Unlessagreedotherwiseinwriting,anyIntellectualPropertyrightsbelongingtothe parties,whetherinexistenceatthedateofthisMemorandumorcreatedduringthe course of it, shall belong to the respective parties. Publicity 1. The parties will not include the name or logo of the other party in any advertising or publicity material without the prior approval of the other party on a case-to-case basis. 2. Neither party will do anything which in the reasonable opinion of the other, would trauma the others reputation and/or business. Disputes 1. The parties shall attempt to resolve in good faith any deviation arising between them out of the operati on of this Memorandum. If the struggle cannot be resolved informally, it shall be referred to the Head of the Business School of DU and the Director of IMT- Nagpur Dr. Rajendra Nargundkar. 2. This Memorandum shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws in India/Indonesia.3. Any dispute arising out of the operation of this Memorandum shall be finallysettled by arbitration under the Rules of Arbitration and Conciliation of the International Chamber ofCommerce by two ormore arbitratorsappointed under those rules. The place of arbitration shall be New Delhi and the dispute resolution proceedings shall be in English.This MOU is signed by the parties on this 17th day of September 2010 at Nagpur (India) and the parties have affixed their Seals. ForINSTITUTEOF MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY- NAGPUR. (Dr. Rajendra Nargundkar) Director. SEAL For DIPONEGORO UNIVERSITY, SEMARANG-50241, INDONESIA. (Dr. Waridin) Professor- Faculty of Economics.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Reality TV and Morality
Invention of television is a product of a spectacular brain who has a great model on everybodys life nowadays, some of them are mortal, some of them are like brain-washing and some are exactly a little just because of globe televisions. This reality television changes the concept of reality in pots theme. Television first started as our eye for outer world which we dont know about and for being informed which we shadow say a tool but now it is just our aim to be on television. So this is forming obsessed brains which causing death of morality as Rushdie says.First of all, main reason why people are joining these reality programmes is just the perplexity of being rich and famous which are the most two important nonions in western society in these days (Rushdie, 2010, p. 63). Contestants are doing bizarre and trouble just for obtaining wealth and fame, like a guy fried his hand at American Survivor (Rushdie, 2010, p. 63). This leads us Rushdies thesis good to be bighearted (R ushdie, 2010, p. 64) from which it is comprehensible that people acts like mindless zombies like the hand frying guy. Good to be bad refers to a lot of other things too like being selfish just for winning prize and being double faced in the competition. So it forms a question in mind do you really need to be talented to win these competitions? Absolutely no (Rushdie, 2010, p. 63). You just need to play the game with its corrupted rules. One of the biggest evil issues is the first death on television (Rushdie, 2010, p. 64) which negates the most basic natural right that we have. Moreover, it is need to define what morality is. It distinguishes good and bad.However, good to be bad ignores it completely. As it became a common ritual to watch television in home with the whole family, children will be affected heavily by these programmes and extension by generation the spirit of morality will change or collapse. However producers dont care others much, they just need ratings, big artic les in newspapers next day after the show just for their name to be written on those piece of papers. These producers are enough blind and shallow that they cant see influence of these programmes on society, so we are being acted like a guinea pig.They are just damaging societys mental stability and pushing them act immoral in their lives without consciousness with injecting these awkward behaviours by their programmes. So basically contestants and producers are becoming famous without doing anything else. This is just an unfair way of tricking people and paralyzing them in front of television and even it annihilates our understanding of morality. Furthermore, in that location is another point of view which is not able to not to take into consideration about those poor contestants.Poniewozik tells that Isnt there something simply slander with people who enjoy entertainment that depends on ordinary people acquiring their heart broken, being told they cant sing, or getting played fo r fools? (Poniewozik, 2010, p. 70). It is really sad that some people are enjoying with this stuff. As spectators are the people who watch television in their home, it is acceptable to say that, there are lots of already diseased brains which are exempt of notion of morality. Everyone can speak out children will be affected more than everyone.They will be lost while they are searching their personalities and it is a high odd that they canalise to wrong role models for their life. So they are the main and the weakest victims. Something must be done to avoid for our future generation not to get attracted by those programmes or they should be aware while watching those television programmes or it is fatal that humanity will lose the judgement ability. As a result, these estimates show us that reality tvs are really dangerous and causes death of morality.These un-realistic programmes are being watched nowadays and spectators dont have any idea what they are watching. Its clear that r eality tvs are absurd and not worth to watch. However there are no ways to avoid watching them because we can not limit or cut television sells. Immoral behaviours will increase day by day if this problems goes on, there will be serious behaviour malfunctions in society. Some can say not to watch them but it will just enter from left-hand(a) ear and fly out from right ear. Its able to see that Rushdie is right with his arguments so its clear that reality tv is a regret.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
How Texting Affects Our Life Essay
There is no denying that instant school text messaging is very important in our live. Most of us could not even imagine our daily life without texting. This is the quickest and easiest method of communication, most normal among young people. Several years ago to suddenly coordinate with friends was quite difficult, especially when our friends lived in different part of the city. Currently we need only a few minutes to send them all messages in the shoot of an eye to determine where and what we will do. Text massages helps us a lot, yet seems to me that in some sense also limit our ability to conduct interviews in private. Some people use short messages to break out the relationship or even layoff someone from work. Texting is also changing the importance of grammar and correct spell out and the most importantly it easily distract us very quickly.People who use text messages often are more likely to lose the attire of conversation in private. When we talking with someone throug h text messages, our ability to decipher what they mean, the emotion in their words is curtailed. For example, when a teenage girl is receiving a text message from her boyfriend, which Includes words like I love you, I missed you, etc., she might be exited, but she wont be reliable if that is sincere. But if the same words are spoken face to face, they will be able to decipher their body language and right or vilify intentions.Texting has also negative consequences when it comes to grammar and spelling, because people simply do not know how to write formally and accurately. Grammar, spelling, syntax, abbreviation, they do not matter anymore, which is why texting is more popular in the younger generation. For example, a teenager who is used to write informally is more likely to fail grade in formal writing exam. When a word from a text messages is used in an inappropriate situation, like business email, it may seem unprofessional or simply be understand as a lack of intelligence.T he most important reason why I believe texting affect our lives is because it easily distracts us. When you are always trying to be in two places atonce, you are really not in neither. For example, if we are sitting in class, the teacher is talking, and someones phone goes off. Everyone looks close to wildly and the person does all he or she can to try to silence the phone. Some may wonder who could text student during school hours, but most likely was another student texting to each other. That student tried to pay attention in class and at the same time text someone else. As a result he has learned nothing and scattered the attention of other students.Texting seems to be not harmful at start-off glance. However, after careful consideration of the topic is worth considering frequent use of texting. Subconsciously may be the cause of many unwanted and unnecessary problems.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
English 101 Grit Essay
If Grit, as defined as a measure of perseverance and the way to achieve a long term goal to succeed in college, then who needs family support and resources? Angela Duckworths system of Grit is based on an area of psychology research that determines how to be successful in college. Duckworths supposition argues that having Grit or perseverance is the chief(prenominal) force that will pull students through with(predicate) to complete college.While I opine Duckworths theory to be useful and that having Grit can be key to unitarys success in college completion, I do believe that it is the backbone to many other traits and breakside influences important to succeed in college. In the case of Donna Beegles Story, I cogitate that Duckworths theory would be only fair useful to understand her success. In the article, An Insiders Perspective The Donna Beegle Story, Beegle tells her experience of overcoming extreme poverty and beating all told odds and achieving a doctorate.During he r road to success, Beegle had many outside influences that were the key to those achievements. She reached out to a Community natural action Agency that really opened the doors for her and started a rippling effect towards key resources and influential people. First and foremost, the biggest stepping rocknroll for her was when the agency connected her to the WIT (Women in Transition) program. Beegle states, With an enormous step of support from the WIT program supply and my family, I entered the community college to work on a two-year degree. (246)In addition to the WIT program, Beegle states, The one thing that kept me from giving up was the Section 8 public lodgment certificate from the Portland living accommodations Authority given to me by the WIT program. (246) Beegles statement proves one of my points, that if it was non for that resource, she would have not have been keystonety enough to continue her education. For people like Beegle, a GED was just not in the realm of capabilities for her, without those resources, she would not have been adapted to persevere to that point and beyond with her education. Secondly, lets mete out her family.Her family played a huge role to her success as well. Beegles parents watched her children while she attended college, and gave her the penury and praise she needed to keep going. In addition Beegles brother Wayne provided an unusual and unexpected beat of support that led her to complete her two-year degree. Wayne was incarcerated for twelve years during those years he had an endless amount of time to read and choke something Beegle describes as middle- class literate. (248) It was her brother, who through letters back and forth amid the two, helped her understand her assignments.Therefore, its her familys support and help from her brother that allowed her to persevere. In addition to all of the resources and family support, Beegle was lucky to have crabbeded paths with a language specialist by the nam e of Dr. Bob Fulford. Fulford was the mentor in Beegles life that made a huge impact on her educational success. He went beyond his job as a professor of the university she attended, and really took the time to work with her and guide her through academician achievement and personal affairs. He also taught her how to write and corrected her speech.On top of that support from him, he also linked her to a network of professionals in the community who continues to widen my range of possibilities. (249) I believe Fulfords guidance and encouragement were the key element to Beegles success. If it was not for him and other mentors like him believe in her and recognizing she was not stupid, she would not have the chance to better her education. For some people, Duckworths theory of Grit and perseverance is just not enough to get a college student through to college completion. correspond to Beegle, mentors, middle-class language (247) and people seeing her for where she was were keys to m y educational success. For me personally, if I did not have my family, financial aid and the Womens Program at Highline Community College, I really dont opine I would be able to manage. raze if I had Grit, there are road blocks like child care and having affordable housing that make it possible for me to stay in college. In my experience, mainstay has helped tremendously when combined with the other elements in my life.For example, I recently helped my mother move from her apartment she has been in for over 24 years, to her home she presently owns. Between my brother and I and just a few friends, we spent weeks of packing, updating the new set up and unpacking. It was grit that helped me through doing this huge move while still making it to class every day, crook in all my homework, and acing two quizzes. I was determined to make school a priority over all the other important events that were going on around me.However, some might argue how grit played a major role in Beegles and my own story, especially when faced with a big disadvantage such as poverty and severe lack of proper education and in my case, a single parent. They may produce that the only way to overcome those obstacles is to persevere through it. Its true that wanting an education and a better life is what will make someone become gritty. It is my Grit that has helped me in my classes there have been assignments that have made my eyes go cross and makes me feel like I just want to give up.But my inner grit comes out and I think of the long term and what I want for my daughter and I. It is those moments when I can say Duckworths theory is useful to my situation but not in the grand scheme of things. With grit alongside with these other elements, one can be successful. So in conclusion, I do think having Grit plays a big part in ones success to college completion or at least it is a great supporting factor.Do I think All I need is Grit and I can get a degree? No.What I think is, grit can h elp through the hard times, when you feel like giving up, persevere through those obstacle and find another way to get to where you want to go. It is that inner quality of grittiness that will see someone on their journey. Like Beegle states, With subsidized housing, food stamps, mentoring from numerous people, and the support and encouragement of family and agencies, I was able to move forward and become educated. (248) for me and others alike, Grit is only one piece of the 500 piece puzzle.
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